prometheus / test-infra

Prometheus E2E benchmarking tool
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Prombench `cluster-infra` crashes on applying manifest files with Kind Provider #715

Closed Vandit1604 closed 1 month ago

Vandit1604 commented 1 month ago is continuously crashing when I try to apply the manifest files with the ../infra/infra with Kind provider. Is it because of it being ancient (last updated ~4 years ago)
It's documentation also needs to be updated. I'm willing to help if someone can help me when I get blocked due to some issue I face and can't able to figure out due to lack of context.

Vandit1604 commented 1 month ago

Must've accidentally closed it. :^)

Vandit1604 commented 1 month ago

I went through the logs of failing container.

kubectl logs pod/ingress-nginx-admission-patch-wfck6 -n ingress-nginx

W0801 13:51:36.072559       1 client_config.go:618] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified.  Using the inClusterConfig.  This might not work.
{"level":"info","msg":"patching webhook configurations 'ingress-nginx-admission' mutating=false, validating=true, failurePolicy=Fail","source":"k8s/k8s.go:118","time":"2024-08-01T13:51:36Z"}
{"err":" \"ingress-nginx-admission\" not found","level":"fatal","msg":"failed getting validating webhook","source":"cmd/patch.go:103","time":"2024-08-01T13:51:36Z"}
Vandit1604 commented 1 month ago

kubectl logs pod/kube-state-metrics-8544665d78-ttmr5 -n kube-system
Error: unknown flag: --collectors
  kube-state-metrics [flags]
  kube-state-metrics [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate completion script for kube-state-metrics.
  help        Help about any command
  version     Print version information.

What meterics do we want from kube-state-meterics here? We can update the kube-state-metrics image to v2.13.0 and write the configuration flag according to that.

yomek33 commented 1 month ago

I believe there may be challenges in various areas 😂 The issue I'm currently encountering is an error stating that IngressClass is not implemented.

00:37:39 k8s.go:314: resource updated - kind: ClusterRoleBinding, name: ingress-nginx-admission
00:37:39 k8s.go:358: resource updated - kind: ConfigMap, name: ingress-nginx-controller
00:37:39 k8s.go:836: resource updated - kind: Service, name: ingress-nginx-controller
00:37:39 k8s.go:836: resource updated - kind: Service, name: ingress-nginx-controller-admission
00:37:39 k8s.go:442: resource updated - kind: Deployment, name: ingress-nginx-controller
00:37:49 provider.go:74: Request for 'applying deployment:ingress-nginx-controller' is done!
00:37:49 k8s.go:538: resource created - kind: Job, name: ingress-nginx-admission-create
00:37:59 provider.go:74: Request for 'running job:ingress-nginx-admission-create' is done!
00:37:59 k8s.go:538: resource created - kind: Job, name: ingress-nginx-admission-patch
00:38:09 provider.go:74: Request for 'running job:ingress-nginx-admission-patch' is done!
Error parsing commandline arguments: error applying 'manifests/cluster-infra/2_ingress-nginx-controller.yaml' err:creating request for unimplimented resource type:ingressclass

However, since it's mentioned here, I believe the problem lies not in the YAML but in the Go code.

but if this is an issue specific to my environment (M2 Mac), it could be due to problems with my other tools.

Vandit1604 commented 1 month ago

I think It is code related problem in infra/infra for the Kind provider.

Vandit1604 commented 1 month ago

I'm investigating that.

yomek33 commented 1 month ago

I guess we should add case "inglessClass" to here🤔

Vandit1604 commented 1 month ago

It was failing for me as well. I have implemented the fix locally, but then it is failing for

Vandit1604 commented 1 month ago

@yomek33 I can raise a PR for the fixes I found till now. I was thinking of doing that in single PR but since a lot of people are trying out the project, dividing it in smaller PRs feels right.

yomek33 commented 1 month ago

Yes, that sounds great! It will be really helpful if you create the PRs😊

Vandit1604 commented 1 month ago

Hi @yomek33, I have created

Vandit1604 commented 1 month ago

It was failing for me as well. I have implemented the fix locally, but then it is failing for


 - name: kube-state-metrics 
   - "--resources=namespaces" 

made it work for me.