prom3theu5 / ConanExilesServerUpdater

Dedicated Server Updater For Conan Exiles
Apache License 2.0
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Server does not restart when enabling building raiding #23

Open gpoudrel opened 7 years ago

gpoudrel commented 7 years ago

Successfully Enabled Building Raiding for 3 hours.

But the program does not issue a CTRL C command to server window.

My config { "Twitch": { "OAuth": "", "Username": "", "Channel": "0" }, "Discord": { "DiscordToken": "123", "ChannelId": 456 }, "Conan": { "FolderPath": "c:\conanserver\", "Executable": "ConanSandboxServer.exe", "StartupParameters": "ConanSandbox?Multihome= -nosteamclient -game -server", "RaidingProtectionHoursEnabled": true, "RaidingStartHour": 20, "RaidingLengthInHours": 3, "AvatarsEnabledCertainHours": false, "AvatarActivationHour": 0, "AvatarsActiveLengthInHours": 0 }, "Update": { "ShouldInstallSteamCmdIfMissing": true, "ShouldInstallConanServerIfMissing": true, "SteamCmdPath": "c:\steamcmd\", "AnnounceDiscord": true, "AnnounceTwitch": false, "AnnounceMinutesBefore": 5, "UpdateCheckInterval": 5, "InstalledBuild": 1651823, "UpdateOnLaunch": true }, "General": { "ShouldRestartConanOnNotRunning": true, "RestartServerAfterHours": 0 }

gpoudrel commented 7 years ago

After 3 hours, RAID Building is not disabled (no console notice), no server stopping either.

prom3theu5 commented 7 years ago


It shouldn't actually be working at all Your path is set wrong, as it requires you to escape slashes with it being json.

"FolderPath": "c:\conanserver\", should be "FolderPath": "c:\\conanserver\\",

Also - the server must have been started with ConanSandboxServer.exe otherwise this will not be able to close it. You have definitely updated to version 1.95 haven't you?

gpoudrel commented 7 years ago


Sorry my copy/paste is really bad, but yup I have c:\\conanserver\\ it is just github site that remove additionnal \ Here is the copy

Yep I have the latest 1.95. I downloaded the .zip, delete all *.exe and x86 directory, pasted the new one.

I tested again, no restart. And yes I directly launch ConanSandboxServer.exe and window title says "Conan Exiles - press Ctrl+C to shutdown"