Deletion request comes before infrastructure deployment actually starts. In this situation the deployment shouldn't actually begin.
2019-04-29 15:39:06,868 INFO [restapi] Infrastructure creation request successfully initiated with id 03d31481-e311-4c80-b40d-a6b9faf316bd
2019-04-29 15:39:45,841 INFO [restapi] Infrastructure deletion request successfully initiated with id 03d31481-e311-4c80-b40d-a6b9faf316bd
2019-04-29 15:40:14,557 INFO [imc] Deploying infrastructure with id 03d31481-e311-4c80-b40d-a6b9faf316bd
2019-04-29 15:40:14,661 INFO [imc] Created infrastructure with id "14ff70f4-6a95-11e9-b13b-0242ac110003" on cloud "OpenStack-STFC" for id "03d31481-e311-4c80-b40d-a6b9faf316bd" and waiting for it to be configured
2019-04-29 15:40:57,619 INFO [imc] Deleting infrastructure "03d31481-e311-4c80-b40d-a6b9faf316bd"
2019-04-29 15:41:29,545 INFO [imc] Infrastructure with our id "03d31481-e311-4c80-b40d-a6b9faf316bd" and IM id "14ff70f4-6a95-11e9-b13b-0242ac110003" is in state unknown
2019-04-29 15:42:34,570 INFO [imc] Infrastructure with our id "03d31481-e311-4c80-b40d-a6b9faf316bd" and IM id "14ff70f4-6a95-11e9-b13b-0242ac110003" is in state configured
2019-04-29 15:42:34,570 INFO [imc] Successfully configured infrastructure with our id "03d31481-e311-4c80-b40d-a6b9faf316bd" on cloud "OpenStack-STFC"
Deletion request comes before infrastructure deployment actually starts. In this situation the deployment shouldn't actually begin.