prometheus / talks

Track Prometheus talks
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Observability Practitioners Summit, San Diego, CA, 2019-11-18 #30

Closed beorn7 closed 4 years ago

beorn7 commented 5 years ago

Note: This is a "sub-conference" of KubeCon, one of the "Day Zero Co-Located Events".

CfP deadline 2019-08-30

This seems super relevant. Sadly, at the deadline date, we don't know yet what KubeCon/CNCon talk proposals got rejected. I imagine a lot of what we submitted (and what will probably be rejected) would also fit here.

beorn7 commented 5 years ago

I submitted a modified (more advanced) version of the histogram talk proposed for (and, as I know now, rejected by) KubeCon.

beorn7 commented 4 years ago

My talk got rejected. Will any Prometheus person be presenting (or at least be present) at the OPS? Would be weird if there were zero presence of Prometheus maintainers at a conference with this focus (while there are many Prometheus maintainers in town due to KubeCon). But I guess that's more a problem of the organizers than ours…