projectcalico / calico

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Blocked access from pods in the host network namespace #1987

Open juissi-t opened 6 years ago

juissi-t commented 6 years ago

We're using Calico 3.1.1 as our NPC along with flannel+wireguard for our basic networking.

We have an issue where one of our teams makes use of kubectl proxy as part of their deployment process.

They can add a policy the allows traffic from the kube-system namespace, and I can see calico-nod does what makes sense on the node. There are ipset entries for each pod inkube-system`, including for the kube-apiservers, which run in the host network namespace, and are therefore included with the host IP from the primary NIC.

Unfortunately, traffic from pods in the host network namespace instead enters via the flannel.wg interface, and so appears instead to come from the IP address on this interface (always 10.1.x.0 in our case).

I can add cidrBlock rules for every possible 10.1.x.0/32 address, but this feels like quite a kludge.

Is this something that could be addressed by Calico?

Expected Behavior

Create a new network policy to a service in the default namespace which allows access from kube-system namespace (where kube-apiserver lives). When connecting to the cluster using kubectl proxy, the service in the default namespace is accessible.

Current Behavior

The service in default namespace is not accessible.

Possible Solution

For any host networked pods, perhaps Calico could also add network policy rules which match the overlay network interface?

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Using Canal (Flannel 0.10.0 + wireguard for networking, Calico 3.1.1 as NPC), create a new network policy to a service in the default namespace. Allow access to this service from kube-system namespace, where kube-apiserver resides:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
    name: admin-console
    namespace: default
    app: admin-console
      app: admin-console
    - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
          name: kube-system
  2. Run kubectl proxy.

  3. Try to connect to the service:

    % curl --max-time 5 --verbose
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 8001 (#0)
    > GET /api/v1/namespaces/default/services/http:admin-console:80/proxy/ HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Accept: */*
    * Operation timed out after 5004 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
    * Closing connection 0
    curl: (28) Operation timed out afteI0518 14:27:21.675696    5602 logs.go:49] http: proxy error: context canceled
    r 5004 milliseconds with 0 bytes received


One of our development teams uses proxy access as part of their deployment process and this blocks their work in implementing network policies.

Your Environment

caseydavenport commented 6 years ago

For any host networked pods, perhaps Calico could also add network policy rules which match the overlay network interface?

Unfortunately this isn't quite so simple. There may be multiple host-networked services with different policy requirements on the same host, all of these share the same IPs and interfaces, and so it's hard to isolate them simply by applying rules to an interface.

There is a related issue here which might help implement something like this:

at0rvk commented 4 months ago

We see this issue with operators, the kube-apiserver tries to call a webhook that runs in the namespace of (in our case) the mariadb-operator. Because the vxlan.calico interface ip address (used as src ip by the kube-apiserver) is not included in the generated ipset, the kube-apiserver is unable to call the webhook.

I imagine this could be a problem for many operators that rely on validating admission webhooks.