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Story Outline (5/31) #39

Closed aflies1 closed 4 years ago

aflies1 commented 4 years ago

Create notes on the video. Create a story outline for the blog piece. Pitch story to the editor and secure approval before writing the first draft.

Zen-8 commented 4 years ago

Video Notes -Never got a job he didn’t start himself, first one being Paypal -The last job was Hustle during college to put himself through school (Civilian contractor for U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers) -Wrote air traffic control software for the army just a few miles off-campus -Getting into entrepreneurship was random and was more in pursuit of paying for school -Sophmore spent much time in computer working on projects and codes himself -Took the opportunity to start a business with his other two friends -Had a plan to graduate, teach, but instead was sparked by conversations and ideas by his peers on campus -First company failed -Learned the value of taking risks -By the time he graduated, already failed with 3 companies -When he tried to recruit for Paypal, those interning and working became comfortable with their jobs, salary, etc -“I’ll get to it” -“If you have no idea what to do, join a startup, but find one where you have the passion for what they’re doing, [their] real connection with the mission and learn on someone else’s time basically watch what it takes to succeed or possibly fail at a startup without having to sort of knowing everything upfront.” -Start now rather than later -The level of risk-taking is on a company than an individual -Don’t be afraid to step in or take ownership -Force yourself through barriers because the cause/goal is where it’s at Affirm -started from a vision from Paypal: Paypal goal: to make credit cards more successful online -So Affirm is alt. To credit cards to allow more transparency/honesty due to millennials not having that trust within credit cards (allows you to pay for things over time through interest installments & never charge any extra fee) -Know your morals, core values, and take pride in the decisions you make -Transparency

Story Pitches -Learning to take risks during and out of college -Tips for motivation on landing on your own after college -Steps to help you prepare for life beyond college -Ways to increase your outlook before and after graduation

Story Outline -An intro to what a typical college lifestyle look like that means classes, job(s), expenses, etc and introducing Max Levchin -Ending intro with what happens as you come to close in your college year -Providing several tips/ paragraphs about your options like what it means taking risks, joining a startup, creating your own business/startup, resources that might be provided for you on campus before you graduate, etc -Some steps/ advice Max Levchin has -Concluding with a reminder about the steps you can take, how to stay motivated and positive throughout this, and what the overall goal is