There is one important field missing in the documentation for Nessie GC "gc" arguments. This omission causes the expire phase of nessie-gc to fail with the error "Received an UnknownHostException when attempting to interact with a service".
Nessie version: 0.99.0
Trino version: 459
Minio version: RELEASE.2024-08-29T01-40-52Z
I am using Minio as the data lake for my local setup.
Steps to reproduce:
Run expire phase of the nessie-gc tool using minio as the data-lake. java -jar nessie-gc.jar expire -<other args>
Use the s3 arguments provided in the documentation.
Proposed fix:
Nessie-gc has some command arguments for expire phase specific to the data lake ->
For S3:
- s3.access-key-id
- s3.secret-access-key
- s3.endpoint, if you use an S3 compatible object store like MinIO
Here, 1 more argument is needed
Without this argument the s3 data-lake endpoint generated by nessie-gc is aws compatible which in our setup gives "UnknownHostException".
Issue description
There is one important field missing in the documentation for Nessie GC "gc" arguments. This omission causes the expire phase of nessie-gc to fail with the error "Received an UnknownHostException when attempting to interact with a service".
I am using Minio as the data lake for my local setup.
Steps to reproduce:
java -jar nessie-gc.jar expire -<other args>
Proposed fix:
Nessie-gc has some command arguments for expire phase specific to the data lake ->
Here, 1 more argument is needed
Without this argument the s3 data-lake endpoint generated by nessie-gc is aws compatible which in our setup gives "UnknownHostException".