projectblacklight / spotlight

Spotlight enables librarians, curators, and others who are responsible for digital collections to create attractive, feature-rich websites that highlight these collections.
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Install deps before running tests #3024

Closed jcoyne closed 2 weeks ago

jcoyne commented 2 weeks ago

This didn't seem to fix the problem I was targeting:

          run  bundle binstubs bundler
       rails  importmap:install
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Ruby/3.2.4/x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/bundler-2.5.14/lib/bundler/definition.rb:594:in `materialize': Could not find rails-, sprockets-rails-3.5.1, sqlite3-1.7.3-x86_64-linux, puma-5.6.8, importmap-rails-2.0.1, turbo-rails-2.0.5, stimulus-rails-1.3.3, debug-1.9.2, web-console-4.2.1, actioncable-, actionmailbox-, actionmailer-, actionpack-, actiontext-, actionview-, activejob-, activemodel-, activerecord-, activestorage-, activesupport-, railties-, sprockets-4.2.1, irb-1.13.2, reline-0.5.9, bindex-0.8.1, rdoc-6.7.0, io-console-0.7.2, psych-5.1.2, stringio-3.1.1 in locally installed gems (Bundler::GemNotFound)