Open gpoudrel opened 7 years ago
After 3 hours, RAID Building is not disabled (no console notice), no server stopping either.
It shouldn't actually be working at all Your path is set wrong, as it requires you to escape slashes with it being json.
"FolderPath": "c:\conanserver\",
should be
"FolderPath": "c:\\conanserver\\",
Also - the server must have been started with ConanSandboxServer.exe otherwise this will not be able to close it. You have definitely updated to version 1.95 haven't you?
Sorry my copy/paste is really bad, but yup I have c:\\conanserver\\ it is just github site that remove additionnal \ Here is the copy
Yep I have the latest 1.95. I downloaded the .zip, delete all *.exe and x86 directory, pasted the new one.
I tested again, no restart. And yes I directly launch ConanSandboxServer.exe and window title says "Conan Exiles - press Ctrl+C to shutdown"
Successfully Enabled Building Raiding for 3 hours.
But the program does not issue a CTRL C command to server window.
My config { "Twitch": { "OAuth": "", "Username": "", "Channel": "0" }, "Discord": { "DiscordToken": "123", "ChannelId": 456 }, "Conan": { "FolderPath": "c:\conanserver\", "Executable": "ConanSandboxServer.exe", "StartupParameters": "ConanSandbox?Multihome= -nosteamclient -game -server", "RaidingProtectionHoursEnabled": true, "RaidingStartHour": 20, "RaidingLengthInHours": 3, "AvatarsEnabledCertainHours": false, "AvatarActivationHour": 0, "AvatarsActiveLengthInHours": 0 }, "Update": { "ShouldInstallSteamCmdIfMissing": true, "ShouldInstallConanServerIfMissing": true, "SteamCmdPath": "c:\steamcmd\", "AnnounceDiscord": true, "AnnounceTwitch": false, "AnnounceMinutesBefore": 5, "UpdateCheckInterval": 5, "InstalledBuild": 1651823, "UpdateOnLaunch": true }, "General": { "ShouldRestartConanOnNotRunning": true, "RestartServerAfterHours": 0 }