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Azure Resource Graph Explorer- ResourceChanges #369

Open cloudtestprove opened 3 months ago

cloudtestprove commented 3 months ago

HI all, I created two public ips, and i'am trying to use the resourceChanges to extract some information about changes creation deletes and so on the subscription.

when i run this query: ResourceChanges | where properties.targetResourceType == "" | extend changeType = tostring(properties.changeType) | extend changedBy = tostring(parsejson(tostring(properties.changeAttributes)).changedBy) | extend timestamp = tostring(parse_json(tostring(properties.changeAttributes)).timestamp)

i got almost all the logs correctly (see attachment) c RESOURCECHANGES but for the changedBy i can't see who creates the public ips and i got value "Unspecified" but if i make even a little update i got my account name in the field of the changedBy.

for a major project we are extracting this values but even for create delete or update we gon unspecified in more than one case.

if someone can explain why this is happening i will really appreciate.

Best regards and thx for your time