projectdiscovery / nuclei

Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner based on simple YAML based DSL.
MIT License
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[issue] Keep executing -exclude templates #299

Closed dwisiswant0 closed 3 years ago

dwisiswant0 commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug I feel a difference when updating nuclei now, which is still executing the -exclude template.

Nuclei version v2.1.1-0.20200911165750-176e3c5b438e

Screenshot of the error or bug Usage consumed:

nuclei -c 200 -l twitter-subs-probes.txt \
  -t cves/ \
  -t default-credentials/ \
  -t dns/ \
  -t files/ \
  -t generic-detections/ \
  -t panels/ \
  -t security-misconfiguration/ \
  -t subdomain-takeover/ \
  -t technologies/ \
  -t tokens/ \
  -t vulnerabilities/ \
  -t workflows/ \
  -exclude technologies/tech-detect.yaml \
  -exclude files/robots.txt.yaml \
  -o twitter-subs-probes_nuclei-results.txt \

The following output is shown:

[missing-csp] [http]
[missing-csp] [http]
[missing-csp] [http]
[missing-csp] [http]
[missing-csp] [http]
[missing-csp] [http]
[missing-csp] [http]
[tech-detect:aem_cms] [http]
[tech-detect:aem_cms] [http]
[tech-detect:aem_cms] [http]
[missing-csp] [http]

As you can see, there is output for tech-detect even tho I've added that template under-exclude.

However, if you look at [INF] ..., the template isn't there. My nuclei-loaded.txt:

                       __     _
     ____  __  _______/ /__  (_)
    / __ \/ / / / ___/ / _ \/ /
   / / / / /_/ / /__/ /  __/ /
  /_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/\___/_/   v2.1.1


[WRN] Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions
[WRN] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage.
[WRN] Error, no templates were found in '/home/dw1/Documents/nuclei-templates/panels'.
[INF] Loading templates...
[INF] [CVE-2020-8115] Revive Adserver XSS (@madrobot & dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2019-7256] eMerge E3 1.00-06 - Remote Code Execution (@pikpikcu) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2017-7529] Nginx Remote Integer Overflow (@Harsh Bothra & @dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2018-14728] Responsive filemanager 9.13.1 - SSRF/LFI (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-19985] WordPress Plugin Email Subscribers & Newsletters 4.2.2 - Unauthenticated File Download (@KBA@SOGETI_ESEC, madrobot & dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2019-11510] Pulse Connect Secure SSL VPN arbitrary file read vulnerability (@organiccrap) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-7209] LinuxKI Toolset 6.01 Remote Command Execution (@dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2019-12461] WebPort 1.19.1 - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (@pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2018-16763] fuelCMS 1.4.1 - Remote Code Execution (@pikpikcu) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2019-8449] JIRA Unauthenticated Sensitive Information Disclosure (@Harsh Bothra) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-5776] Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in MAGMI (Magento Mass Importer) Plugin (@dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-8193] Citrix unauthenticated LFI (@pdteam) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-11248] exposed_pprof (@0xceeb) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2019-6112] WordPress Plugin Sell Media v2.4.1 - Cross-Site Scripting (@dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2018-1247] RSA Authentication Manager XSS (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-12720] CVE-2020-12720 vBulletin SQLI (@pdnuclei - [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2019-11580] Atlassian Crowd & Crowd Data Center - Unauthenticated RCE (@dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2019-15043] Grafana unauthenticated API (@bing0o) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2018-19439] Cross Site Scripting in Oracle Secure Global Desktop Administration Console (@madrobot & dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-16139] Cisco 7937G Denial-of-Service Reboot Attack (@pikpikcu) [low]
[INF] [CVE-2019-14696] Open-Scool 3.0/Community Edition 2.3 - Cross Site Scripting (@pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2018-5230] Atlassian Confluence Status-List XSS (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-8163] Potential Remote Code Execution on Rails (@tim_koopmans) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2018-1000129] Jolokia XSS (@mavericknerd @0h1in9e) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-5418] File Content Disclosure on Rails (@omarkurt) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2019-8451] JIRA SSRF in the /plugins/servlet/gadgets/makeRequest resource (@TechbrunchFR) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-1147] RCE at SharePoint Server (.NET Framework & Visual Studio) detection (@dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2020-11034] GLPI v.9.4.6 - Open redirect (@pikpikcu) [low]
[INF] [CVE-2019-16759] 0day RCE in vBulletin v5.0.0-v5.5.4 (@dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-8091] TYPO3 Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (@dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2019-16278] nostromo 1.9.6 - Remote Code Execution (@pikpikcu) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2019-8982] Wavemaker Studio 6.6 LFI/SSRF (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-3452] CVE-2020-3452 (@pdteam) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-5777] Remote Auth Bypass in MAGMI (Magento Mass Importer) Plugin <= v0.7.23 (@dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-12593] IIceWarp <=10.4.4 - Local File Inclusion (@pikpikcu) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2018-18069] Wordpress unauthenticated stored xss (@nadino) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-9496] Apache OFBiz XML-RPC Java Deserialization (@dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2017-9841] CVE-2017-9841 (@Random-Robbie) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-2140] Jenkin AuditTrailPlugin XSS (@j3ssie/geraldino2) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2017-14849] Node.js 8.5.0 >=< 8.6.0 Directory Traversal (@Random-Robbie) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-17506] Artica Web Proxy 4.30 Authentication Bypass (@dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2020-10204] Sonatype Nexus Repository RCE (@) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2018-2791] Oracle WebCenter Sites XSS (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2017-9506] Jira IconURIServlet SSRF (@Ice3man) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2018-0296] Cisco ASA path traversal vulnerability (@organiccrap) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2019-1010287] Timesheet 1.5.3 - Cross Site Scripting (@pikpikcu) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-15920] Unauthenticated RCE at Mida eFramework on 'PDC/ajaxreq.php' (@dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2020-8512] IceWarp WebMail XSS (@pdnuclei & dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2018-3714] node-srv Path Traversal (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-16662] rConfig 3.9.2 - Remote Code Execution (@pikpikcu) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2018-3760] Rails cve-2018-3760 (@0xrudra) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-8191] Citrix ADC & NetScaler Gateway Reflected XSS (@dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-5902] F5 BIG-IP TMUI RCE (@madrobot & dwisiswant0 & ringo) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-9757] SEOmatic < 3.3.0 Server-Side Template Injection (@dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-19368] Rumpus FTP Web File Manager XSS (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-6287] Create an Administrative User in SAP NetWeaver AS JAVA (LM Configuration Wizard) (@dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2019-19781] Citrix ADC Directory Traversal (@organiccrap) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-3799] Spring-Cloud-Config-Server Directory Traversal (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2005-2428] CVE-2005-2428 testing (@CasperGN) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-3187] CVE-2020-3187 (@KareemSe1im) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-10475] Jenkins build-metrics plugin 1.3 - 'label' Cross-Site Scripting (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2017-10075] Oracle Content Server XSS (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2018-16341] Nuxeo Authentication Bypass Remote Code Execution (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-19908] phpMyChat-Plus XSS (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2019-3396] Atlassian Confluence Path Traversal (@Harsh Bothra) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-10199] Nexus Repository Manager 3 RCE (@) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-9978] WordPress social-warfare RFI (@madrobot & dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2020-2096] Jenkins Gitlab Hook XSS (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2018-13379] FortiOS - Credentials Disclosure (@organiccrap) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-5405] Spring Cloud Directory Traversal (@Harsh Bothra) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-24223] Mara CMS  7.5 - Reflective Cross-Site Scripting (@pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2017-5638] Struts2 RCE  (@Random Robbie) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2019-11043] PHP-FPM & nginx RCE (@geeknik) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-5412] Full-read SSRF in Spring Cloud Netflix (Hystrix Dashboard) (@dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-5284] Next.js .next/ limited path traversal (@Harsh & Rahul & dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2019-2588] Oracle Business Intelligence Path Traversal (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2020-13167] Netsweeper WebAdmin unixlogin.php Python Code Injection (@dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2019-14322] Odoo 12.0 - Local File Inclusion (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-17382] Zabbix Authentication Bypass (@Harsh Bothra) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2017-14537] trixbox 2.8.0 - directory-traversal (@pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2018-20824] Atlassian Jira WallboardServlet XSS (@madrobot & dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-8982] Citrix ShareFile StorageZones Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Read (@dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2018-1271] Spring MVC Directory Traversal Vulnerability (@hetroublemakr) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-7609] Kibana Timelion Arbitrary Code Execution (@dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2019-17558] Apache Solr 8.3.0 - Remote Code Execution via Velocity Template (@pikpikcu) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2020-7961] Liferay Portal Unauthenticated RCE (@dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2019-18394] Openfire Full Read SSRF (@pdteam - [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2020-17505] Artica Web Proxy 4.30 OS Command Injection (@dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2017-7391] Magmi – Cross-Site Scripting v.0.7.22 (@pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-5410] Directory Traversal in Spring Cloud Config Server (@mavericknerd) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-14974] SugarCRM Enterprise 9.0.0 - Cross-Site Scripting (@madrobot) [low]
[INF] [CVE-2019-8903] Totaljs - Unathenticated Directory Traversal (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-16759-1] 0day RCE in vBulletin v5.0.0-v5.5.4 fix bypass (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2018-19386] SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer 11.1. 457 - Cross Site Scripting (@pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2020-9484] Apache Tomcat RCE by deserialization (@dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-2725] Oracle WebLogic Server - Unauthenticated RCE (@dwisiswant0) [critical]
[INF] [CVE-2020-8194] Citrix ADC & NetScaler Gateway Reflected Code Injection (@dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2019-12314] Deltek Maconomy 2.2.5 LFIl (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2018-7490] uWSGI PHP Plugin Directory Traversal (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [CVE-2018-11759] Apache Tomcat JK Status Manager Access (@Harsh Bothra) [medium]
[INF] [CVE-2018-11409] Splunk Sensitive Information Disclosure (@Harsh Bothra) [medium]
[INF] [tomcat-manager-default] tomcat-manager-default-password (@pdteam) [high]
[INF] [grafana-default-credential] Grafana Default Credentials Check (@pdteam) [high]
[INF] [rabbitmq-default-admin] RabbitMQ Default Credentials (@fyoorer & dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [dead-host-with-cname] dead-host-with-cname (@pdnuclei - [info]
[INF] [servfail-refused-hosts] Servfail Host Finder (@mzack9999) [info]
[INF] [cname-service-detector] 3rd party service checker (@bauthard) [info]
[INF] [azure-takeover-detection] Azure takeover detection (@pdnuclei - [high]
[INF] [wadl-files] wadl file disclosure (@0xrudra & manuelbua) [info]
[INF] [git-config] Git Config Disclosure (@Ice3man & pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [apcu-service] APCu service information leakage (@koti2) [low]
[INF] [exposed-svn] Exposed SVN Directory (@udit_thakkur & dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [exposed-kibana] Exposed Kibana (@Shine) [medium]
[INF] [filezilla-exposed] Filezilla (@amsda) [medium]
[INF] [wordpress-tmm-db-migrate] WordPress ThemeMarkers DB Migration File (@dwisiswant0) [info]
[INF] [elasticsearch] ElasticSearch Information Disclosure (@Shine) [low]
[INF] [dir-listing] Directory listing enabled (@_harleo) [info]
[INF] [phpinfo-files] phpinfo Disclosure (@bauthard) [low]
[INF] [web-config] Web Config file (@Yash Anand @yashanand155) [info]
[INF] [cgi-test-page] CGI Test page (@YASH ANAND @yashanand155) [info]
[INF] [error-logs] common error log files (@geeknik) [info]
[INF] [telerik-fileupload-detect] Detect Telerik Web UI fileupload handler (@organiccrap) [low]
[INF] [laravel-env] Laravel .env file (@pxmme1337 & dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [security-txt] Security.txt File (@bad5ect0r) [info]
[INF] [wordpress-directory-listing] Wordpress directory listing (@Manas_Harsh) [info]
[INF] [wordpress-xmlrpc-file] WordPress xmlrpc (@udit_thakkur) [info]
[INF] [druid-monitor] Druid Monitor Unauthorized Access (@0h1in9e @ohlinge) [high]
[INF] [default-sql-dump] MySQL Dump Files (@geeknik & @dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [wordpress-emergency-script] WordPress Emergency Script (@dwisiswant0) [info]
[INF] [public-tomcat-instance] tomcat manager disclosure (@Ahmed Sherif) [info]
[INF] [htaccess-config] HTaccess config file (@Yash Anand @yashanand155) [info]
[INF] [firebase-detect] firebase detect (@organiccrap) [low]
[INF] [wordpress-db-backup] WordPress DB Backup (@dwisiswant0) [info]
[INF] [docker-registry] Docker Registry Listing (@puzzlepeaches) [medium]
[INF] [ds-store-file] Dirctory Listing via DS_Store (@0w4ys) [info]
[INF] [wp-debug-log] WordPress debug log (@geraldino2 & @dwisiswant0) [info]
[INF] [drupal-install] Drupal Install (@NkxxkN) [low]
[INF] [jolokia-instance] Jolokia Version Disclosure (@mavericknerd & dwisiswant0) [low]
