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Boston Celtics-Christian Megliola Content Creation #321

Open jaahmuhl opened 1 year ago

jaahmuhl commented 1 year ago

User Story / Problem / Details We want to produce content based from our interviews that is impactful to students and makes the professionals who do our interviews excited to share it. We will be sharing the content in different forms across different channels and as a result need to develop content that is customized to each platform. To do so we need to create at least 2 short posts for TikTok & Instagram (includes a caption, hashtags, timestamp of the content and how the content creator will make the content), a medium post (4-6 minutes) for LinkedIn (includes caption and hashtags) or an article (created on Medium and has hashtags/a caption), and a podcast (the whole interview that is timestamped and cut where appropriate that has a caption, a timestamp for the interview and an intro). In addition, the content editor must timestamp each question and answer along with providing tags that help filter the interview to particular topics.

Technical Definition of Done All three types of content are created and approved by Bryan as well as the timestamps for each question/answer are added as a Google Sheet to the folder

Definition of Ready Brett has approved each of the content pieces


zeibertd commented 1 year ago

Short Term: "I graduated..." - "around me" 3:17 - 4:16 Edits: We need background music that adds energy without drowning out his voice, it can start kinda sad/ gritty but increases in energy. Have text flying onto the screen of what he's saying. Caption: What it takes to break into the communications industry - Christian Megliola Hashtags: #Hustle #Opportunity #Internship #Broadcast #TV #News #Executive Interviews

Short Term "Put yourself" - "Aptitude In" 4:55 - 5:32 Edits: We need background music that adds energy without drowning out his voice, more of a fight song kind of vibe. have text flying onto the screen of what he's saying. Caption: Finding opportunity in the wild - Christian Megliola Hashtags: #Hustle #Opportunity #Internship #Broadcast #TV #News #Executive Interviews

Medium: - "well first" - "of it" 6:57 - 11:48 Caption: Christian Megliola discusses his journey breaking into the communications industry, and the benefits of being open to opportunity. Hashtags: #Opportunity #ExecutiveInterview #ProMazo #NBA #Celtics #Hustle #Growth #Learning #Internship #Sports

zeibertd commented 1 year ago

Hook: "You have..." - "to us" 25:02 - 25:37 Episode Hook: That's Christian Megliola, senior vice president of communications for the Boston Celtics who got his start in cable news, and worked to turn that into where he is today. He opens up about the struggles to break into the field, as well as how rewarding the experience has been for him.

Macro: Ask someone what makes humans unique from other animals and you'll get a lot of answers. We made fire, made the wheel, and started growing crops so we didn't have to rely on hunting. But more than any of those, what makes us unique, and what's allowed us to thrive, is our ability to convey information, its our stories. In the oldest human dwellings we see cave paintings, stories of hunting parties and harvests. Jump forward to early civilization and our stories are about great heroes, the likes of Gilgamesh and Odysseus. Jump forward again and stories seek to capture the human experience, writers look back to the classical era as Oedipus gives was to Othello. Stories connect us, guide us, and allow us to grow.

Connect back: Now Christian Megliola is a man who understands the power of a story. He's spent his entire adult life in communications, in everything from the newsroom to sports media. He has fought to break into and rise through one of the most competitive industries in the world, and he's going to be sharing just how he did it, and what it took.

Caption: From our cable news to managing communications for the Boston Celtics, Christian Megliola has seen his fair share of the media industry. He humbly attributes his success to opportunity, but by listening to him speak its easy to see that he's where he is not just through opportunity, but through hard work, dedication, and expertise.

Hashtags: #ExecutiveInterview #Media #Communications #PR #Dedication #Celtics #NBA #Internship #Hustle #Grind #Success