prometheus / consul_exporter

Exporter for Consul metrics
Apache License 2.0
440 stars 167 forks source link

Compilation issue when building from but not when doing a git clone #35

Closed Djidiouf closed 7 years ago

Djidiouf commented 7 years ago

Hi, I went through an issue today about building consul_exporter from sources.

If I git clone the repo, it works perfectly well. However, If I download the available, it doesn't build the consul_expoter and fails. I did a diff between the 2 folders and beside having the .git folder in the consul_expoter which has been retrieved by doing a git clone, everything is similar.

Can you have a look at it?


[root@myserver prometheus]# pwd
[root@myserver prometheus]# echo $GOPATH
[root@myserver prometheus]# wget                                                                                   --2016-11-06 21:51:54--
Saving to: ''

1,136,197    877K/s   in 1.3s

2016-11-06 21:51:57 (877 KB/s) - '' saved [1136197]
[root@myserver prometheus]# unzip -qq
[root@myserver prometheus]# ls -al
total 1128
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root    4096 Nov  6 21:52 .
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root    4096 Nov  6 20:30 ..
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root    4096 Sep  9 04:19 consul_exporter-master
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1136197 Nov  6 21:51
drwxr-xr-x. 7 root root    4096 Nov  6 20:31 promu
[root@myserver prometheus]# mv consul_exporter-master/ consul_exporter
[root@myserver prometheus]# cd consul_exporter/
[root@myserver consul_exporter]# make
>> formatting code
>> building binaries
 >   .
go install build output "/tmp/gopath/src/" already exists and is a directory
!! command failed: build -o /tmp/gopath/src/ -ldflags -X -X -X -X -X  -extldflags '-static' -a -tags netgo exit status 1
make: *** [build] Error 1

You can see in the above output:

>> building binaries
 >   .

Now, I exit this folder, remove it and issue a git clone.

[root@myserver consul_exporter]# cd ..
[root@myserver prometheus]# rm -rf consul_exporter/
[root@myserver prometheus]# git clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/gopath/src/
remote: Counting objects: 627, done.
remote: Total 627 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 627
Receiving objects: 100% (627/627), 847.95 KiB | 293 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (210/210), done.
[root@myserver prometheus]# cd consul_exporter/
[root@myserver consul_exporter]# make
>> formatting code
>> building binaries
 >   consul_exporter
>> running tests
ok   0.006s
[root@myserver consul_exporter]#
grobie commented 7 years ago

Thanks for reporting this @Djidiouf! I just checked and promu expects to be run with a git directory. I opened an issue to either support the git-less use case or at least return a better error message. Please follow that issue for further updates.