prominenceai / deepstream-services-library

A shared library of on-demand DeepStream Pipeline Services for Python and C/C++
MIT License
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stuck after add a secondary infer gie #1010

Closed HappyKerry closed 10 months ago

HappyKerry commented 1 year ago

I add a secondary infer gie in the example ode_cross_polygon_border_print_event.cpp, but after that the program stucked logs:

0:00:00.011452935 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:136:GetServices:  : Services Initialization
0:00:00.011624946 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesInfo.cpp:58:InfoInitDebugSettings:  : Pre-start log level  = 1,DSL:4
0:00:00.011633481 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesInfo.cpp:59:InfoInitDebugSettings:  : Pre-start Log file  = ./dsllogs.txt
0:00:00.012098327 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:154:GetServices:  : DSL Version: v0.26.a.alpha
0:00:00.013157569 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:165:GetServices:  : Libcurl Initialized Successfully
0:00:00.013181234 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:166:GetServices:  : Version: 7.68.0
0:00:00.013186891 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:167:GetServices:  : Host: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
0:00:00.013198259 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:168:GetServices:  : Features: 12568477
0:00:00.013203769 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:169:GetServices:  : SSL Version: OpenSSL/1.1.1f
0:00:00.013208617 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:170:GetServices:  : Libz Version: 1.2.11
0:00:00.013216359 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:171:GetServices:  : Protocols: 0x7fd433118100
0:00:00.108544361 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesDisplayType.cpp:126:DisplayTypeRgbaColorPredefinedNew:  : New RGBA Predefined Color 'solid-yellow' created successfully
0:00:00.108635498 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesDisplayType.cpp:734:DisplayTypeRgbaPolygonNew:  : New RGBA Polygon 'polygon' created successfully
0:00:00.108725864 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesDisplayType.cpp:175:DisplayTypeRgbaColorRandomNew:  : New RGBA Random Color 'random-color' created successfully
0:00:00.108865177 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOdeTrigger.cpp:81:OdeTriggerOccurrenceNew:  : New Occurrence ODE Trigger 'every-occurrence' created successfully
0:00:00.108974626 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOdeAction.cpp:800:OdeActionBBoxFormatNew:  : New Format Bounding Box ODE Action 'include-bbox-action' created successfully
0:00:00.109094871 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOdeTrigger.cpp:2112:OdeTriggerActionAdd:  : ODE Action 'include-bbox-action' was added to ODE Trigger 'every-occurrence' successfully
0:00:00.109221273 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOdeArea.cpp:65:OdeAreaInclusionNew:  : New ODE Inclusion Area 'polygon-area' created successfully
0:00:00.109299624 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOdeTrigger.cpp:704:OdeTriggerCrossNew:  : New Cross ODE Trigger 'car-cross-trigger' created successfully
0:00:00.109338200 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOdeTrigger.cpp:1635:OdeTriggerConfidenceMinSet:  : Trigger 'car-cross-trigger' set minimum confidence = 0.4 successfully
0:00:00.109366963 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOdeTrigger.cpp:846:OdeTriggerCrossViewSettingsSet:  : ODE Track Trigger 'car-cross-trigger' set view settings successfully
0:00:00.109408232 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOdeTrigger.cpp:2201:OdeTriggerAreaAdd:  : ODE Area 'polygon-area' was added to ODE Trigger 'car-cross-trigger' successfully
0:00:00.109456230 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOdeAction.cpp:1100:OdeActionMonitorNew:  : New ODE Monitor Action 'person-occurrence-monitor' created successfully
0:00:00.109477347 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOdeTrigger.cpp:2112:OdeTriggerActionAdd:  : ODE Action 'person-occurrence-monitor' was added to ODE Trigger 'car-cross-trigger' successfully
0:00:00.109562117 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPph.cpp:172:PphOdeNew:  : New ODE Pad Probe Handler 'ode-handler' created successfully
0:00:00.109591370 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPph.cpp:328:PphOdeDisplayMetaAllocSizeSet:  : ODE Pad Probe Handler 'ode-handler' set its Display Meta size to 3 successfully
0:00:00.109622333 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPph.cpp:211:PphOdeTriggerAdd:  : ODE Trigger 'every-occurrence' was added to ODE Pad Probe Handler 'ode-handler' successfully
0:00:00.109648227 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPph.cpp:211:PphOdeTriggerAdd:  : ODE Trigger 'car-cross-trigger' was added to ODE Pad Probe Handler 'ode-handler' successfully
0:00:00.112921777 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1484:SetFileUri:  : File Path = file:/work/1.mp4
0:00:00.132513953 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1451:SetUri:  : URI Path for File Source 'uri-source' = file:/work/1.mp4
0:00:00.132574875 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1399:UriSourceBintr:  : 
0:00:00.132583792 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1400:UriSourceBintr:  : Initial property values for UriSourceBintr 'uri-source'
0:00:00.132589956 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1401:UriSourceBintr:  :   uri                 : file:/work/1.mp4
0:00:00.132599729 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1402:UriSourceBintr:  :   is-live             : 0
0:00:00.132606251 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1403:UriSourceBintr:  :   skip-frames         : 0
0:00:00.132612439 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1404:UriSourceBintr:  :   drop-frame-interval : 0
0:00:00.132618155 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1405:UriSourceBintr:  :   width               : 704
0:00:00.132623741 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1406:UriSourceBintr:  :   height              : 576
0:00:00.132629583 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1407:UriSourceBintr:  :   fps-n               : 10
0:00:00.132635537 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1408:UriSourceBintr:  :   fps-d               : 1
0:00:00.132641697 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1409:UriSourceBintr:  :   media-out           : video/x-raw(memory:NVMM)
0:00:00.132657834 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1410:UriSourceBintr:  :   buffer-out          : 
0:00:00.132663507 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1411:UriSourceBintr:  :     format            : NV12
0:00:00.132669336 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1412:UriSourceBintr:  :     width             : 0
0:00:00.132674999 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1413:UriSourceBintr:  :     height            : 0
0:00:00.132681186 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1414:UriSourceBintr:  :     crop-pre-conv     : 0:0:0:0
0:00:00.132687209 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1415:UriSourceBintr:  :     crop-post-conv    : 0:0:0:0
0:00:00.132693039 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1416:UriSourceBintr:  :     orientation       : 0
0:00:00.132808263 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesSource.cpp:850:SourceFileNew:  : New File Source 'uri-source' created successfully
0:00:00.177132511 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:99:InferBintr:  : 
0:00:00.177195405 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:100:InferBintr:  : Initial property values for InferBintr 'primary-gie'
0:00:00.177205624 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:101:InferBintr:  :   Inference Type    : nvinfer
0:00:00.177211527 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:102:InferBintr:  :   config-file-path  : /work/cfg/pgie_config.txt
0:00:00.177217230 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:103:InferBintr:  :   process-mode      : 1
0:00:00.177222769 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:104:InferBintr:  :   unique-id         : 1
0:00:00.177228363 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:105:InferBintr:  :   interval          : 0
0:00:00.177233561 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:106:InferBintr:  :   model-engine-file : /work/cfg/yolov5s_b1_gpu0_fp16.engine
0:00:00.177485073 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesInfer.cpp:70:InferPrimaryGieNew:  : New Primary GIE 'primary-gie' created successfully
0:00:00.177515505 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesTracker.cpp:51:TrackerNew:  : Tracker config file: /work/cfg/config_tracker_NvDCF_perf.yml
0:00:00.178701846 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:60:TrackerBintr:  : 
0:00:00.178720819 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:61:TrackerBintr:  : Initial property values for TrackerBintr 'iou-tracker'
0:00:00.178726910 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:62:TrackerBintr:  :   tracker-width        : 640
0:00:00.178732764 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:63:TrackerBintr:  :   tracker-height       : 384
0:00:00.178738398 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:64:TrackerBintr:  :   ll-lib-file          : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib/
0:00:00.178752240 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:65:TrackerBintr:  :   ll-config-file       : /work/cfg/config_tracker_NvDCF_perf.yml
0:00:00.178756984 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:66:TrackerBintr:  :   gpu-id               : 0
0:00:00.178761557 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:67:TrackerBintr:  :   enable-batch-process : 1
0:00:00.178766147 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:68:TrackerBintr:  :   enable-past-frame    : 0
0:00:00.178864679 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesTracker.cpp:64:TrackerNew:  : New Tracker 'iou-tracker' created successfully
0:00:00.180402108 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:71:OsdBintr:  : 
0:00:00.180419977 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:72:OsdBintr:  : Initial property values for OsdBintr 'osd'
0:00:00.180425467 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:73:OsdBintr:  :   gpu-id            : 0
0:00:00.180430103 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:74:OsdBintr:  :   nvbuf-memory-type : 0
0:00:00.180434715 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:75:OsdBintr:  :   display-clock     : 1
0:00:00.180438928 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:76:OsdBintr:  :   display-text      : 1
0:00:00.180443217 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:77:OsdBintr:  :   clock-font        : Serif
0:00:00.180448036 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:78:OsdBintr:  :   clock-font-size   : 12
0:00:00.180452420 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:79:OsdBintr:  :   x-clock-offset    : 20
0:00:00.180456671 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:80:OsdBintr:  :   y-clock-offset    : 20
0:00:00.180461017 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:81:OsdBintr:  :   clock-color       : 0
0:00:00.180465388 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:82:OsdBintr:  :   process-mode      : 0
0:00:00.180469801 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:83:OsdBintr:  :   display-bbox      : 1
0:00:00.180474167 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:84:OsdBintr:  :   display-mask      : 0
0:00:00.180585536 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOsd.cpp:51:OsdNew:  : New OSD 'osd' created successfully
0:00:00.180658346 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesOsd.cpp:503:OsdPphAdd:  : OSD 'osd' added Pad Probe Handler successfully
0:00:00.184692311 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1173:FileSinkBintr:  : 
0:00:00.184710660 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1174:FileSinkBintr:  : Initial property values for FileSinkBintr 'file-sink'
0:00:00.184716526 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1175:FileSinkBintr:  :   file-path          : 1.mp4
0:00:00.184726981 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1176:FileSinkBintr:  :   codec              : 0
0:00:00.184731736 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1177:FileSinkBintr:  :   container          : 0
0:00:00.184736273 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1180:FileSinkBintr:  :   bitrate            : 4000000
0:00:00.184740524 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1186:FileSinkBintr:  :   interval           : 0
0:00:00.184744784 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1187:FileSinkBintr:  :   converter-width    : 0
0:00:00.184749049 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1188:FileSinkBintr:  :   converter-height   : 0
0:00:00.184753745 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1189:FileSinkBintr:  :   enable-last-sample : 0
0:00:00.184758060 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1190:FileSinkBintr:  :   max-lateness       : -1
0:00:00.184762240 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1191:FileSinkBintr:  :   sync               : 1
0:00:00.184766583 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1192:FileSinkBintr:  :   qos                : 0
0:00:00.184826278 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesSink.cpp:457:SinkFileNew:  : New File Sink 'file-sink' created successfully
0:00:00.185058107 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:99:InferBintr:  : 
0:00:00.185070368 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:100:InferBintr:  : Initial property values for InferBintr 'secondary_gie'
0:00:00.185076419 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:101:InferBintr:  :   Inference Type    : nvinfer
0:00:00.185081103 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:102:InferBintr:  :   config-file-path  : /work/cfg/2ndInfer_config.txt
