When importing a new turingmachine (and its tape), everything seems to be imported correctly. However, when clicking reset, the tape which existed beforehands is loaded instead of the tape which was last imported. A click on "Load tape" after importing fixes this problem.
1) Import Machine
2) Click "Run" or "Continue" for a few steps
3) Click Reset
1) Tape is reverted and turingmachine is set to initial state
1) Old Tape which existed prior to the import is loaded
When importing a new turingmachine (and its tape), everything seems to be imported correctly. However, when clicking reset, the tape which existed beforehands is loaded instead of the tape which was last imported. A click on "Load tape" after importing fixes this problem.
Reproduction: 1) Import Machine 2) Click "Run" or "Continue" for a few steps 3) Click Reset Expectation: 1) Tape is reverted and turingmachine is set to initial state Observation: 1) Old Tape which existed prior to the import is loaded