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Imperva-Paul Sexton-Long Form #56

Open jaahmuhl opened 2 years ago

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago

Raw Video:

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago


mirichann commented 2 years ago

Podcast Intro:

Intro Clip: 18:51- 19:11


PART 2- I'm Miri Chan, one of your co- hosts and today Brett & I are joined by Paul Sexton. Paul is the CHRO of Imperva, a leading cybersecurity company, and has worked in HR for over 2 decades for Veritas, Symantec, Dell EMC, NXP Semiconductors, and EFI. Paul is an inspiration as he holds such a high role in a booming industry but has been able to balance his time living his life and doing the things he's always wanted to do.

PART 3-STORY Immediately after graduating from university, Paul traveled for a year rather than jumping straight into his career. Paul discusses how this leap of faith was a no- brainer for him and he knew that there would be no other time where he could travel care- free. Nowadays, we are seeing more and more students taking gap years or giving themselves a few months to explore the world rather than committing to a career right now. Especially given the pandemic, the idea of work- life balance is becoming a staple in the culture that the next generation of employees is looking for. I know that for me, after asking Paul how he got over this fear of missing out on the traditional career path, I feel much more confident in the idea of prioritizing the idea of work- life balance and taking opportunities. ( A BIT MORE EMOTION HERE)

Continuing on with the topic of opportunity, Paul discusses how as an entry level employee, there is a fine line between taking what you can get and knowing what you want. He elaborates on his advice about entering a company and being able to bring the best results to any position you can get your hands on. At this stage in your career, he feels, it's important to demonstrate how your skills can benefit the company rather than trying to boost your resume. Paul talks about how important it is for an employer to see how you will respond when opportunity is presented.

We also delve into the topic of work- life balance. As CHRO of Imperva, Paul is integrating the hybrid work model into the company and supports the idea that an employee's success is not determined by whether or not they are in a physical office. He discusses the future of remote work and how Imperva, along with many other companies, have decided that the benefits of remote work should continue on past the pandemic. Additionally, Imperva is building upon the idea of building internal opportunities for employees to advance their careers and learn new things more frequently. Employees are at the forefront of today's business model and HR is evolving around this development. Paul consistently expresses his love for the development of HR in this interview and highly recommends HR to students who enjoy problem solving and working with a purpose that revolves around other people.

If you're looking to enter the cybersecurity industry, pursue a career or in HR, or trying to determine how to develop work- life balance, this interview is just for you. Paul's advice left me with a more motivated outlook on how I balance my life and he may even sway you towards pursuing a career in HR! Stay tuned to hear Paul's inspiring advice and how you can live a life you love while pursuing a career you're passionate about.

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago

Were there any areas we have to cut out for the podcast?

Also you need to pull the timestamp for the clip you want to insert at the beginning of the podcast.

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago

Needs the caption for the long post

mirichann commented 2 years ago

START: 0:016 END: 1:01:29

mirichann commented 2 years ago

CAPTION: How can we learn to jump at opportunities we are given while also maintaining a strong work- life balance? This is a question that perplexes many recent graduates who are just starting their careers. In this interview, Paul addresses the idea of gap years and the fear that students face behind taking a gap year. He also highlights the importance of work- life balance and how he has been integrating this into the culture of Imperva through HR. Paul even shares the strategy he used to get certain roles within human resources. This interview covers the cybersecurity industry, the human resources department, the idea of taking a gap year, how to deal with difficult managers, and so much more. Stay tuned to hear all about these!

Interviewer: Brett Hummel & Miri Chan Videographer: Bryan Avecedo

jaahmuhl commented 1 year ago

@mirichann Can you record/post the intro for this?

mirichann commented 1 year ago