[INF] [zip-backup-files] Compressed Web File (@Toufik Airane - & @dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [lazy-file-manager] Lazy File Manager (@amsda) [medium]
[INF] [wordpress-installer-log] WordPress Installer Log (@dwisiswant0) [info]
[INF] [telerik-dialoghandler-detect] Detect Telerik Web UI Dialog Handler (@organiccrap) [low]
[INF] [jkstatus-manager] JK Status Manager (@bauthard) [low]
[INF] [wordpress-user-enumeration] Wordpress user enumeration (@Manas_Harsh) [info]
[INF] [tomcat-scripts] Detect Tomcat Exposed Scripts (@Co0nan) [low]
[INF] [server-status-localhost] Server Status Disclosure (@bauthard) [low]
[INF] [general-tokens] General Tokens (@nadino) [medium]
[INF] [basic-xss-prober] Basic XSS Prober (@nadino) [low]
[INF] [top-15-xss] Top 15 XSS Check (@foulenzer) [medium]
[INF] [wordpress-accessible-wpconfig] WordPress accessible wp-config (@Kiblyn11 & zomsop82 & madrobot & geeknik) [high]
[INF] [jira-unauthenticated-popular-filters] Jira Unauthenticated Popular Filters (@TechbrunchFR) [info]
[INF] [missing-csp] CSP Not Enforced (@geeknik) [info]
[INF] [jira-unauthenticated-projects] Jira Unauthenticated Projects (@TechbrunchFR) [info]
[INF] [front-page-misconfig] FrontPage configuration information discloure (@JTeles) [info]
[INF] [drupal-user-enum-ajax] Drupal User Enumration [Ajax] (@0w4ys) [info]
[INF] [drupal-user-enum-redirect] Drupal User Enumration [Redirect] (@0w4ys) [info]
[INF] [rack-mini-profiler] rack-mini-profiler environmnet information discloure (@vzamanillo) [high]
[INF] [jira-unauthenticated-user-picker] Jira Unauthenticated User Picker (@TechbrunchFR) [high]
[INF] [basic-cors-misconfig-flash] Basic CORS misconfiguration exploitable with Flash (@nadino) [low]
[INF] [jira-unauthenticated-dashboards] Jira Unauthenticated Dashboards (@TechbrunchFR) [info]
[INF] [put-method-enabled] PUT method enabled (@xElkomy) [high]
[INF] [missing-hsts] Strict Tranposrt Security Not Enforced (@Dawid Czarnecki) [info]
[INF] [basic-cors-misconfig] Basic CORS misconfiguration (@nadino) [medium]
[INF] [wamp-xdebug-detect] WAMP xdebug (@e_schultze_) [info]
[INF] [springboot-actuators] Detect the exposure of Springboot Actuators (@that_juan_ & dwisiswant0) [medium]
[INF] [jira-service-desk-signup] Jira Service Desk Signup (@TechbrunchFR) [medium]
[INF] [detect-all-takeovers] Subdomain Takeover Detection (@melbadry9 & pxmme1337) [high]
[INF] [s3-subtakeover] Subdomain takeovee AWS S3 (@manikanta a.k.a @secureitmania) [high]
[INF] [s3-detect] Detect Amazon-S3 Bucket (@melbadry9) [info]
[INF] [linkerd-badrule-detect] Linkerd detection via bad rule (@dudez) [info]
[INF] [gitlab-detect] Detect Gitlab (@ehsahil) [info]
[INF] [clockwork-php-page] Clockwork PHP page exposure (@organiccrap) [high]
[INF] [graphql] GraphQL API (@NkxxkN) [info]
[INF] [jira-detect] Detect Jira Issue Management Software (@pdteam) [info]
[INF] [favicon-detection] favicon (@un-fmunozs) [info]
[INF] [jaspersoft-detect] Jaspersoft detected (@koti2) [info]
[INF] [liferay-portal-detect] Liferay Portal Detection (@organiccrap & dwisiswant0) [low]
[INF] [magmi-detect] MAGMI (Magento Mass Importer) Plugin Detect (@dwisiswant0) [info]
[INF] [linkerd-ssrf-detect] Linkerd SSRF detection (@dudez) [info]
[INF] [werkzeug-debugger-detect] Werkzeug debugger console (@pdnuclei - [info]
[INF] [bigip-config-utility] BIG-IP Configuration Utility detected (@dwisiswant0) [info]
[INF] [weblogic-detect] Detect Weblogic (@bing0o) [info]
[INF] [prometheus-exposed-panel] exposed panel (@organiccrap) [low]
[INF] [netsweeper-webadmin-detect] Netsweeper WebAdmin detected (@dwisiswant0) [info]
[INF] [lotus-domino-version] Lotus Domino Version Extractor (@CasperGN) [info]
[INF] [home-assistant] Detect Home Assistant (@fabaff) [info]
[INF] [sql-server-reporting] Detect Microsoft SQL Server Reporting (@puzzlepeaches) [info]
[INF] [github-enterprise-detect] Detect Github Enterprise (@ehsahil) [info]
[INF] [couchdb-detect] couchdb detection (@organiccrap) [low]
[INF] [sap-netweaver-as-java-detect] SAP NetWeaver AS JAVA (LM Configuration Wizard) Detection (@dwisiswant0) [info]
[INF] [sap-netweaver-detect] SAP NetWeaver Detect (@rakeshmane10) [info]
[INF] [artica-web-proxy-detect] Artica Web Proxy Detect (@dwisiswant0) [info]
[INF] [citrix-vpn-detect] Citrix VPN Detection (@bauthard) [info]
[INF] [google-api-key] Google API Key (@Swissky) [low]
[INF] [credentials-disclosure] Credentials Disclosure Check (@Sy3Omda) [medium]
[INF] [mailchimp-access-key-value] Mailchimp API Value (@puzzlepeaches) [medium]
[INF] [amazon-mws-auth-token-value] Amazon MWS Auth Token (@puzzlepeaches) [medium]
[INF] [http-username-password] Http usernamme password (@nadino) [medium]
[INF] [aws-access-key-value] AWS Access Key ID Value (@Swissky) [info]
