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Develop a New GUI tool to view Linux turbostat output #1

Open vraghavulu opened 1 year ago

vraghavulu commented 1 year ago

A development project to develop a NEW GUI tool that shows Linux turbostat tool's output in Graphs/Charts

‘turbostat’ is an opensource tool for Linux. turbostat reports processor topology, frequency, idle power-state statistics, temperature and power on X86 processors. The output of the tool is in a CSV format. The generated data needs to formatted and organized to have a graphical visualization as below, which is currently done in XL sheet. Turbostat

A GUI tool (mostly in is required to be developed that shall transform the data in a CSV file to graphs/charts.

The following are the requirements for the GUI tool:

  1. Start the tool in Linux/Windows either as CLI or by clicking Icon.
  2. Option to input turbostat output data file to the tool that needs to be converted into graph (either by cli parameters or menu options).
  3. Convert turbostat raw output in the form of graphs (needs remodeling as number of rows will increase/decrease as per CPU core count)
  4. Generate graphs (CPU usage, system/package temp, etc) using Jupyter
  5. Ability to turn on/off specific statistical item in the graph
  6. Zoom-in/out a range of data in the graph
  7. Compare two sets of data
  8. The GUI tool shall run on Windows and Linux based OS.
saiteja13427 commented 1 year ago

Celadon_Team1 working on this issue.