projectatomic / atomic

Atomic Run Tool for installing/running/managing container images.
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atomic mount read-write mode broken in atomic-1.22.1 version #1222

Closed navidshaikh closed 6 years ago

navidshaikh commented 6 years ago

latest version: atomic-1.22.1-1.gitd36c015.el7.centos.x86_64 Working version: atomic-1.20.1-9.git436cf5d.el7.centos.x86_64

Functionality broken: atomic mount -o rw $IMAGE $MOUNTPOINT



$  yum install atomic
$ docker pull
$ atomic mount -o rw /mnt
$ touch /mnt/foo
touch: cannot touch ‘/mnt/foo’: Read-only file system 

Expected behavior: With working version mentioned, mounted an image with rw option, the image will be mounted in read write mode.

navidshaikh commented 6 years ago

The older version of atomic will give the warning about not supported OverlayFS backend and returns with exit status 1

# rpm -q atomic

# atomic mount -o rw /mnt
The OverlayFS backend does not support writeable mounts.

# echo $?

while the latest version doesn't warn about not supported OverlayFS backend and returns with exit status 0

# rpm -q atomic

# atomic mount -o rw /mnt

# echo $?
rhatdan commented 6 years ago

@baude @giuseppe PTAL

giuseppe commented 6 years ago

PR here:

navidshaikh commented 6 years ago

@rhatdan : Sinceoverlay2 is recommended and default storage option, we had to use devicemapper option for writable writable mounts (for atomic scanners).

What are recommendations on using devicemapper in production?

Writable mounts could be a possible use case, are there plans for overlay2 to support writable mounts ?

rhatdan commented 6 years ago

@navidshaikh Why do you need writable mounts for scanning? You should not be writing to the rootfs?

navidshaikh commented 6 years ago

Why do you need writable mounts for scanning? You should not be writing to the rootfs?

@rhatdan : We have a scanner which checks if there are available yum updates for image_under_test using

yum -q check-updates --installroot=$IMAGE_MOUNTPOINT

yum creates lock file in target $IMAGE_MOUNTPOINT to process updates. Given a read-only filesystem it complains

ovl: Error while doing RPMdb copy-up:

[Errno 30] Read-only file system: 

Could not create lock at /scanin/_e60c69716e424d7bd4bad0bf2c9aa82eb98ed860db418846db2c1c32741f9f8c/var/run/ 

[Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/scanin/_e60c69716e424d7bd4bad0bf2c9aa82eb98ed860db418846db2c1c32741f9f8c/var/run/' 

Can't create lock file; exiting
rhatdan commented 6 years ago


giuseppe commented 6 years ago

can you mount the container and then add a tmpfs on top of it with overlayfs? That should solve the issue you have seen

navidshaikh commented 6 years ago

and then add a tmpfs on top of it with overlayfs

@giuseppe : Can you please help clarify "add a tmpfs on top of it with overlayfs"? As in, how to add another tmpfs on a mounted container?

giuseppe commented 6 years ago

@navidshaikh yes exactly, or you can use a temporary directory as the upper layer, something like:

mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=mounted-container,upperdir=/tmp/somewhere/up,workdir=/tmp/somewhere/wd mounted-writeable
rhatdan commented 6 years ago

Perhaps that is something we could automate in the command, although we would have to point out that changes will be lost when the container is umounted.