[INF] [slack-access-token] Slack access token (@nadino) [medium]
[INF] [microstrategy-ssrf] MicroStrategy tinyurl - BSSRF (@organiccrap) [high]
[INF] [tikiwiki-reflected-xss] Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 5.2 Reflected Cross-site Scripting (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [nginx-module-vts-xss] Nginx virtual host traffic status module XSS (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [wordpress-emails-verification-for-woocommerce] wordpress-emails-verification-for-woocommerce (@random-robbie) [critical]
[INF] [git-config-nginxoffbyslash] Nginx off-by-slash exposes Git config (@organiccrap) [medium]
[INF] [wordpress-wordfence-xss] WordPress Wordfence 7.4.6 Cross Site Scripting (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [wems-manager-xss] WEMS Enterprise Manager XSS (@pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [host-header-injection] Host Header Injection (x-forwarded-host) (@melbadry9) [low]
[INF] [rce-user-agent-shell-shock] Remote Code Execution Via (User-Agent) (@0xelkomy) [high]
[INF] [rce-via-java-deserialization] Java Deserialization [RCE] (@uhnysh) [critical]
[INF] [eclipse-help-system-xss] Eclipse Help System RXSS vulnerability (@pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [cached-pages-aem] Invalidate / Flush Cached Pages on AEM (@hetroublemakr) [low]
[INF] [discourse-xss] Discourse CMS - XSS (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [moodle-filter-jmol-xss] Moodle filter_jmol - XSS (@madrobot) [medium]
[INF] [crlf-injection] CRLF injection (@melbadry9 & nadino & xElkomy) [low]
[INF] [open-redirect] Open redirect Detection (@melbadry9 & Elmahdi & @pxmme1337 & @Regala_ & @andirrahmani1) [low]
[INF] [sick-beard-xss] Sick Beard XSS (@pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [moodle-filter-jmol-lfi] Moodle filter_jmol - LFI (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [oracle-ebs-bispgrapgh-file-read] Oracle EBS Bispgraph File Access (@Alfie Njeru (@emenalf) - [critical]
[INF] [bullwark-momentum-directory-traversal] Bullwark Momentum Series JAWS 1.0 - Directory Traversal (@pikpikcu) [high]
[INF] [couchdb-adminparty] CouchDB Admin Party (@organiccrap) [high]
[INF] [tomcat-manager-pathnormalization] Tomcat Manager Path Normalization (@organiccrap) [info]
[INF] [twig-php-ssti] Twig PHP <2.4.4 template engine - SSTI (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [wordpress-duplicator-path-traversal] WordPress duplicator Path Traversal (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [symfony-debugmode] Symfony Debug Mode (@organiccrap) [high]
[INF] [mida-eframework-cross-site-scripting] Mida eFramework - Cross Site Scripting (@pikpikcu) [medium]
[INF] [ibm-infoprint-directory-traversal] IBM InfoPrint 4247-Z03 Impact Matrix Printer - Directory Traversal (@Harsh Bothra) [medium]
[INF] [springboot-actuators-jolokia-xxe] Spring Boot Actuators (Jolokia) XXE (@dwisiswant0) [high]
[INF] [pdf-signer-ssti-to-rce] PDF Signer v3.0 - SSTI to RCE via CSRF Cookie (@madrobot) [high]
[INF] [liferay-rce-workflow] Liferay RCE Workflow (@dwisiswant0)
[INF] [wordpress-workflow] Wordpress workflow (@Kiblyn11 & zomsop82)
[INF] [rabbitmq-workflow] RabbitMQ Workflow (@fyoorer)
[INF] [grafana-workflow] Grafana Workflow (@pdteam)
[INF] [jira-exploitaiton-workflow] Jira Exploitaiton workflow (@micha3lb3n)
[INF] [artica-web-proxy-workflow] Artica Web Proxy Workflows (@dwisiswant0 & pdteam)
[INF] [netsweeper-preauth-rce-workflow] Netsweeper PreAuth RCE Workflow (@dwisiswant0)
[INF] [springboot-pwner-workflow] Spring Boot Pwner (@dwisiswant0)
[INF] [magmi-workflow] MAGMI Workflow (@dwisiswant0)
[INF] [bigip-pwner-workflow] F5 BIG-IP RCE Workflow (@dwisiswant0)
[INF] [lotus-domino-workflow] Lotus Domino workflow (@CasperGN)
[INF] [vbulletin-workflow] vBulletin workflow (@pdteam)
[INF] [sap-netweaver-workflow] SAP NetWaver Workflow (@dwisiswant0)
[INF] [cisco-asa-workflow] Cisco ASA Pwner (@flag007)
[INF] Using 243 rules (229 templates, 14 workflows)

But, this problem doesn't exist prior to v2.1.1-0.20200823195357-e1fa7285875c.

ehsandeep commented 3 years ago

Hey @dwisiswant0 I see you are running workflows directory which also make use of tech detect templates.

dwisiswant0 commented 3 years ago

Isn't it if wordpress_tech["wordpress"] doesn't appear other than that technology, @bauthard?

dwisiswant0 commented 3 years ago

But tbh, I have often rescan continuously, this has never happened before.

ehsandeep commented 3 years ago

Isn't it if wordpress_tech["wordpress"] doesn't appear other than that technology, @bauthard?

In workflow all tech gets displayed and execute the matched condition, something we will update in future, but for now it works this way only.