projectdiscovery / dnsx

dnsx is a fast and multi-purpose DNS toolkit allow to run multiple DNS queries of your choice with a list of user-supplied resolvers.
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How to retrieve multiple ANSWER SECTION #614

Open JaveleyQAQ opened 6 months ago

JaveleyQAQ commented 6 months ago

dnsx version:

Current dnsx version 1.2.1 (latest)

Current Behavior:

❯ echo "" |dnsx -silent -a -resp -r, [A] [] ❯ echo "" |dnsx -silent -a -resp -r [A] [] ❯ echo "" |dnsx -silent -a -resp -r [A] [

Expected Behavior:

❯ echo "" |dnsx -silent -a -resp -r, -silent [A] [] [A] []

Steps To Reproduce:

Anything else:

ehsandeep commented 6 months ago

@JaveleyQAQ this looks like multiple query, do you have dig example that returns both answer in single dig query?

JaveleyQAQ commented 6 months ago

@JaveleyQAQ this looks like multiple query, do you have dig example that returns both answer in single dig(挖) query?

I'm unable to retrieve multiple results in the case of Google; it seems that the A records are returned randomly. However, there are indeed multiple A records present. image

ehsandeep commented 6 months ago

@JaveleyQAQ in that case it's already working as expected.

echo | dnsx -resp

      _             __  __
   __| | _ __   ___ \ \/ /
  / _' || '_ \ / __| \  / 
 | (_| || | | |\__ \ /  \ 
  \__,_||_| |_||___//_/\_\

[INF] Current dnsx version 1.2.1 (latest) [A] [] [A] [] 
JaveleyQAQ commented 6 months ago

Indeed, while I may not be fully versed in the intricacies of DNS operations, it's worth noting that performing an online multi-node ping on a target domain name can yield multiple distinct A records, which might not be the case when using standard DNS lookup tools. For instance, you can observe this phenomenon on the ITDOG website, which offers comprehensive ping services across various regions and networks: @ehsandeep

pdelteil commented 5 months ago

How can a ping request will result in multiple A records?

JaveleyQAQ commented 5 months ago

How can a ping request will result in multiple A records?

This indicates that the domain name has multiple A records bound to it, but this situation is generally caused by a Content Delivery Network (CDN). When a domain name has multiple A records, it suggests that the domain is using a CDN for proxy services. Depending on the visitor's location, it will prioritize returning the cache that offers faster access speeds.

Mzack9999 commented 3 weeks ago

@JaveleyQAQ It seems like dnsx behaves as expected, as it returns all A records depending on the resolver providing the response. I guess what you are looking for is performing the request on all provided dns resolvers and aggregating the responses?