0:00:00.185085806 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:103:InferBintr:  :   process-mode      : 2
0:00:00.185090329 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:104:InferBintr:  :   unique-id         : 2
0:00:00.185094789 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:105:InferBintr:  :   interval          : 0
0:00:00.185099337 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:106:InferBintr:  :   model-engine-file : /work/2ndInfer.trt
0:00:00.185275459 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:567:SecondaryInferBintr:  :   Infer on name     : primary-gie
0:00:00.185306555 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesInfer.cpp:158:InferSecondaryGieNew:  : New Secondary GIE 'secondary_gie' created successfully
0:00:00.187190498 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:408:SetStreamMuxDimensions:  : Setting StreamMux dimensions: width = 1920, height = 1080
0:00:00.187235606 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:70:PipelineSourcesBintr:  : 
0:00:00.187241765 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:71:PipelineSourcesBintr:  : Initial property values for Streammux 'sources-bin'
0:00:00.187251117 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:72:PipelineSourcesBintr:  :   width                  : 1920
0:00:00.187255756 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:73:PipelineSourcesBintr:  :   height                 : 1080
0:00:00.187260186 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:74:PipelineSourcesBintr:  :   enable-padding         : 0
0:00:00.187264769 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:75:PipelineSourcesBintr:  :   gpu-id                 : 0
0:00:00.187269402 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:76:PipelineSourcesBintr:  :   nvbuf-memory-type      : 3
0:00:00.187273918 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:77:PipelineSourcesBintr:  :   num-surfaces-per-frame : 1
0:00:00.187278475 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:78:PipelineSourcesBintr:  :   buffer-pool-size       : 4
0:00:00.187282856 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:79:PipelineSourcesBintr:  :   attach-sys-ts          : 1
0:00:00.187287270 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:80:PipelineSourcesBintr:  :   interpolation-method   : 1
0:00:00.187291784 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:81:PipelineSourcesBintr:  :   sync-inputs            : 0
0:00:00.187395527 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:47:PipelineNew:  : New PIPELINE 'test-pipeline' created successfully
0:00:00.187468999 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:349:StreamMuxPlayTypeIsLiveSet:  : 'live-source' attrubute set to '0' for Streammuxer 'sources-bin'
0:00:00.187546179 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd:  : Component 'uri-source' was added to Pipeline 'test-pipeline' successfully
0:00:00.187589606 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:104:AddPrimaryInferBintr:  : Adding PrimaryInferBintr 'primary-gie' to Pipeline/Branch 'test-pipeline'
0:00:00.187697798 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd:  : Component 'primary-gie' was added to Pipeline 'test-pipeline' successfully
0:00:00.188009401 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd:  : Component 'secondary_gie' was added to Pipeline 'test-pipeline' successfully
0:00:00.188060450 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd:  : Component 'iou-tracker' was added to Pipeline 'test-pipeline' successfully
0:00:00.188104654 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd:  : Component 'osd' was added to Pipeline 'test-pipeline' successfully
0:00:00.188320525 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd:  : Component 'file-sink' was added to Pipeline 'test-pipeline' successfully
0:00:00.188387611 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:1104:PipelineXWindowKeyEventHandlerAdd:  : Pipeline 'test-pipeline' added X Window Key Event Handler successfully
0:00:00.188449200 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:1220:PipelineXWindowDeleteEventHandlerAdd:  : Pipeline 'test-pipeline' added X Window Delete Event Handler successfully
0:00:00.188505358 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:908:PipelineStateChangeListenerAdd:  : Pipeline 'test-pipeline' added State Change Listener successfully
0:00:00.188520353 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:966:PipelineEosListenerAdd:  : Pipeline 'test-pipeline' added End of Stream Listener successfully
0:00:00.191254148 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslNodetr.h:546:LinkToSinkMuxer:  : Linking requested Sink Pad'0x55b4338c38d0' for Bintr 'uri-source'
0:00:00.191363429 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineBintr.cpp:286:LinkAll:  : Pipeline 'test-pipeline' Linked up all Source 'sources-bin' successfully
