prolificinteractive / material-calendarview

A Material design back port of Android's CalendarView
MIT License
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Setting Min and Max date throwing error #1072

Open Sathyan-Elangovan opened 3 years ago

Sathyan-Elangovan commented 3 years ago

I am just setting maximum date and minimum date by this using this code binding.materialCalendar.state().edit() .setMinimumDate(minDate) .setMaximumDate(maxDate) .commit();

but While building it throws error like .setMinimumDate(minDate) ^ class file for org.threeten.bp.LocalDate not found

But I am actually using setMinimumDate(CalendarDay day) method only.

XanderZehcnas commented 3 years ago

I am doing just the same with no problems. Version of material calendar view 2.0.0

Seeing versions calendar is using internally java.time.LocalDate .. see that it is not conflicting with the org.threeten.bp.LocalDate.

AlexandreGLopes commented 3 years ago

Same error here. I'm not using LocalDate parameters, I'm using CalendarDay parameters, like (2015, 1, 1) when trying to set minimum. I had to make a downgrade to version 1.4.3 to put setMinimumDate and setMaximumDate methods to work.

How can I see these versions you talked about?