projecthamster / hamster

GNOME time tracker
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.07k stars 250 forks source link

Hamster for Windows, mobile, web? #57

Closed damluar closed 10 years ago

damluar commented 11 years ago

Hi, is there any hope that Hamster will become available on Windows or mobile or web?

tstriker commented 11 years ago

dunno, would have to rewrite the whole thing and don't have horse power for that :)

tstriker commented 11 years ago

there is a windows port roaming around though - do a google search

olgabot commented 11 years ago

What about a mac port via Fink?

iluminite commented 11 years ago

Hi @tbaugis

First, thank you for the tremendous amount of time and energy you have invested in this project, and of course for sharing your work with all of us and contributing more open source software to the community.

Secondly, for the moment, please ignore any considerations to your time or energy available for this project - let's just assume this is not an issue. With that said, I am curious: what is your level of interest in this topic?

By "this topic" I do not mean a windows port, or a mobile client - the underlying issue here is that of portability. At present, Hamster is not in the least bit portable. This is not a fault of yours or some defect in Hamster, it is just the way it is. You have your world of needs and interests, a desktop environment and computing setup that works well for you, and all of which eventually led to hamster, and which still influences hamster's development. You have written good software that works and meets a critical need, so it is no surprise that it appeals to so many people.

But through all of this, there is one single detail which completely limits Hamster's use, hinders Hamster's growth, and fuels Hamster's bugs, issues in github, and eventually consumes more of your time and energy.. and it is this issue of portability.

In fact, this issue of portability is such a problem, it is incorrect to consider hamster the "linux time tracker", or even the "gnome time tracker".. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the only correct title for Hamster (at present) is "The Time Tracker for Gnome 3, on Linux with dbus".

Hamster is written in python, yet.. Hamster will not run, out of box, on gnome2, let alone XFCE, or KDE, or Hamster will not run on OSX, Android, *BSD, Windows or anything lacking dbus or hamster's other dependencies

Hamster will break if anything outside of this narrow sliver of the open source world is provided.

While the fact that Hamter is like this is completely understandable, this single limitation is a silly one to allow to persist.

Thus, I propose we aim to recreate Hamster such that it is fit for the title: "An Awesome, Open Source Time Tracker"

This title is purposefully generic. Hamster is written in python, python can run more devices and operating systems than can be noted in this comment - Hamster should capitolize on the portability of python! If we were to use this title as our guide, we would spread Hamster further, simplify the codebase, increase functionality, call in more developers, and otherwise revolutionize this awesome project in a way that I believe would more powerfully benefit a much greater user base.

Please note, I am in no way saying "Tom, you should go and do all this work" - to be clear, I am asking you for your input on this topic to gauge your interest, with the hopes that all of this would lead to a community-driven effort to recreate Hamster in a way that is more useful and more accessible to more people.

I can respect your having no interest in this topic, and choosing to put your head down and just keep coding the way you have - I have no desire to force some sort of change on you. With that said, I sincerely hope you are able to give this this topic serious consideration - our success in such a revamp would reduce your overhead while empowering others to contribute in their own way.

There are numerous ways to accomplish something to this effect. As an example, off the top of my head..

The above could be accomplished on the current codebase, without altering functionality. We would then be free to..


tstriker commented 11 years ago

i agree, we could split the code. the current chain of events is following: sqlite implementation - db abstraction - dbus service ---- dbus client - gnome ui

would you suggest to chop that into three parts (sqlite + db abstraction, dbus service + client, gnome ui) each next one depending on previous? there wouldn't be much to refactor - the code is quite loose as it is already - duplication could be solved by using git modules instead of creating yet another package.

the mentality here, though, for me seems to be "If you build it, he will come". i believe that the barrier isn't that high and any champion with motivation big enough, would overcome the initial hurdle.

so my question would be - what is your own motivation? - do you want to create a ui for another DE? if so, i'd suggest starting with frankensteining together whatever model would fit you better and then we could go from that end and looking for compromise and see, to which level the split is necessary. or in other words - don't promise - show!

Toms P.S. below i'm addressing your mail in full - not to fight about it but i thought it might give insight

Functionally, you can achieve everything you mention already:

the suggested outcome seems to me be purely demagogic:

jimwild100 commented 10 years ago

Hi Tom/anyone,

Could you possible explain how i might set up multiple users that feed into a single database that then allows me to have an overview of each and users time?

This application would be perfect for managing time in small design practices where multiple people work on the same project. There are too many other systems out there that deal with the whole works right through to invoicing which is just not necessary.

I also think I would use ssh X window forwarding to allow each 'client' to use the software, this is for mac and windows users and side steps the need for porting the whole package - until of course someone does!

many thanks, Jim.

tstriker commented 10 years ago

@jimwild100 - this would require a separate (possibly, web-based) project. I'd recommend that instead of syncing every individual activity, daily totals are synced. Preferably, one would also be able to specify via preferences, which categories should be exported (so that work and private can mix and not leak)

jimwild100 commented 10 years ago

Thanks Tom,

Yes we don't need to sync in real time for monitoring, a weekly read would be enough. I really need to learn something about SQL databases, but presume it would be as simple as master user creates a new table/DB for this week/moment, then reads each persons tables in turn extracting relevant data, i.e. just one job from all the people, and compiling this into masters own DB/table. If this table is written well it can display in hamster or simply output to really isn't an issue, its time against specific projects that matters and private can just be empty or other entries, even so, this is for work and they should expect their time to be readable, just as it is in reality as they are sat behind me! Thanks again, I'll report my findings should I do anything son this. First was to do a mySQL tutorial, now I know some basic commands... next set up some sample users.

tstriker commented 10 years ago

herrm. forget about tables. as for CSV exports, you can do that already - Overview -> save report in overview's menu and pick CSV

tstriker commented 10 years ago

killing as wishful thinking.