0:00:00.191392921 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBintr.h:194:SetBatchSize:  : Setting batch size to '1' for Bintr 'primary-gie'
0:00:00.191612497 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:444:LinkAll:  : Branch 'test-pipeline' Linked up PrimaryInferBintr 'primary-gie' successfully
0:00:00.191724757 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:460:LinkAll:  : Branch 'test-pipeline' Linked up Tracker 'iou-tracker' successfully
0:00:00.191736266 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBintr.h:194:SetBatchSize:  : Setting batch size to '1' for Bintr 'secondary-infer-bin'
0:00:00.191803491 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:684:SetInferOnAttributes:  : Setting infer-on-id for SecondaryInferBintr 'secondary_gie' to 1
0:00:00.191823405 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBintr.h:194:SetBatchSize:  : Setting batch size to '1' for Bintr 'secondary_gie'
0:00:00.191831140 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineSInfersBintr.cpp:225:LinkAll:  : Linking 'secondary_gie' back to src tee'secondary-infer-bin-tee'
0:00:00.191889054 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslNodetr.h:640:LinkToSourceTee:  : Linking requested Src Pad'0x55b4338e6300' for Bintr 'secondary_gie-queue-fakesink'
0:00:00.191937143 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:696:LinkToSource:  : Linking SecondaryInferBintr 'secondary_gie' to Tee 'secondary-infer-bin-tee'
0:00:00.192097443 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:476:LinkAll:  : Branch 'test-pipeline' Linked up all Secondary GIEs 'secondary-infer-bin' successfully
0:00:00.192115854 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBintr.h:194:SetBatchSize:  : Setting batch size to '1' for Bintr 'osd'
0:00:00.192422865 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:538:LinkAll:  : Branch 'test-pipeline' Linked up OSD 'osd' successfully
0:00:00.192441108 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBintr.h:194:SetBatchSize:  : Setting batch size to '1' for Bintr 'file-sink'
0:00:00.192449661 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBintr.h:194:SetBatchSize:  : Setting batch size to '1' for Bintr 'sinks-bin'
0:00:00.192750820 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslNodetr.h:640:LinkToSourceTee:  : Linking requested Src Pad'0x55b4338e67c0' for Bintr 'file-sink'
0:00:00.193096222 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:590:LinkAll:  : Branch 'test-pipeline' Linked up all Sinks 'sinks-bin' successfully
0:00:00.193131332 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslNodetr.h:774:SetState:  : Changing state to 'PAUSED' for Bintr 'test-pipeline'
0:00:01.784740701 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:646:gst_nvinfer_logger:<infer-secondary_gie-nvinfer> NvDsInferContext[UID 2]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1900> [UID = 2]: deserialized trt engine from :/work/2ndInfer.trt
0:00:01.806972364 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:646:gst_nvinfer_logger:<infer-secondary_gie-nvinfer> NvDsInferContext[UID 2]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2003> [UID = 2]: Use deserialized engine model: /work/2ndInfer.trt
0:00:01.808460224 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus:<infer-secondary_gie-nvinfer> [UID 2]: Load new model:/work/cfg/2ndInfer_config.txt sucessfully
0:00:02.310274014 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:646:gst_nvinfer_logger:<infer-primary-gie-nvinfer> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1900> [UID = 1]: deserialized trt engine from :/work/cfg/yolov5s_b1_gpu0_fp16.engine
0:00:02.321374550 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:646:gst_nvinfer_logger:<infer-primary-gie-nvinfer> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2003> [UID = 1]: Use deserialized engine model: /work/cfg/yolov5s_b1_gpu0_fp16.engine
0:00:02.323319126 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus:<infer-primary-gie-nvinfer> [UID 1]: Load new model:/work/cfg/pgie_config.txt sucessfully
0:00:02.325433465 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1578:HandleOnChildAdded:  : Child object with name 'source' added
0:00:02.325701133 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1578:HandleOnChildAdded:  : Child object with name 'decodebin0' added
0:00:02.325885060 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslNodetr.h:792:SetState:  : State change will complete asynchronously for Bintr 'test-pipeline'
0:00:02.335118978 84251 0x55b432bd1520 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1578:HandleOnChildAdded:  : Child object with name 'qtdemux0' added
