projectharmonia / bevy_replicon

Server-authoritative networking crate for the Bevy game engine.
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Per Component Visibility #304

Open dw-rs opened 3 months ago

dw-rs commented 3 months ago

I'd like the ability to not only be able to define which entities are visible to specific clients (possible with the bevy_replicon::server::VisibilityPolicy) but also be able to define what components are visible for each client. An example: A client can see the stats of his own troops but not the ones of his enemies.

@Shatur and I had a discussion on bevy discord in the the bevy_replicon ecosystem-crates channel. Here is a little summary from what Shatur wrote: The API was originally suggested by @NiseVoid. The idea is to have component access levels via bitmasks like in physics engine. User define their meaning. Some examples:

To achieve this, we assign a mask to each component. Like "send this component only to owner and party members". And assign masks to client entities.

To achieve this we can turn hashset for whitelist policy into a hashmap and for blacklist policy add additional hashmap. Both hashmaps will map entity to its mask for a client. We also need to store last processed value into order to detect changes. So the map will be entity -> (mask, mask).

Should this API be per component or per component group (i.e. per replication rule)?

@UkoeHB and @NiseVoid what do you think of this proposal?

Shatur commented 3 months ago

Thanks, edited with my recent thoughts I added in Discord :)

UkoeHB commented 2 months ago

Hmm I think the most flexible API would be:

For implementation, we need to be careful about whitelist vs blacklist, and what happens if you do set_visibility() and then set_component_visibility() (and then set_visibility() again).

Shatur commented 2 months ago

ClientVisibility::set_component_visibility(entity, component_id, true) gives visibility of only that component.

So you suggesting to have per-component toggle instead of per-group? Like no "Owner", "Party member", just set ComponentId? I think that people who need per-component visibility could use it often and it will be costly for them. It will require a lookup for each component if component-based visibility is active on an entity.

What do you think about something like this? 2 policies: All and List. Inside List we will have default_visibility which is a mask (can be set only on plugin init). And then user can override visibility like this:

client_visibility.visibility_mut(entity) |= GUILD_MEMBER;
client_visibility.visibility_mut(entity) ^= PARTY_MEMBER;

And by default we define VISIBLE and HIDDEN with all 1 and all 0 respectively. It should be quite cheap to check, instead of HashSet we will have a HashMap.

UkoeHB commented 2 months ago

Inside List we will have default_visibility which is a mask (can be set only on plugin init).

Honestly I'm confused how this would work. You have a mask on the entity, a mask on the client, and a mask registered per component..?

Shatur commented 2 months ago

No, no, in the snipped above you don't set a mask on a client. Only on component and on entity. Not entirely sold on this idea, just thinking out loud.

UkoeHB commented 2 months ago

No, no, in the snipped above you don't set a mask on a client. Only on component and on entity. Not entirely sold on this idea, just thinking out loud.

Isn't the goal to have different components visible to different clients? So wouldn't clients need some associated info to do that filtering?

Shatur commented 2 months ago

You configure masks for entities inside ClientVisibility which is client-specific. So you don't set a mask for a client, but set a mask for each entity inside client's ClientVisibility.

UkoeHB commented 2 months ago

Ok that makes sense, basically setting the client's visibility permissions per-entity. And then a component group-based lookup to get permission requirements when replicating an entity's contents.

Also, I think it's fine to continue replicating empty entities if a client has visibility permissions for an entity that don't intersect with any of the entity's components.

Shatur commented 2 months ago

And then a component group-based lookup to get permission requirements

Yes, and the additional lookup should be cheap since it could be index-based.

Also, I think it's fine to continue replicating empty entities if a client has visibility permissions for an entity that don't intersect with any of the entity's components.

You are right! Then we should have component and entity visibility separate. Like you suggested in, but with groups.

Shatur commented 2 months ago

Let's summarize.

Short description

Component visibility will be separate from entity visibility and implemented in the form of groups. After registering a component, the user can assign a visibility mask to it like this (via an extension trait for App):

AppVisibilityExt::set_visibility_mask::<C: Component>(mask: u32) { // ... }

Usage example:

const GUILD_MEMBER: u32 = 0b1;

This means that C will be visible to entities that have GUILD_MEMBER set.

By default, all components are visible to all replicated entities (i.e., all entities have a default mask of all 1's). However, the user will be able to override it:

ClientVisibility::set_component_visibility(entity: Entity, mask: u32) { } // Set groups for specific entity
ClientVisibility::set_default_component_visibility(mask: u32); // Override the default all 1's.

Usage example:

client_visibility.set_component_visibility(entity, GUILD_MEMBER);

If an entity is considered visible but all its components are hidden, an empty entity will be replicated. If an entity is hidden, it won't be replicated even if all its components are visible. Therefore, entity visibility takes priority.


Add extension trait with a resource

To store component groups, we need to introduce a separate resource that will be used by the aforementioned AppVisibilityExt. Let's call it VisibilityGroups for now. It will contain a ComponentId -> u32 mask hashmap.

Adjust ClientVisibility API to add component groups

Currently, visibility lists use a hashset to store entities. To implement this feature, we will need to use a HashMap and store the current mask and the mask from the previous tick (for change detection) as values. The set_component_visibility method will update the hashmap.

For the blacklist, an additional lookup will be required because it only stores hidden entities, while we need to look at visible entities and their masks. I would consider removing the blacklist and keeping only the whitelist (and renaming it to just "list" maybe). I think it makes things easier to work with for both users and third-party crates (for example, bevy_replicon_attributes only supports the whitelist).

Archetypes caching for changes

We iterate over the world for replication and use our cached archetypes. This is where we can cache our component groups as well to avoid a hashmap lookup. When we update archetypes, we will perform a lookup into the VisibilityGroups resource for each component and store the mask into the newly added visibility_group field. The function: Here is where the caching is done: The struct that will have the additional visibility_group field:

Changes replication

After adding the necessary API to ClientVisibility, we will need to add an additional check to see if a component is visible here, in addition to the entity check:

Then, in the same function, we need to check if any new component became visible on an entity here:

Removals caching

We cache removals because the information about the removal may not survive until the next network tick, and we need them grouped by entity. It will be similar to component removals: a lookup into ClientVisibility and store the group in the map:

Removals replication

This will require an additional check here to ensure that the entity is visible to a client:

Final thoughts

I think it's pretty complicated for a beginner, so I think it would be best for me to implement it :D I'm quite busy right now, but I will put it on my TODO list. If anyone want to try to implement it - I can't stop you and will definitely help or answer any questions about the implementation.

UkoeHB commented 2 months ago

LGTM, will require a lot of careful testing as usual.

UkoeHB commented 2 months ago

I came up with a way to support this in bevy_replicon_attributes.

Currently each client can be assigned 'attributes' which are just tags. Then entities an be given 'visibility conditions' which evaluate against client attributes to determine visibility.

To support component-level visibility granularity, we can allow users to assign multiple visibility conditions to an entity for different component masks. Then to compute the aggregate mask, evaluate all visibility conditions against the client attributes and XOR the masks assigned to ones that evaluate true.

For example, an entity might have components {A, B} are visible if Team(1) OR IsSpectator and components {C} are visible if Player(2). Where components {A, B} and components {C} represent two separate masks.

Shatur commented 2 months ago

Sounds great!