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Forage Capital-Matt McCall (Medium Post) #258

Open jaahmuhl opened 1 year ago

jaahmuhl commented 1 year ago

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howie-emond commented 1 year ago

Self fulfillment and career. How do we tie the two together? Founder of Forge Capital, Matt McCall, bridges that gap with energy and passion. When you focus on what brings you drive and happiness, growth begins. When you focus on being intentional and willingness to improve over time, great things can happen for both yourself and your career path.

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Q1: 14:53(just)-15:09(anybody) A1: 15:09-16:13, 17:15(And so)-18:16(right?)

Q2: 18:23(Like)-18:38 A2: 18:38-20:58(element to it)

Q3: 31:52(someone)-32:30(over time) A3: 33:19(So people)-36:32

Q4: 55:55(even)-56:28 A4: 56:49(as long)-57:32

Total: 8.5 Minutes