proletariatgames / unreal.hx

Unreal.hx: Haxe Integration for Unreal
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Adding unreal.hx to engine from source with Nvidia Gameworks #114

Closed datee closed 5 years ago

datee commented 5 years ago

So im trying to build a 4.19 version of the engine thats merged with gameworks but im getting some errors... So im wondering ...Is this possible to do at all?

C:/projects/TekniskMuseum/Vannkraft/utvikling/Vannkraftverk/Intermediate/Haxe/Vannkraftverk-Win-Development-Editor/Generated/Private/uhx/glues/ECollisionChannel_Glue.cpp(65): error C2065: 'ECC_EngineTraceChannel6': undeclared identifier 2>C:/projects/TekniskMuseum/Vannkraft/utvikling/Vannkraftverk/Intermediate/Haxe/Vannkraftverk-Win-Development-Editor/Generated/Private/uhx/glues/ECollisionChannel_Glue.cpp(65): error C2131: expression did not evaluate to a constant 2> C:/projects/TekniskMuseum/Vannkraft/utvikling/Vannkraftverk/Intermediate/Haxe/Vannkraftverk-Win-Development-Editor/Generated/Private/uhx/glues/ECollisionChannel_Glue.cpp(65): note: failure was caused by non-constant arguments or reference to a non-constant symbol 2> C:/projects/TekniskMuseum/Vannkraft/utvikling/Vannkraftverk/Intermediate/Haxe/Vannkraftverk-Win-Development-Editor/Generated/Private/uhx/glues/ECollisionChannel_Glue.cpp(65): note: see usage of 'ECC_EngineTraceChannel6' 2>C:/projects/TekniskMuseum/Vannkraft/utvikling/Vannkraftverk/Intermediate/Haxe/Vannkraftverk-Win-Development-Editor/Generated/Private/uhx/glues/ECollisionChannel_Glue.cpp(65): error C2051: case expression not constant 2>C:/projects/TekniskMuseum/Vannkraft/utvikling/Vannkraftverk/Intermediate/Haxe/Vannkraftverk-Win-Development-Editor/Generated/Private/uhx/glues/ECollisionChannel_Glue.cpp(139): error C2065: 'ECC_EngineTraceChannel6': undeclared identifier 2>C:/projects/TekniskMuseum/Vannkraft/utvikling/Vannkraftverk/Intermediate/Haxe/Vannkraftverk-Win-Development-Editor/Generated/Private/uhx/glues/FCollisionResponseContainer_Glue.cpp(137): error C2039: 'EngineTraceChannel6': is not a member of 'FCollisionResponseContainer' 2> D:\work\unreal\UE419-GW\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine/EngineTypes.h(872): note: see declaration of 'FCollisionResponseContainer' 2>C:/projects/TekniskMuseum/Vannkraft/utvikling/Vannkraftverk/Intermediate/Haxe/Vannkraftverk-Win-Development-Editor/Generated/Private/uhx/glues/FCollisionResponseContainer_Glue.cpp(140): error C2039: 'EngineTraceChannel6': is not a member of 'FCollisionResponseContainer' 2> D:\work\unreal\UE419-GW\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine/EngineTypes.h(872): note: see declaration of 'FCollisionResponseContainer'

This fork:

waneck commented 5 years ago

Hey! Sorry I missed this issue and didn't get back to you sooner So, it IS possible but you may need to re-generate your own externs. In order to do that, you will first need to compile the UnrealHxGenerator plugin ( ) following the instructions in the README file, then do the following:

If not:

datee commented 5 years ago

Hi!! Thanks so much for this! With your help I was able to get it working! 👍 :) Had some errors while generating the externs, dont know how important that is?

log.txt errors.txt

waneck commented 5 years ago

That's awesome! The errors aren't important at all - they always happen and are only warnings about some property types we still don't automatically generate externs for.

Have you been able to get everything working?

datee commented 5 years ago

Looks good so far. Took a bit fail and try getting the build and my own externs right. But i was able to get unreal.hx working with the full Gameworks fork (VXGI, Flex, Blast, etc), and my game haxe framework written for the 4.19 launcher version. :)

waneck commented 5 years ago

That's great! Let me know if you need any support in unreal.hx itself - I haven't thought about adding a setting for custom engine externs, but that shouldn't be hard to add

waneck commented 5 years ago

I'm going to close this - but feel free to reopen/open new issues if you find other issues