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F Prime Capital-Amrit Ramesh (Medium Post) #130

Open jaahmuhl opened 2 years ago

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago

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jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago


George-Liu3 commented 2 years ago

Question 1: 2:18-2:34 - There is a lot of pressure to graduate knowing exactly what career you want to pursue and being ready to work. Do you think theres still time as a freshman to explore or is it more important to enter college with what you want to pursue?

Answer: 2:37-3:47 (1:10 Minutes)

Question 2: 8:40-8:58 - When working part time for F-Prime, how did you navigate transitioning to working full time?

Answer: 9:02-10:24 (1:26 Minutes)

Question 3: 10:26-10:44 - What was your reasoning for joining the creation of F-Prime's Fintech Index, especially when there is a lot of risk associated with that opportunity?

Answer: 10:46-12:16 (1:20 Minutes)

Question 4: 12:19-12:29 - Would you advice to a young professional be to broaden your scope of ability and get as much flexibility as possible?

Answer: 12:30-13:36 (1:06 Minutes)

Question 5: 19:32-19:58 - How should young professionals better secure mentorships and build out their network?

Answer: 20:03-21:27 (1:24 Minutes)

386 Seconds = 6:26 Minutes

George-Liu3 commented 2 years ago

Blurb: There is a lot of pressure to graduate college knowing absolutely what career path you want to pursue. However, for many it is difficult to know exactly what you want to pursue or if its even the right fit for you.

(Amrit Ramesh) a Data Scientist at F-Prime Capital, a venture capital firm focused on healthcare and technology, did not know exactly what career he wanted to definitively pursue after college; however, his career philosophy allowed him to discover and smoothly pivot into his current career. He is a firm believer in broadening your scope of ability and becoming as flexible as possible. Today we get a look into his experience of joining F-Prime Capital and his journey sprouting new nodes on his ever growing tree of skills.

Interviewer: (Brett Hummel) (George Liu) Videographer: (Bryan Acevedo)

promazo #careerfit #careerjourney #careerpivot #knowledgenodes #freeflexibility #internship #graduatingcollege #fprime #venturecapital #careerjourney #youngprofessional #interview

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago

@George-Liu3 In the future can you highlight the questions and the answers you are using for the timestamps? It makes it much easier to follow. Gracias

I would also try to make the blurb have a bit more punch and you need to make better hashtags.