prometheus-operator / prometheus-operator

Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes
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How to apply external labels? #455

Closed swestcott closed 7 years ago

swestcott commented 7 years ago

Suppose we have two independent Kubernetes clusters, prod and pre-prod. For a given service which is deployed to both clusters we deploy the same Prometheus Rules. On pre-prod we want alerts to be routed to Slack, while on prod they should be routed to Slack and PagerDuty.

To achieve this vanilla Prometheus, it looks like we should apply an external label to the global Prometheus config and use this in the AlertManager routing config e.g.

    [ cluster: prod / pre-prod ]

How can we achieve this the Prometheus Operator?

brancz commented 7 years ago

The PrometheusSpec has the externalLabels field, which is just a yaml map of label-value pairs. Let me know if you have any other questions.

swestcott commented 7 years ago

@brancz Thanks for the prompt response, that's exactly what I'm looking for 👍

brancz commented 7 years ago

Glad I could help :slightly_smiling_face:

deboshrestha commented 6 years ago

Can you please tell me in this externalLabels fields how can i pass my cluster name if I have to pick it this way - kubectl config current-context.

brancz commented 6 years ago

@deboshrestha you will need to do that somehow with your configuration management.

deboshrestha commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I tried using configmaps here but running into an issue - so opened this one -

reddare commented 6 years ago

Hi! I am new in k8s and prometheus operator too and have problems with understanding how to add external_labels for my prometheus-kube-prometheus deployment created by helm.

I am trying to edit prometheus.yaml getting by

kubectl get secret -n monitoring prometheus-kube-prometheus -ojson | jq -r '.data["prometheus.yaml"]' | base64 -d

but its impossible and wrong way I think.

brancz commented 6 years ago

You need to just add the labels you want to the Prometheus object under .spec.externalLabels

reddare commented 6 years ago

Where I can get this endpoint? Via API? Can you please show me how its possible to add?

brancz commented 6 years ago

I don't know about helm but in the Prometheus object you can just add the externalLabels field. You can list the objects:

kubectl -n <your-namespace> get prometheus

And then directly edit it:

kubectl -n <your-namespace> edit prometheus <your-prometheus-name>
reddare commented 6 years ago

Yes its true for simple Prometheus deployment but I use Prometheus Operator and kube-prometheus where prometheus.yaml is generated dinamically by the service, so I cant find way to add static general parametrs such a external_labels.

brancz commented 6 years ago

The Prometheus Operator creates a new kind of object called Prometheus. It would probably be good to read the reader of the Prometheus operator and just go through the getting started, to get a feeling of the concepts involved.

deboshrestha commented 6 years ago

@reddare we are doing it the same way i.e. kube-prometheus and where the manifests has the prometheus.yaml file. Here what we are doing is as @brancz mentioned by adding externalLabels field in that yaml. If you notice when we deploy it there is a script being called. In there we are doing a simple sed which is adding that line in the prometheus.yaml file based on the current-context of the k8s cluster.

rsilva-rs commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, I am evaluating Cortex as a backend so it is required externalLabels to be something like:

externalLabels: cluster: ${CLUSTER_NAME} replica: ${REPLICA_NAME}

I was able to fetch Cluster Name, but since I am using Helm Operator with 2 replicas HA for Prometheus, not sure how can Replica (or POD) name can be retrieved dynamically. Please, any suggests?

jah-jh commented 4 years ago


Try next

kind: Prometheus
    prometheus: k8s
  name: k8s
  namespace: <namespace>
  replicaExternalLabelName: __replica__
  prometheusExternalLabelName: cluster
    datacenter: <dc_name>
    cluster: <cluster_name>
  - url: "<address>>"
Kampe commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, I am evaluating Cortex as a backend so it is required externalLabels to be something like:

externalLabels: cluster: ${CLUSTER_NAME} replica: ${REPLICA_NAME}

I was able to fetch Cluster Name, but since I am using Helm Operator with 2 replicas HA for Prometheus, not sure how can Replica (or POD) name can be retrieved dynamically. Please, any suggests?

Wondering the same thing, how did you manage this by chance? My prometheus just stands up with the error:

level=error ts=2020-10-09T01:49:34.491Z caller=main.go:285 msg="Error loading config (--config.file=/etc/prometheus/config_out/prometheus.env.yaml)" err="parsing YAML file /etc/prometheus/config_out/prometheus.env.yaml: \"${CLUSTER_NAME}\" is not a valid label name"

I'm adding the env var to prom as:

  replicas: 2
  serviceAccountName: prometheus
  version: "v2.21.0"
    - name: prometheus
        - name: CLUSTER_NAME
          value: testing
      app: powerflex-prometheus
    env: edge
  prometheusExternalLabelName: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  replicaExternalLabelName: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-replica

What am I doing wrong here?

rsilva-rs commented 4 years ago

@Kampe , I solved this by using replicaExternalLabelName: "__replica__" : This piece adds replica key using Pod name as value for it.

For cluster name I used: externalLabels: cluster: cluster-name

Hope it helps.

Kampe commented 4 years ago

The correct way to do this for all future comers, add env vars on the prometheus-config-reloader container and reference them with $(ENV) in your yaml. The replicaExternalLabelName should remain default in most all cases as its handled by the operator and the default labels it adds on replicas prometheus_replica is valid for most federation tools, Thanos etc


kind: Prometheus
  name: prometheus
  namespace: monitoring
    prometheus: prometheus
  replicas: 2
  serviceAccountName: prometheus
  version: "v2.21.0"
    - name: prometheus-config-reloader
        - name: CLUSTER_NAME
              name: configuration
              key: CLUSTER_NAME
      app: prometheus
    cluster: $(CLUSTER_NAME)

This should really be documented somewhere visible.

rnorth commented 3 years ago

We just wanted to add that the example given above does not appear to work with v0.49.0; I think that a change in #3955 caused this, as well as a prior change to the container name.

A snippet of what works for us:


    - name: init-config-reloader
        - name: CLUSTER_NAME
              name: cluster-variables
              key: CLUSTER_NAME
    cluster:  $(CLUSTER_NAME)


Notice these changes:

As a user, I'd give a huge +1 to @Kampe's suggestion that this should be documented somewhere, and ideally kept up to date as well.

dhatchm commented 3 years ago

Hi. I am new to using prometheus external labels. In our development cluster, we have around 20 namespaces and each have their helm release files separately. We would like to grab the slack channel names from appropriate namespaces and use it for routing. The problem here is namespace able to exhibit the slack channel name but prometheus not able to pick it up from namespaces due to flux-system gotk_reconcile_metrics has only labels query for kind, name, namespace. After seeing the comments here, would like to know is there a possibility to get the slack channel labels from namespaces using externallabels in prometheusspec and grab or overwrite the key from different namespaces?

goodosoft commented 3 years ago

We just wanted to add that the example given above does not appear to work with v0.49.0; I think that a change in #3955 caused this, as well as a prior change to the container name.

A snippet of what works for us:


    - name: init-config-reloader
        - name: CLUSTER_NAME
              name: cluster-variables
              key: CLUSTER_NAME
    cluster:  $(CLUSTER_NAME)


Notice these changes:

  • containers -> initContainers
  • prometheus-config-reloader -> init-config-reloader

As a user, I'd give a huge +1 to @Kampe's suggestion that this should be documented somewhere, and ideally kept up to date as well.

but env set in init-config-reloader does not exist in the pod env. why?

paulfantom commented 3 years ago

From what I see you would like to have loading configuration options from environment variables in externalLabels parameter. As of today this option is not available and changing externalLabels should be handled externally (either by helm or jsonnet).

We will be open to revising our stance when is considered a stable solution.

Since the proposed "solution" is a dirty workaround, I don't see why it should be documented. Especially since it would be easier to just run prometheus with expand-external-labels (using enableFeatures option in PrometheusSpec) and do the strategic merge patch of env list in prometheus container.

aviralharsh commented 3 years ago

Hi @paulfantom @Kampe , I am using prometheus chart (not prometheus operator) I am trying to apply external_labels under global field, but it seems all the replicas are fetching the same external_labels resulting in Thanos giving "dropping store, external labels are not unique" for one of the replicas. Any way I can add dynamic labels ? Thanks

Kampe commented 2 years ago

Alright y'all, here again with another workaround/solution if you're facing issues with external labels and environment variables:

As of 0.49.0, you'll need to not only add in the environment variable for the config-reloader container like above, but ALSO you must supply the environment variable for the init-config-reloader container too or else you'll find your prometheus cannot start with errors in initialization of the pod. As far as I know, you'll also need to set expand-external-labels as a feature as well.

Like so:

    - name: init-config-reloader
        - name: CLUSTER_ID
              name: cluster-information
              key: cluster-name
    - name: config-reloader
        - name: CLUSTER_ID
              name: cluster-information
              key: cluster-name
    - expand-external-labels
    cluster_id: $(CLUSTER_ID)
Hello-Linux commented 1 year ago

@Kampe , I solved this by using replicaExternalLabelName: "__replica__" : This piece adds replica key using Pod name as value for it.

For cluster name I used: externalLabels: cluster: cluster-name

Hope it helps.

Let me summarize

I have twenty-five prometheus pods in five k8s cluster, every cluster have five prometheus pods

The first solution

set the replicaExternalLabelName: "__replica__" config in chart value.yaml 000

The second solution

use prometheus feature flages --enable-feature=expand-external-labels

the helm chart's value.yml config is below

  prometheus_replica: $(POD_NAME)

- expand-external-labels

Friendly Tips:the $(POD_NAME) valiable has been defined in helm chart resource file(kube-prometheus-stack). You don't need to define this variable again

and the thanos query picture is blow

000 000

Venture200 commented 1 year ago

@Hello-Linux Hi, those fields should be added under prometheusSpec ?

bd-spl commented 7 months ago

overriding 'cluster' is not possible

tompson commented 3 months ago

overriding 'cluster' is not possible

@bd-spl what do you mean by that?

I have the problem that configuring

    cluster: "mycluster" 

works for kind PrometheusAgent but not for Prometheus in my prometheus operator deployments