projectblacklight / blacklight_advanced_search

Advanced search plugin for Blacklight
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Adding facets to advanced search 6.x messes up the @documents variable #64

Open sandbergja opened 7 years ago

sandbergja commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

When I add the following lines into my catalog_controller, the @documents variable that is passed to my citation view and the bookmarks display suddenly includes every single document in my solr index(!) This had not been a problem with Blacklight and advanced_search 5.x; only ran into it when I upgraded both to 6.x. I am using rails 4.2, by the way.

        config.advanced_search = {
          :form_solr_parameters => {
            "facet.field" => ["format", "language_facet"],
            "facet.limit" => -1, # return all facet values
            "facet.sort" => "index" # sort by byte order of values

Steps to reproduce:

  1. rails _4.2.5_ new not_working
  2. cd not_working
  3. Add gem "blacklight_advanced_search", '~> 6.0' and gem 'blacklight', '~>6.6' to your Gemfile.
  4. rails generate blacklight_advanced_search and rails generate blacklight:install --devise
  5. rake db:migrate
  6. Add those lines (or something similar; I have tried different values for all of the facet.* configurations) to catalog controller.
  7. Try visiting bookmarks, where you will note that every single document in the index is suddenly visible in your bookmarks!
  8. Try going to localhost:3000/catalog/some_document_id/citation. You'll not that it returns citations for the first 10 documents in your index, rather than the requested document.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help!

afred commented 7 years ago

Not sure if this is related, but I'm finding that having an advanced field named "format" really screws things up.

This is because blacklight_advanced_search uses Rails URL helpers to generate urls. When you pass in a hash to the URL helpers that has, say {"format" => "some_value"}, it will append .some_value to your URL.

For me, this was creating some broken links that, when followed, would result in a ActionController::UnknownFormat error. But I imagine it could cause other strange chaos as well.