projectwife / mtesitoo-android

Android mobile app for the Tesitoo project
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The application shows the option to agree all the terms without shows the terms #79

Open mariana-mxp opened 7 years ago

mariana-mxp commented 7 years ago



Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start application on mobile in portrait mode.
  2. The user select the option "NEW USER".
  3. The application shows the country options.
  4. The user select the country option.
  5. The application asks for the user's name.
  6. The user fills the user's name and selects "NEXT" button.
  7. The application asks the user's first name.
  8. The user fills the user's first name and selects "NEXT" button.
  9. The application asks the user's last name.
  10. The user fills the user's last name and selects "NEXT" button.
  11. The application asks the user's password.
  12. The user fills the user's password and selects "NEXT" button.
  13. The application asks the user's email.
  14. The user fills the user's email and selects "NEXT" button.
  15. The application asks the user's phone number.
  16. The user fills the user's phone number and selects "NEXT" button.
  17. The application asks the user's street name.
  18. The user fills the user's street name and selects "NEXT" button.
  19. The application asks the user's city.
  20. The user fills the user's city and selects "NEXT" button.
  21. The application asks the user's postcode.
  22. The user fills the user's postcode and selects "NEXT" button.
  23. The application asks the user's zone.
  24. The user fills the user's zone and selects "NEXT" button.
  25. The application asks to user agree all the terms.

Actual behavior: The application does not show the option to read the terms before accept the conditions.

Expect behavior: The application shows an option the view the terms before accept the conditions.

Occur: 100% Number of executions: 1

ptyagicodecamp commented 7 years ago

Action item for Developer:

Try reproducing issue on master branch

If (able to reproduce issue on master branch) {
    Branch out from master branch.
    Name branch <dev-initials>-<quick description about issue>
    Fix issue and Test
    Create a Pull request(PR) and send out for review
    Merge PR into master after Approval.
} else {
   Update this ticket with "Close and comment" that issue is no more reproducible. 
david-r-edgar commented 7 years ago

I defined and implemented an API to retrieve the terms & conditions:

ptyagicodecamp commented 7 years ago

Thanks @david-r-edgar . @gwenpowers : Please feel free to integrate terms & conditions, if you run out of tasks :) Thanks !

gwenpowers commented 7 years ago

Code that I have written is uploaded to Branch Gwen June4. I need help as I cannot get it to work properly.

ptyagicodecamp commented 7 years ago

@gwenpowers : I've created a PR which implements the fetching and showing TOCs to user in alert dialog:

You may to look at this line to see how alert dialog is populated with data fetched from server: