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Story Outline (Due 5/31) #30

Closed aflies1 closed 4 years ago

aflies1 commented 4 years ago

Create notes on the video. Create a story outline for the blog piece. Pitch story to the editor and secure approval before writing the first draft.

gracnob commented 4 years ago

Pitch Don’t be afraid of taking chances Follow your passion Put yourself out there Prove yourself/your value Story Outline Jacqueline Fuller had an untraditional path to her career Changed her major during her senior year from Arms Control to Urban Poverty and Public Policy Wore down the Gates Foundation Moved to India for a year 80% of college students change their majors. study done by Boderzine Fuller did it to follow her passion Her passion was, and still is, helping others. “We do our best work when we are energized and we are bringing our curiosity to our daily work. Follow your energy. Follow your curiosity. Look where you come most alive, then combine that with the pragmatic.” She was hired by her main skill, writing When you graduate, just make sure you have one marketable skill. It can be writing, coding, or anything else, but have something. You can have multiple, but if you have one you are set. “The truth is if you have one bankable skill, that you have invested in, and the market demands then that can get you” You gain skills over time as well. You add to your plethora of abilities. She sent the Gates Foundation letter after letter, and received rejection after rejection until finally, someone, Jack Ferris, gave her a shot.

She worked there for years and eventually put herself in the ring to lead a project in India. She was a mother at the time and moved her entire family to a completely different part of the world within 6 weeks. They spent a year in India and there were some challenges Yet, her family looks back at it as one of the best times of their lives. She eventually found herself working for and they were looking for a new leader. She was assertive and sent her superior a 3 page memo explaining what she would do to make better. She got no response, but 3 months later her superior gave her the opportunity. Jacqueline Fuller got to where she is now because she took chances. Time and time again, she wrapped up her courage and followed what she wanted. So, if you want to be as successful as she is, you have to go after it. Noone is going to hand things to you. Roll up your sleeves and go after what you want.

I don't know how in detail this had to be. Let me know if I need to make any changes. Thanks :)