projectcaluma / caluma

A collaborative form editing service
GNU General Public License v3.0
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RFC: Cloud Native Deployment #2175

Open hairmare opened 2 months ago

hairmare commented 2 months ago

This RFC aims at describing the requirements needed to run Caluma in a "cloud native" way, aka on Kubernetes.

The aim of the RFC is not to invent something new, but rather to document proper guidelines on how to build Caluma for and run it on modern container orchestrators. It is assumed that this work will carry over to other solutions, like the existing docker stack or other runtimes like Podman, etc.

If implemented we would...

This would help us reach the following goals

In this RFC there are a few standard solutions from the CNCF ecosystem and elsewhere that are to be adopted.

Base Images

As base image, this RFC proposes adopting what the author would describe as a modern UBI stack based on UBI9 minimal. As a runtime stack, it would only be used for building packages where this is relevant to the final results (e.g. wheels).

Proposed is the following tree of images.

The images in () aren't in scope of this RFC but can implemented if needed.

cosign, SBOM, the "Sec" bits of DevSecOps

We use cosign from sigstore to sign all OCI content. This allows end users to verify that container images were built on a github action worker and based on a a specific pipeline and to ensure that they were not tampered with in transit. Similar to Lets Encrypt's transparency log, it provides and independent ledger of signatures for further validation purposes with rekor.

Implementing sounds complex enough to warrant an RFC of it's own, luckily everything we need is provided by the community in a well polished manner. This includes running simple non intrusive security scans with Trivy that help catch obvious defects, this SBOM will also be provided to cosign, so it's results can independently be verified.


Helm should be well known and loved already, this RFC whats to modernise how we treat Helm charts. The news are.

By hosting individual Helm charts for Caluma subprojects and Caluma in their respective repos we can simplify the lifecycle of the charts and detect breakage earlier. An additional benefit of this setup can also be that we will have deployed versions of individual services available at build time where they could be used for end to end testing.

The umbrella chart in the now otherwise empty projectcaluma/charts repository would also be published as OCI artifact. For the time being we would keep the current index.yaml based setup for backwards compatibility reasons as it can still be a sensible choice for the main chart in many environments.

From an orga pov, this would look as follows:

├── charts
│   └── charts
│       └── caluma/...
├── caluma
│   └── charts
│       └── caluma/...
├── alexandria
│   └── charts
│       └── alexandria/...
├── emeis
│   └── charts
│       └── emeis/...
├── caluma-portal-demo
│   └── charts
│     └── caluma-portal-demo/...


Implementing this RFC should document a few key points in the Caluma documentation

Prior Art

The base image and cosign stack, works really well in production at Caluma's fav radio station where i built it years ago and i've used it for a major distro upgrade.

There is also which I just drafted in favor of this approach. A recently merged example of doing one part of what the alexandria PR wanted to do is in


Put in user stories:

Specifically, this should just work :tm:

helm repo add caluma
helm install caluma caluma/caluma

Caluma's users should be able to verify the the artifacts:

$ cosign verify \
  --certificate-oidc-issuer='' \

Verification for --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
  - The cosign claims were validated
  - Existence of the claims in the transparency log was verified offline
  - The code-signing certificate was verified using trusted certificate authority certificates

# ... JSON output here


This RFC proposes that we do some shift-lefting soon hoping that this is aligned with future needs where users often prefer installing an application on Kubernetes if it is well packaged for that purpose.. Done properly, it should help drive Caluma adoption in critical sectors.

The resulting code of this proposal doesn't need a name, given that it it aims to introduce common best practices and infra should vanish once working :)

~I'll try to amend this RFC with some additional links to relevant concepts that i forgot to add over the next few days:~ openssf, slsa, oci, owasp DevSecOps Guidelines. feedback is more than welcome in any case.

hairmare commented 1 month ago

since creating this RFC, i have also written up an internal proposal @adfinis that could serve as the reference implementation for the user side of this solution, including the reporting and SIEM bits that are often required in regulated industries

if need be i can gladly provide more details, but most of it is out of scope for this RFC. i guess, ping me for more info if you have similar reqs...