0:00:02.336327273 84251 0x55b434fe2060 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1578:HandleOnChildAdded:  : Child object with name 'multiqueue0' added
0:00:02.337361945 84251 0x55b434fe2060 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1578:HandleOnChildAdded:  : Child object with name 'h264parse0' added
0:00:02.337865214 84251 0x55b434fe2060 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1578:HandleOnChildAdded:  : Child object with name 'capsfilter0' added
0:00:02.340365805 84251 0x7fd2f0077700 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1578:HandleOnChildAdded:  : Child object with name 'nvv4l2decoder0' added
0:00:02.340451638 84251 0x7fd2f0077700 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1602:HandleOnChildAdded:  : setting properties for child 'nvv4l2decoder0'
0:00:02.453508369 84251 0x7fd2f0077700 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1555:HandleSourceElementOnPadAdded:  : Caps structs name video/x-raw
0:00:02.455942841 84251 0x7fd2f0077700 INFO                     DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1566:HandleSourceElementOnPadAdded:  : Video decode linked for URI source 'uri-source'
0:00:12.326033278 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslNodetr.h:805:SetState:  : State change completed asynchronously for Bintr'test-pipeline'
0:00:12.326165615 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslNodetr.h:774:SetState:  : Changing state to 'PLAYING' for Bintr 'test-pipeline'
0:00:12.326218612 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslNodetr.h:792:SetState:  : State change will complete asynchronously for Bintr 'test-pipeline'
0:00:22.326457597 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslNodetr.h:805:SetState:  : State change completed asynchronously for Bintr'test-pipeline'
0:00:22.326592984 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:777:PipelinePlay:  : Pipeline 'test-pipeline' transitioned to a state of PLAYING successfully
0:00:22.327168065 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:341:HandleStateChanged:  : GST_STATE_NULL => GST_STATE_READY
0:00:22.327269846 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:265:StateValueToString:  : State = 1 = DSL_STATE_NULL
0:00:22.327335494 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslServices.cpp:265:StateValueToString:  : State = 2 = DSL_STATE_READY
0:00:22.327489199 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.327562919 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.327618980 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.327667175 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.327725197 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.327791710 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.327865582 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.327913478 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.327982904 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328029092 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328083920 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328183793 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328261206 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328306898 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328395713 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328461503 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328525663 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328601502 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: element
0:00:22.328648368 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328715585 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: element
0:00:22.328760194 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328839494 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328896838 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328952475 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.328999279 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.329045507 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.329159448 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: duration-changed
0:00:22.329242409 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: element
0:00:22.329300538 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.329347178 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.329392426 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.329436910 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:303:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Message type:: stream-status
0:00:22.329543900 84251 0x55b432bc6500 INFO                     DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:325:HandleBusWatchMessage:  : Unhandled message type:: latency
rjhowell44 commented 1 year ago

@HappyKerry I think you might be asking too much from your pipeline/device. From your inference config file, I see that you are on a Jetson device... which one? What is the frame-rate of your recorded videos?

Having a two GIE's, both with the inference-interval set to 0, a DCF Tracker, and a high-frame rate might be causing the issue.

The first thing I would try is to set the inference-interval on your GIEs to something other than 0. Try 4 to start with.

Second, in the current release branch that I'm working on (v0.27.alpha) I've added the ability to control/adjust the frame-rate. So just as a test, if you move to the latest release, you can reduce the frame-rate into the GIE's buy calling dsl_source_video_buffer_out_frame_rate_set to see if you can get your Pipeline to run.

Let's first determine if this is a gpu/cpu limitation or perhaps some other issue with DSL.

rjhowell44 commented 1 year ago

@HappyKerry if you do upgrade, there are a few changes that you will need to make in your code. See issue #1004 The example ode_cross_polygon_border_print_event.cpp has been updated in this branch

HappyKerry commented 1 year ago

@HappyKerry I think you might be asking too much from your pipeline/device. From your inference config file, I see that you are on a Jetson device... which one? What is the frame-rate of your recorded videos?

Having a two GIE's, both with the inference-interval set to 0, a DCF Tracker, and a high-frame rate might be causing the issue.

The first thing I would try is to set the inference-interval on your GIEs to something other than 0. Try 4 to start with.

Second, in the current release branch that I'm working on (v0.27.alpha) I've added the ability to control/adjust the frame-rate. So just as a test, if you move to the latest release, you can reduce the frame-rate into the GIE's buy calling dsl_source_video_buffer_out_frame_rate_set to see if you can get your Pipeline to run.

Let's first determine if this is a gpu/cpu limitation or perhaps some other issue with DSL.

I am tesing on tesla v100,not on jetson, I changed the code to v0.27.alpha, stuck also happened, there might some bugs here

HappyKerry commented 1 year ago

@HappyKerry I think you might be asking too much from your pipeline/device. From your inference config file, I see that you are on a Jetson device... which one? What is the frame-rate of your recorded videos?

Having a two GIE's, both with the inference-interval set to 0, a DCF Tracker, and a high-frame rate might be causing the issue.

The first thing I would try is to set the inference-interval on your GIEs to something other than 0. Try 4 to start with.

Second, in the current release branch that I'm working on (v0.27.alpha) I've added the ability to control/adjust the frame-rate. So just as a test, if you move to the latest release, you can reduce the frame-rate into the GIE's buy calling dsl_source_video_buffer_out_frame_rate_set to see if you can get your Pipeline to run.

Let's first determine if this is a gpu/cpu limitation or perhaps some other issue with DSL.

I am tesing on tesla v100,not on jetson, I changed the code to v0.27.alpha, stuck also happened, there might some bugs here

rjhowell44 commented 1 year ago

@HappyKerry please try with inference-interval = 4 for both gies ... the results of this will be very helpful

HappyKerry commented 1 year ago

@HappyKerry please try with inference-interval = 4 for both gies ... the results of this will be very helpful @rjhowell44 I try with inference-interval=4 for both gies, dsl stuck also hanppened

and I move the two gies to deepstream , it can run correctly with interval 0 or 4

rjhowell44 commented 1 year ago

@HappyKerry thanks for the above, it is very helpful.

First, the fact that you can run in deepstream (I'm assuming you mean the deepstream_app or some other example) means we will be able to get it running is DSL.

Second, we have dozens of test cases, examples, and users (that I know of) that are using multiple gies, so your general use case is nothing new... so I need to understand your specific use case in more detail.

Looking at your log file, I don't see anything out of the ordinary, except for the final statement.

DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:325:HandleBusWatchMessage:�[00m  : Unhandled message type:: latency

Unfortunately, we don't know which plugin is reporting the latency issue in the current release (something that will be addressed in the next release).

All that said, there are a couple of quick tests I would like you to try just to get more data.

Beyond that, the easiest way to move forward, without a bunch of back and forth, would be to produce a Pipeline graph from both the deepstream-app pipeline and DSL pipeline... although, I'm more interested in the working case with deepstream.

Let me know if this is something you are willing and can do. Happy to provide details on how to capture if need be.

P.S. can you tell me which deepstream example and config-file you used?

HappyKerry commented 1 year ago

@HappyKerry thanks for the above, it is very helpful.

First, the fact that you can run in deepstream (I'm assuming you mean the deepstream_app or some other example) means we will be able to get it running is DSL.

