projectdiscovery / nuclei

Nuclei is a fast, customizable vulnerability scanner powered by the global security community and built on a simple YAML-based DSL, enabling collaboration to tackle trending vulnerabilities on the internet. It helps you find vulnerabilities in your applications, APIs, networks, DNS, and cloud configurations.
MIT License
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Improve Error logging of unresolved variables #3386

Open tarunKoyalwar opened 1 year ago

tarunKoyalwar commented 1 year ago

Please describe your feature request:

Describe the use case of this feature:

Possible Bug

Investigate if variables are evaluated before/after parsing request

[WRN] [bdsmlr] Could not execute request for : [self-contained:RUNTIME] failed to parse https://{{user}} in self contained request <- [:RUNTIME] failed to parse url <- parse "https://{{user}}": invalid character "{" in host name
tarunKoyalwar commented 1 year ago


mastercho commented 4 months ago

Why this still not implemented?