prometheus-community / smartctl_exporter

Export smartctl statistics to prometheus
Apache License 2.0
302 stars 88 forks source link

need a dashboard #64

Open happinesslijian opened 2 years ago

happinesslijian commented 2 years ago

No dashboard? Doesn't the author plan to make a grafana dashboard? @antifuchs

Lusitaniae commented 2 years ago

I made one using autograf

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happinesslijian commented 2 years ago

@Lusitaniae I imported this json file and the result I get is No data my metrics are normal image image image image Sorry, I don't know why there are no graphs in grafana

nazar-pc commented 1 year ago

I fixed above auto-generated dashboard a bit, seems to work for me with (also someone please edit above comment with <details></details>.

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Lusitaniae commented 1 year ago

Added details

Ulrar commented 10 months ago

The above auto generated dashboard uses rates on a bunch of the metrics, which may be hiding errors unless you happen to look at it at the right time. Just wanted to call it out in case anyone is using it.

Here's what I came up with using the auto generated dashboard as a base, I may or may not have removed stuff that should have been kept, not saying this is perfect at all. I also have no idea what to do with the attributes metric, although I feel there's important stuff in there.

As a caveat I only have one device per node, you may have to tweak the display name to include the device name if you have more than one :

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cervajs commented 8 months ago

btw first version of alerts published at