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TechUnited-Jasmine Hoffman (Long Post) #143

Open jaahmuhl opened 2 years ago

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago

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jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago


George-Liu3 commented 2 years ago


  1. Cultivating skills before entering into the professional workplace: working, customer service skills

  2. Proactive problem solver and valuable employee

  3. Networking and building relationships with others

George-Liu3 commented 2 years ago

Intro Clip: 9:26-10:04

Intro: Hello hello everyone (EXCITED AND WITH ENERGY) welcome back to Office Hours. A show about how to make a successful jump from college to young professional life. We know that landing your first job can often be an intimidating, complicated and stressful process, but its not impossible! (UP ENERGY) And we’re here to help by giving you access to some of the brightest minds in business to get their advice for how to build a successful career. Take what you can (short pause), pick what you like and listen for that stroke of brilliance that you can use to help you get hired.


I'm Brett Hummel and today along with my co-host George Liu we sit down for a conversation with Jasmine Hoffman, Head of Experience at TechUnited, a membership organization gathering and propelling innovators in New Jersey, on the value of early work experience, especially while still studying in college.

(Transition) CUT Story: What are some of the most important skills you need for the professional workplace? Many would say anything ranging from problem solving to communication and teamwork, but where can a student learn these invaluable skills? Many of these skills can only be learned when experiencing work in the professional workplace, and as such many young professionals can take time and trial and error to fully cultivate them. With over 43% of full-time undergraduate students being employed while enrolled, working while in college can be difficult but also incredibly rewarding. Jasmine Hoffman believes that students should work while in college so as to begin discovering these skills before they set off in the pursuit of their chosen career paths. Jasmine herself was introduced to and started developing her skills juggling priorities when first working as a milkshake maker learning to prioritize which orders to complete first...

Jasmine's Information: ...while also studying for her bachelor's degree in business administration at Montclair State University. She started her journey into events after getting an internship for TechDay during her senior year, and there discovered her passion for event planning which led her to strike a balance in taking night classes while also working full time. Often she took sales calls and answered emails between classes, even sometimes flying to LA to launch events all while she was still in school. By 2020 she had launched global events in LA, New York, and London where she soon was invited to be the Head of Experience at TechUnited. This shift led her from global events to focusing on the entrepreneurial scene in New Jersey, and Jasmine was tasked with reshaping and expanding the TechUnited experience through a multitude of online events, such as Startup Showdown and Office Hours, all amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

TechUnited Info: TechUnited is a nonprofit membership organization focused on gathering, connecting, and propelling innovators in New Jersey. Specifically, they are focused on collectively representing tech, life science and tech-related companies. TechUnited hosts educational events, networking opportunities and recognition celebrations, offering member companies opportunities to learn, network and grow. Propelify, their annual flagship event, features hundreds of speakers, thousands of startups, and over five thousand attendees. They have been operating since 1996 and are based in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Analysis: Jasmine Hoffman, the Head of Experience at TechUnited, comes to us with insight into how working during college and in the service industry has taught her invaluable skills necessary for the professional workplace. She is a huge proponent for students working as it not only develops irreplaceable skills in proactive problem solving and teamwork, but also increases the value of college courses. Today we'll get to hear how Jasmine began her career journey from a milkshake maker to the Head of Experience at TechUnited and the valuable lessons she has learned from the start of her career journey and continued to utilize throughout her career journey.

Blurb: Should you be taking that job while you're studying in college? More importantly how can you balance studying and working at the same time? While it can be difficult to balance school and work, doing so can allow you to gain early career experience and learn important skills utilized throughout your career journey, it can also teach life skills in prioritizing and managing time, two necessary skills for striking a healthy work life balance. Join us with Jasmine Hoffman, the Head of Experience at TechUnited, as she speaks about the invaluable skills in crisis, priority, and time management that she learned while working as a milkshake maker to an event planner while organizing and creating time to study for her degree in Business Administration as a full time student.

Interviewer: (Brett Hummel & George Liu) Videographer: (Bryan Acevedo)

promazo #problemsolving #solutiontoproblem #proactivity #eventplanning #network #relationships #salesskills #hospitalityskills #firstjob #techunited #youngprofessional #interview

Cuts: Start @ 0:38 (starting remarks) 7:00-7:46 (Brett cut out) 20:50-21:07 (helicopter) End @ 40:53 (ending remarks)

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago

The intros are getting much better. There are parts I cited in bold and italic where the grammar does not make sense to me/the sentences do not flow and then at the bottom of her bio it gets a little like reading a text book. You're going to be speaking this so we really need it to flow like a conversation.

The blurb needs to be reworked. I think you should dive more into the theme of balancing studying and work/gaining skills. It is again a little too biographical for me.

Also you need to add transitions between your paragraphs like between the bio to the corporate you just jump. You will also need an outro

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago


See I would pull in the fact that a vast majority of students work while in school (find the stat) in the Story and also that while it can be hard, it is actually potentially a really good thing if you can handle it.

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago

It's very close to being done