This script exposes the exit status of cronjobs. This script was born out of a desire to monitor and alert on cronjobs using Prometheus and Alertmanager.
As far as I'm aware there isn't another facility for exposing metrics related to this in Node Exporter.
This script receives two arguments, the description of the cronjob as a string and the exit status of the previous command. It prints the metric to stdout.
[vagrant@rocky8 ~]$ cat /var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter/cronjob_greeting.prom
# HELP node_cronjob_status Last exit code of cronjob.
# TYPE node_cronjob_status gauge
node_cronjob_status{user="vagrant", description="greeting"} 0
This script exposes the exit status of cronjobs. This script was born out of a desire to monitor and alert on cronjobs using Prometheus and Alertmanager.
This script was inspired by
As far as I'm aware there isn't another facility for exposing metrics related to this in Node Exporter.
This script receives two arguments, the description of the cronjob as a string and the exit status of the previous command. It prints the metric to stdout.
Example crontab entry:
Example textfile: