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USAA-Russ Major- Long Post #91

Open jaahmuhl opened 2 years ago

jaahmuhl commented 2 years ago

Raw File:


James-Moore18 commented 1 year ago

Clip: 29:35 - 30:08

Hello hello everyone (EXCITED AND WITH ENERGY) welcome back to Office Hours. A show about how to make a successful jump from college to young professional life. We know that landing your first job can often be an intimidating, complicated and stressful process, but its not impossible! (UP ENERGRY) And we’re here to help by giving you access to some of the brightest minds in business to get their advice for how to build a successful career. Take what you can (short pause), pick what you like and listen for that stroke of brilliance that you can use to help you get hired. (edited)


I’m Brett and on todays episode along with my co-host Arseniy we sit down with USAA's Chief Procurement Officer, Russ Major. Russ attended the Airforce Academy and was a flight maintenance officer before transitioning into civilian life. After working for Bank of America for over a decade, Russ began working in his current role with USAA. In our conversation today we talk with Russ about some of the lessons and takeaways he gained in the military that have helped him achieve the levels of success he has outside the service.

Russ Story:

We all have our own strengths and weaknesses and are going to struggle more with somethings more than others. That's just life. However, struggling with something does not mean that it is an insurmountable task........ it just means you have got to do a little extra to get over the theoretical "hump" so to speak. You might be wondering "What does do a little bit more look like"? Contrary to what you may believe, doing more does not always have to mean working for an extra hour or two everyday. In most cases, we just need to focus on working smarter not harder in order to truly grasp those topics that are a bit more difficult for us. Everyone is given the same 24 hours in a day, and the people who are most successful aren't necessarily the ones that work the most but they usually work the best.

Russ Info: Today's guest Russ Major is one of the biggest supporters of working smarter not harder. After an injury derailed his hopes of playing football in the Pac-12, Russ ended up at the Airforce Academy after what his parents called nudge by offering him a new car if he attended. It was a nudge that proved life altering. At the Airforce Academy Russ admits he was nowhere near the brightest, but he finished in the top 25% of his class because of how he worked. The Air Force taught him how to prioritize effectively and work efficiently which has followed him as he's progressed through sales, manufacturing, and procurement after he got out of the service.


In this episode, aside from helping you learn how to work smarter and not harder, Russ touches on some great advice for college students and those in the workforce including the value of mentors, interviewing hacks, and tips for your first days on the job.

jaahmuhl commented 1 year ago

@James-Moore18 Needs caption and the check to see if the audio cuts out as well as where to do the intro/outro cuts.

jaahmuhl commented 1 year ago

@James-Moore18 needs intro clip

James-Moore18 commented 1 year ago

As the Chief Procurement Officer for USAA, Russ Major, knows life rarely goes exactly according to our plans. Roadblocks and obstacles are almost guaranteed to pop up at one point or another, the key is about how one pivots and overcomes the obstacles. Russ faced a major one at an earlier age when he got injured before his senior year, taking away his opportunity to play football in the PAC-10. After an agreement with his parents Russ decided to pivot and attend the Air Force academy, which taught him a myriad of life lessons. In this interview we get into the logic behind working smarter not harder, how to making a lasting impression in your first 90 days at a new job, how do well in your next interview, and the value of mentors.

jaahmuhl commented 7 months ago

Podcast Intros: