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Seavest/Rethink-Rick Segal (Long Form) #320

Open jaahmuhl opened 1 year ago

jaahmuhl commented 1 year ago

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howie-emond commented 1 year ago


0:00-0:20 (Hellos) 46:17-end (video loss)


Opening your mind to a variety of career paths is no easy task in college. The reality though, is that most professionals work outside of their degree. Having a lifelong interest in learning can open up doors you never thought you’d even consider. Rick Segal, Executive Director at Rethink Capital, has used this knowledge to find immense success in a field that was foreign to him and he shares how you can use those same principles in your own career.

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howie-emond commented 1 year ago

Intro Clip



Hello hello everyone  (EXCITED AND WITH ENERGY) welcome back to Office Hours. A show about how to make a successful jump from college to young professional life. We know that landing your first job can often be an intimidating, complicated and stressful process, but its not impossible! (UP ENERGY) And we’re here to help by giving you access to some of the brightest minds in business to get their advice for how to build a successful career. Take what you can (short pause), pick what you like and listen for that stroke of brilliance that you can use to help you get hired.


I'm Howie Emond and on Today’s episode our host, Brett, sits down for a chat with Rick Segal, Executive Director at Rethink Capital and Seavest Investment Group. Rick was an English major in college, but found his way into investment capital once he got to the big city. Even though he was a very successful investor, he was not just satisfied with making returns, he wanted to have an impact. Way before the term impact investment was coined, Rick and his partners pioneered the field that has since boomed to span across EdTech, Healthtech and everything in between and helped millions of people through social impact focused capitalism.


(Stats Macro-theme, background)

The super majority of college graduates are working in a field outside of their field of study’s degree. That may seem off, but the numbers show that 67% of professionals really do. That might be hard to wrap your head around, or understand why that’s the case at all, but it is the reality. It’s important to understand that your college degree serves a broader purpose of gaining a higher education and preparing your for working in professional environments, rather than making you the ideal candidate in your chosen field. Obviously, this is different for engineers and those in STEM, but for, say, Liberal Arts majors, this is great news if you were on the fence about a career path.

Rick Segal has embodied that statistic in his own career. Originally an English Major in college, he found the idea of being involved with capital investments a bit far out. However, at the time, his openness to learning and and exploring where his mind could take him, that’s exactly where he ended up. Today, he’s still in charge of the company he founded 41 years ago In 1982. Why? He attributes it to his never-ending search of greater understanding, a passion for learning, a love for service, and a will to go beyond transactions. This is exactly what he tries to embody every day in his work, and what he wants to inspire in all of our listeners here.

Now, if you’re unfamiliar with the company itself, Rethink Capital Partners and Seavest Investment Group are an investment groups that specializes in real estate and venture capital. They support innovations across various sectors and support entrepreneurs in find management. While only hosting around 30 professionals, they are one of the founding companies in the social impact space which has boomed over the past few decades.


This interview takes a dive into those things Rick Segal holds at his core that we mentioned. We’ll explore his story in college, his interests then, and how he did a full 180 into the investment field. We’ll get incredible advice for those unsure of your path, and explore different ways you can be a more complete individual alongside your professional life. He also discusses the mindset of a learner and communicator, the value of storytelling, as well as the meaning of service and how it can be utilized in any workspace. For entrepreneurial hopefuls, we’ll go into how he believes one should start out in the field, where to find the right organization, and how to grow your professional relationships beyond the transactional stages. This interview has immense value for students and young professionals in all fields of study, and we couldn’t be more excited to share to with all of you. Let’s get started…

howie-emond commented 1 year ago