Open darksidelemm opened 1 year ago
We probably need to confirm/check/design how to handle this in sondehub as well to make sure it doesn't get dropped (zcheck, other filters). We probably want to add a warning system like sondehub amateur and send that back the client and trip the telemetry_hidden (also missing from sondehub pro)
Turns out the checks for sats=0 aren't actually present on SondeHub-Pro tracker, nor any checks for 0.0/0.0. I guess we've gotten lucky in that the clients are discarding data like this.
I upload the same data I uploaded to rdzsonde issue considering this for future reference or such.
"Here is raw data from V1631304 recorded wih Auto-RX. This sonde had very typical inteference pattern so this is a very good example what is happening."
7B paket being all zeros happens from time to time, that is not unusual, isolated frames, sometimes every 5-10 seconds for a period of time.
Position ECEF(0,0,0) would be rejected by rs41mod
, no position output. This would also mean sats: 00
There are 3 frames with empty 7B packet in the raw data above.
The 7B packet is basically the ublox6 NAV-SOL (0x01 0x06), it contains the ECEF coordinates, and also numSV (numSats).
The frozen 7B packet with position/velocity
lat: 60.70705 lon: 24.22422 alt: 24582.01 vH: 0.0 D: 0.0 vV: 0.0 sats: 00
A few frames before this, the 7B packet already shows 00ffff
before the CRC bytes at the end, and sats drop to zero just before that:
The last 3 bytes (excluding CRC) in the 7B packet are numSats, sAcc, pDOP. Entire frames:
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 [OK]
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 [OK]
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 [OK]
[ 6428] (V1631304) (2.6 V) Sat 2023-10-28 06:51:37.999 (W 2285) lat: 60.70806 lon: 24.22197 alt: 24516.46 vH: 15.1 D: 132.3 vV: 6.0 sats: 09 sAcc: 0.6 pDOP: 2.1 : fw 0x4ef7
[ 6429] (V1631304) (2.6 V) Sat 2023-10-28 06:51:38.999 (W 2285) lat: 60.70797 lon: 24.22217 alt: 24522.42 vH: 15.1 D: 132.3 vV: 6.0 sats: 00 sAcc: 20.0 pDOP: -1.0 : BK 00
[ 6430] (V1631304) (2.7 V) Sat 2023-10-28 06:51:39.999 (W 2285) lat: 60.70788 lon: 24.22238 alt: 24528.38 vH: 15.1 D: 132.3 vV: 6.0 sats: 00 sAcc: -1.0 pDOP: -1.0
That the other two GPS packets 7C and 7D are zero, is very rare. 7C contains time/date (GPSweek, GPSiTOW). There are a few frames with 7C zero in the raw data all in the frozen section.
This would give Sun 1980-01-06 00:00:00.000
, first day of GPS.
Additional info:
Date/Time: Sun 1980-01-06 00:00:00.000
would also be in the JSON output, as long as the position is plausible, even if "sats: 00". Though I would assume, 7C: 00 .. 00 would always mean "no GPS lock" and "sats: 00" in 7B, so auto_rx or sondehub would know that the GPS data is unreliable.
ecef(0,0,0) would mean lat: 180.00000 lon: 0.00000 alt: -6378137.00
That's not a plausible position, middle of earth. This is rejected, i.e. not position output.
SondeHub will block data with a datetime older than 48 hours from 'now' from entering the database, so passing on even this kind of frame shouldn't be a huge issue as it'll just get dropped. I'd consider doing some checks before uploading to confirm the reported datetime from the sonde is within some reasonable range from the receivers local time before uploading however.
Right now we just drop any data with no gps lock on the floor right away. There is some value in recording this data however, and even uploading it to SondeHub - assuming we record the fact that it has no GPS lock appropriately.
Things to check:
I would add the following constraints when handling data with no GPS lock: