The advanced search forms, facet + constraint overrides, and multi-select fact query building are now present upstream in blacklight and not needed here. After this PR, the remaining functionality in this gem is:
parsing boolean queries within a search field
"legacy" redirects from old adv search queries to the newest style
"customization" of the solr query used to construct the advanced search (using form_solr_parameters etc)
Upgrade guide
Remove advanced search controller + helper overrides. (e.g. include BlacklightAdvancedSearch::Controller in CatalogController)
The advanced search forms, facet + constraint overrides, and multi-select fact query building are now present upstream in blacklight and not needed here. After this PR, the remaining functionality in this gem is:
etc)Upgrade guide
include BlacklightAdvancedSearch::Controller
)//= require 'blacklight_advanced_search'