When command-line option mode=1 or mode=2 (aka 2-channel mode, either interleaved or separate, respectively), a MonarchException is thrown from Monarch.cpp:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'MonarchException'
what(): unable to write a header with acquisition mode <2> and format mode <0>
The Acquisition Mode correctly corresponds to the 2-channel request. However, the Format Mode is 0, when it should be 1 or 2, respectively (0 should only be there for single-channel running)
When command-line option mode=1 or mode=2 (aka 2-channel mode, either interleaved or separate, respectively), a MonarchException is thrown from Monarch.cpp:
The Acquisition Mode correctly corresponds to the 2-channel request. However, the Format Mode is 0, when it should be 1 or 2, respectively (0 should only be there for single-channel running)