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75 & Sunny-Spencer Rascoff (Short Post) #308

Open jaahmuhl opened 1 year ago

jaahmuhl commented 1 year ago

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howie-emond commented 1 year ago


COVER: 4:28 (mouth closed hand up)

Trial and error is always a great way to feel out a workplace to know if it’s the right fit for you. However, if you’re unsure, look to your higher-ups. When developing at an organization, is that where you want to be in the future? Spencer Rascoff of 75 & Sunny Ventures explains.

promazo #promazoexecinterviews #spencerrascoff #zillow #hotwire #75andsunny #career #advice #workplace #success #happiness #longevity #howtobesuccessful

howie-emond commented 1 year ago

20:32-21:15, 21:39-22:00

COVER: 20:56 (mouth closed hand gestures)

Need career advice but don’t have anywhere to start? Utilizing the platforms you use everyday for professional means can help immensely, including here at ProMazo. Join our 100k Mentorship program to get started. Spencer Rascoff of 75 & Sunny Ventures explains why.

promazo #promazoexecinterviews #spencerrascoff #zillow #hotwire #75andsunny #career #advice #entepreneur #workplace #success #postcovid #investor #howtobesuccessful

ArseniySky commented 1 year ago

@howie-emond I would change the caption for the second one to be more about the need for focussing on mentorship. I think we should also draw a connection to ProMazo's 100k here.

Also, both videos need a cover on the screen, or put "cover: none" if you think there does not need to be one.

ArseniySky commented 1 year ago

@howie-emond sorry by "cover" I meant what will be the text on the screen, not the thumbnail of the clip.