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Bruce Starnes-Target #23

Closed jaahmuhl closed 3 years ago

jaahmuhl commented 3 years ago


jaahmuhl commented 3 years ago

@bryanace53 I didn't see a video link here. Could you post it when you have a chance?

bryanace53 commented 3 years ago

My bad here is the video, I also fixed the background.

jaahmuhl commented 3 years ago

:10-Change question to: How did you understand what an employer is looking for?

All of my questions you don't see me and it breaks the third wall for the audience. I have to be seen in the video if we are going to have me ask questions.

bryanace53 commented 3 years ago

Hey Brett,

I fixed the video let me know what you think !

jaahmuhl commented 3 years ago

@bryanace53 at min 1:13 the video still has me speaking without showing me.

I also dont get why it shows the questions and then shows me. Can we just do a cut to me with a transition?

jaahmuhl commented 3 years ago

[] Blurb:

One theme in the career for Bruce the VP of Partnerships and New Business Development at Target, is always trying to gain a breadth of experiences. He thinks it is critical to gain these experiences if you aim to become a leader of large teams. Learn how he did it and his other advice on starting your career.

Interviewer: (Brett Hummel)

Videographer: (Bryan Acevedo)

target, #promazoexecinterviews, #promazo, #jobexperience, #breadthvsdepth