I have configured the minReadySeconds parameter for prometheus / alertmanager CRs deployed by prometheus-operator. I use the kube-prometheus-stack [59.1.0] helm chart for the deployment of the prometheus-operator.
I have adjusted the value like so: minReadySeconds: 300
Steps to Reproduce
Deploy the prometheus-operator via the kube-prometheus-stack and configure the minReadySeconds parameter.
Expected Result
After a kubectl rollout restart sts prometheus I expect the rolling restart process to halt for 5 min before restarting the next prometheus replica.
Actual Result
The minReadySeconds parameter is not respected. Once the first replica is ready the second replica is immediately restarted.
I figure this could be due to the prometheus / alertmanager statefulsets being configured with the podManagementPolicy "Parallel".
I come to this conclusion because I have rendered out the statefulset manifests and discovered that the podManagementPolicy is not set to the default "OrderedReady".
I tested the behaviour by creating a dummy-statefulset which first was deployed without the podManagementPolicy and finally with the podManagementPolicy set to "Parallel".
Here is the result of the rollout restart performed on the dummy-statefulset without the configured podManagementPolicy:
web-0 1/1 Running 0 9s
web-1 1/1 Running 0 10m
Here the result if you have the podManagementPolicy set to parallel:
web-0 1/1 Running 0 45s
web-1 1/1 Running 0 53s
You can notice a difference in pod age between both replicas in the first output. In the second output however the pod age tells us that the minReadySeconds wait time was not enforced.
Prometheus Operator Version
Kubernetes Version
Client Version: v1.28.2
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
Server Version: v1.28.8
I am aware of the possibility to use the strategic-merge-patch to apply probing configuration (readiness, liveness) however this solution is not suitable for our prometheus-operator / kube-prometheus-stack setup.
What happened?
I have configured the minReadySeconds parameter for prometheus / alertmanager CRs deployed by prometheus-operator. I use the kube-prometheus-stack [59.1.0] helm chart for the deployment of the prometheus-operator.
I have adjusted the value like so:
minReadySeconds: 300
Steps to Reproduce
Deploy the prometheus-operator via the kube-prometheus-stack and configure the minReadySeconds parameter.
Expected Result
After a
kubectl rollout restart sts prometheus
I expect the rolling restart process to halt for 5 min before restarting the next prometheus replica.Actual Result
The minReadySeconds parameter is not respected. Once the first replica is ready the second replica is immediately restarted.
I figure this could be due to the prometheus / alertmanager statefulsets being configured with the podManagementPolicy "Parallel".
I come to this conclusion because I have rendered out the statefulset manifests and discovered that the podManagementPolicy is not set to the default "OrderedReady".
I tested the behaviour by creating a dummy-statefulset which first was deployed without the podManagementPolicy and finally with the podManagementPolicy set to "Parallel".
I used this official kubernetes doc statefulset manifest.
Here is the result of the rollout restart performed on the dummy-statefulset without the configured podManagementPolicy:
Here the result if you have the podManagementPolicy set to parallel:
You can notice a difference in pod age between both replicas in the first output. In the second output however the pod age tells us that the minReadySeconds wait time was not enforced.
Prometheus Operator Version
Kubernetes Version
Kubernetes Cluster Type
Other (please comment)
How did you deploy Prometheus-Operator?
helm chart:prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
prometheus-operator log output
Anything else?
I am aware of the possibility to use the strategic-merge-patch to apply probing configuration (readiness, liveness) however this solution is not suitable for our prometheus-operator / kube-prometheus-stack setup.