Is there a way to get Aspir8 to generate this kind of output?
I've tried setting the environment variable in Program.cs using .GetEndpoint("endpointName").Property(EndpointProperty.IPV4Host); and .WithEnvironment(x => x.EnvironmentVariables["BindingAddress"] = value) but that results in my binding address env var being set to the name of the resource rather than the actual ip address. Thanks
The services in my app need to have an environment variable for the binding address which I could usually set using something like this:
Is there a way to get Aspir8 to generate this kind of output?
I've tried setting the environment variable in Program.cs using
and.WithEnvironment(x => x.EnvironmentVariables["BindingAddress"] = value)
but that results in my binding address env var being set to the name of the resource rather than the actual ip address. Thanks