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Contour is a Kubernetes ingress controller using Envoy proxy.
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Integration test harness survey and notes #2222

Closed jpeach closed 4 years ago

jpeach commented 4 years ago

This issue captures notes, requirements and proposals about an integration test harness.

jpeach commented 4 years ago

xref #1155

jpeach commented 4 years ago

Survey of Existing Ingress Controller Integration Tests

Knative Serving

Nginx Ingress




CSI Conformance testing

Most relevant example for testing core Kubernetes API extension points.

kube-bench (CIS checks)

jpeach commented 4 years ago

There are many harnesses that run end-to-end tests against Kubernetes clusters. This note collects my thoughts about how a Kubernetes test harness should work.

Tests should be Declarative

Some projects write tests directly in Go code. The tests are driven by the Go test runner and rely on a suite of internal helper APIs to reduce the amount of boilerplate code. There are three primary problems with this approach:

  1. Test development is only accessible to project programmers
  2. Too much time is spent learning internal frameworks
  3. It's too hard to understand what tests are doing

Problem (1) reduces the audience of people who are likely to build tests. Problem (2) increases the barriers to entry further, since contributors have to learn bespoke internal APIs to make progress.

A better approach is to express the test in a declarative DSL or data format. A special-purpose tool should execute the test and deliver results. The separation of the tool from the tests allows multiple projects to develop test suites independently (obviously this assumes the tool has good compatibility standards).

Tests should be Stepped

It is common for open-coded tests to just run actions and perform checks with no formal separation between stages. This results in an open-ended debugging process since it is not possible to stop the test at a desired point, nor to easily add instrumentation or additional checks.

Instead, if the test is expressed as a sequence of steps, the harness can pause or stop running the test at any step. Steps can be executed at an arbitrary rate, or reordered as runtime (subject to data dependencies).

Test steps can either be actions (applying an observable change to the cluster) or checks (verifying an expected state in the cluster). Steps can easily be reported to a variety of outputs (test log, CLI, web UI) so the operator can observe status.

Tests should be Debuggable

It is typical to debug Kubernetes end-to-end tests by hacking the test code and supporting APIs to log additional state and progress. The Go test runner has particularly weak support for logging (usually no logs are emitted at all until the test has completed with a failure).

A test framework should be able to inspect the state of tests enough that it can capture and emit information that can help developers triage test failures. This information might include the state of Kubernetes API objects, logs from important pods, HTTP requests and responses, the outcome of specific checks, and so on. Information capture is much easier when tests are structured as sequences of steps since the steps create natural capture boundaries.

Test steps should be Observable

There are many kinds of observability. The questions that a test harness really needs to be able to answer are around "what is happinging now" and "what went wrong". Usually, the harness is executing either and action or a step, and this status can be reported to the user. If a step fails, this is where the harness needs visibility into checks and actions so that it can generate enough information to illuminate the failure.

Some kinds of test runners have little insight into what the test is doing, e.g. observing the exit status of a child process. That is not sufficient for our purpose here. If the harness cannot observe what a test step is doing, then is it hobbled when it needs to collect debug information. So the requirement here is that the test harness should deeply understand the actions taken at each step.

Test Action Types

Test actions are steps that are intended to alter the state of the Kubernetes cluster. The most direct alterations can be made by using the Kubernetes API, but we can imagine actions that operate on the underlying infrastructure (e.g. kill a machine) or operate on external state (e.g. create a target for an externalName service).

Focusing on the Kubernetes API, the harness should be able to perform the following actions:

The obvious way to declaratively express creating a Kubernetes object is with a chunk of YAML. There are various approaches (see kapp, kustomize, kubectl) to applying YAML and checking for status.

Test actions can be expected to either succeed or fail. Successfully applying YAML is the normal case, but it is reasonable to expect failure so that boundary conditions can be tested. Failures may be a direct API server response (e.g. validation failure) or a subsequent failure that is externally observable.

To test the result of a Kubernetes API action, tooling needs to understand something about the type to be able to know status of a Kubernetes object. This means that status detection needs to be built as a library that knows (in principle) about all the types under test. The kustomize kstatus library may be a good start, and we may be able to develop common rules for knows API groups (e.g. anything knative).

Since YAML can be verbose, the test suite could support a library of predefined objects. This, unfortunately, implies that object names need to be uniquified and then propagated to subsequent object references. This risks wading into the swamp of Kuberneted YAML-wrangling tools.

There are a number of ways to update existing objects. In many cases, a Kubernetes strategic merge patch is enough to express the object update. However, as kustomize also supporting RFC 6902 JSON patches shows, strategic merges don't support all useful types of updates.

There's no existing YAML syntax to delete objects.

Test Check Types

In the most general case, checks are arbitrary tests executed against the running cluster. Since checks are arbitrary, they could be just raw Go code, but we can make them more declarative by using the Rego language. This is a declarative syntax that allows the test harness to provide built-in functions and data. There are already a number of tools that apply Rego to Kubernetes objects.

For Ingress controllers, it is essential that checks are able to be expressed as HTTP requests. This could be implicit (as part of the Rego execution environment) or explicit (i.e. a declarative HTTP request). HTTP requests also need to be expressible as sequences so that tests such as "service F receives 20% of requests" can be implemented.

Check Timing Issues

All the systems involved in a Kubernetes cluster are eventually consistent, so the checks need to be resilient to changes in timing. For example, a check that probes for a certain HTTP response may initially fail because the underlying service is not yet ready. Testing the status of a Kubernetes object will fail immediately after an action, but the check should eventually converge to success. The test harness needs to be cognizant of this and implicitly retry the checks with a time bound.

In some cases, there may be deterministic conditions that can be tested after applying an action. In these cases, we can synchronize on the condition before applying the checks. Synchronizing on a condition could be implicit, or it could be expressed as a check itself.

In other cases, we are testing some delayed or emergent effect of an action. We need to be able to write a check that will succeed but is tolerant of some initial failure. For example, a HTTP request to service A succeeds within some timeout. These checks need to be careful of false positives where is is possible for the check to run before the action has been processed.

Test Context

To be able to write tests in a generic way, the harness needs to be able to inject various kinds of test context. For example, a unique test ID that can be used to generate HTTP requests. This mixture of static and dynamic metadata could be used in Go templating, or directly injected into runtime evaluations of Rego expressions or HTTP requests.

Kubernetes Test metadata

The test harnesss should annotate any Kubernetes objects that it creates with a standard set of metadata. At minimum, we need to know that the object was created by the harness. The specific test and test run may also be useful metadata.

Any standard objects that are created as side-effects of the test harness also need to be labeled. This means that the harness should recurse into pod spec templates and inject test annotations.

There are a number of possible uses for Kubernetes metadata:

- clean up state after test runs
- examine objects for test triage
- use as input for checks

Sample Tests

This test that ensures that an HTTP service is resiliant to the termination of its underlying pods.

- Deploy Service A with 2 pods (round robin load balancing)
- Deploy a HTTPProxy targeting Service A
- HTTP response from pod A.1
- HTTP response from pod A.2
- Kill a Service pod
- HTTP response from pod A.1 only
- Wait for 2nd pod to reschedule
- HTTP response from pod A.1
- HTTP response from pod A.3

This test ensures that traffic weighting works as expected.

- Deploy Service A
- Deploy Service B
- Deploy a HTTPPoxy targeting A for 80% and B for 20%
- Run 100 HTTP requests
- Verify weighting from responses


jpeach commented 4 years ago

Closing, since there's no associated action here.