Closed ZeroDot1 closed 4 years ago
Is work being done on this? @Mzack9999. May I take a stab at it?
We have to check that all the resources used in each source are released correctly before using fdmax
, it may not all be released correctly, I think it is a good exercise, there are some golang
gotchas for defer
, ej. it does not work as expected in iteration blocks.
Can we test this against the new 2.4 release?
@ZeroDot1 Can you try to reproduce this with the latest release?
@bauthard Yeah, I'll take another look at that.
@bauthard Yes, I succeeded reproducing the problem...
[FTL] Could not run enumeration: open /11/ too many open files
[INF] Current Version: 2.4.1
I use a list of currently 1694 URLs to check for subdomains.
Kernel: 5.8.2-arch1-1 x86_64 CPU: Intel Core i5-8600K Memory: 31983MiB Distro: Arch Linux go: 2:1.15-1
Thnka you very much, @ZeroDot1
I don't know if the right thing is to do something about at development level because this is an OS ulimit issue. I think the use of some technice to bypass the ulimit is not correct because is not legitimate it is up the the user the choice of increment this or not.
A quick solution would be to split the lists with the URLs into different files. However, this means a significant amount of additional work when maintaining the lists. With other tools, e.g. Findomain, I don't have this problem because I successfully tested a URL list with 50.000 URLs without any interruption.
While researching for the CoinBlockerLists I tried a lot of tools and solutions. Subfinder is the only solution that can deliver the most subdomains, that's why I use Subfinder a lot. Subfinder is definitely very useful for my work on the CoinBlockerLists, and I really appreciate the work you guys do. Thank you very much.
@ZeroDot1 Could you please give me an URL test file?
@vzamanillo Yes, here is a list of 1261 mixed URLs. File: testurls.txt
It's time to use fdmax, but IMO it should be used as an option. Thoughts?
Yes, it is a good idea to use this as an additional option.
It should be easy to enable it with an option e.g. --fdmax
cat '/URLsToScan.txt' | 'go/bin/subfinder' -config '/Config/subfinder/config.yaml' -t 100 -timeout 1 -fdmax -silent -oD /11/ | tee /URLsToScanDONEsubfinder.txt
Alternatively, it should also be possible to activate the option in the configuration file.
Hi @vzamanillo @bauthard,
Thanks for the update, unfortunately I can't test it at the moment because I have problems with the internet see the following tweet: If my internet works properly again I will test it immediately. Thanks a lot for your work, I appreciate it very much.
Hi @vzamanillo @bauthard,
Bad news, I visited a friend today because the internet is still not working properly in my home to test subfinder. Unfortunately the problem still occurs. Subfinder was compiled from the sources.
Looks like a different error, it is not related to file descriptors limit.
Could you please paste the complete command?
I used exactly the same commands as in the first posting.
cat '/URLsToScan.txt' | 'go/bin/subfinder' -config '/Config/subfinder/config.yaml' -t 100 -timeout 1 -silent -oD /11/ | tee /URLsToScanDONEsubfinder.txt
[FTL] Could not run enumeration: open /home/user/Dokumente/GitLab/coinblockerlistspro/11/ too many open files
I used exactly the same commands as in the first posting.
cat '/URLsToScan.txt' | 'go/bin/subfinder' -config '/Config/subfinder/config.yaml' -t 100 -timeout 1 -silent -oD /11/ | tee /URLsToScanDONEsubfinder.txt
[FTL] Could not run enumeration: open /home/user/Dokumente/GitLab/coinblockerlistspro/11/ too many open files
Oh, I see, sorry.
Hey no problem, we are all humans.
What's the problem (or question)?
While performing an automatic scan, the following problem occurred:
[FTL] Could not run enumeration: open /11/ too many open files
After this message Subfinder stopped working.How can we reproduce the issue?
cat '/URLsToScan.txt' | 'go/bin/subfinder' -config '/Config/subfinder/config.yaml' -t 100 -timeout 1 -silent -oD /11/ | tee /URLsToScanDONEsubfinder.txt
After 1034 URLS the error occurred. I don't know if it is a problem in Subfinder or again a problem with my internet connection.What are the running context details?
,git clone
):GO111MODULE=on go get -v
[FTL] Could not run enumeration: open /11/ too many open files