Second, we have dozens of test cases, examples, and users (that I know of) that are using multiple gies, so your general use case is nothing new... so I need to understand your specific use case in more detail.

Looking at your log file, I don't see anything out of the ordinary, except for the final statement.

DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:325:HandleBusWatchMessage:�[00m  : Unhandled message type:: latency

Unfortunately, we don't know which plugin is reporting the latency issue in the current release (something that will be addressed in the next release).

All that said, there are a couple of quick tests I would like you to try just to get more data.

  • can you try replacing the file-sink with a window-sink, to see if it still gets stuck.
  • can you try setting the sync property for the file-sink to false. see dsl_sink_sync_enabled_set

Beyond that, the easiest way to move forward, without a bunch of back and forth, would be to produce a Pipeline graph from both the deepstream-app pipeline and DSL pipeline... although, I'm more interested in the working case with deepstream.

Let me know if this is something you are willing and can do. Happy to provide details on how to capture if need be.

P.S. can you tell me which deepstream example and config-file you used?

I set the sync property for the file-sink to false, it is also stucked, but when i remove the secondary gie, the pipeline runs ok

rjhowell44 commented 1 year ago

@HappyKerry please provide me with a full log including a gstreamer/deepstream plugins

export GST_DEBUG=4
MintyLee commented 11 months ago

Is this problem solved? I'm also having the same issue

YoungjaeDev commented 11 months ago

I didn't have any inconveniences with SGIE, but it would be better if you shared the SGIE configuration.

MintyLee commented 11 months ago

I didn't have any inconveniences with SGIE, but it would be better if you shared the SGIE configuration. I ran this example, the configuration files are the default ones

rjhowell44 commented 11 months ago

@MintyLee please provide logs...

export GST_DEBUG=1,DSL:4

Please provide details on your Platform (dGPU or Jetson), DS Version, etc.

MintyLee commented 11 months ago

@MintyLee please provide logs...

export GST_DEBUG=1,DSL:4

Please provide details on your Platform (dGPU or Jetson), DS Version, etc.

Platform:dGPU, [GeForce RTX 3070], DeepStream6.3(by the way, this issue appears on deepstream6.3, which does not appear on deepstream6.2, but does not rule out other factors),Graphic card driver:525.125.06, deepstream-services-library: 0.27.alpha

The log is displayed as follows:

0:00:00.006754112 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServices.cpp:136:GetServices: : Services Initialization
0:00:00.006794870 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesInfo.cpp:58:InfoInitDebugSettings: : Pre-start log level = 1,DSL:4
0:00:00.006798117 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesInfo.cpp:59:InfoInitDebugSettings: : Pre-start Log file =
0:00:00.006970306 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServices.cpp:154:GetServices: : DSL Version: v0.27.alpha
0:00:00.007553124 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServices.cpp:165:GetServices: : Libcurl Initialized Successfully
0:00:00.007557540 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServices.cpp:166:GetServices: : Version: 7.68.0
0:00:00.007560371 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServices.cpp:167:GetServices: : Host: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
0:00:00.007563784 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServices.cpp:168:GetServices: : Features: 12568477
0:00:00.007566220 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServices.cpp:169:GetServices: : SSL Version: OpenSSL/1.1.1f
0:00:00.007568351 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServices.cpp:170:GetServices: : Libz Version: 1.2.11
0:00:00.007571364 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServices.cpp:171:GetServices: : Protocols: 0x7fa788912100
0:00:00.016262197 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1977:SetFileUri: : File Path = file:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.3/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h265.mp4
0:00:00.020243115 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/ffmpeg/DslAvFile.cpp:78:AvInputFile: : Video codec data found in media file: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h265.mp4
0:00:00.020258586 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/ffmpeg/DslAvFile.cpp:79:AvInputFile: : dimensions : 1920x1080
0:00:00.020262150 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/ffmpeg/DslAvFile.cpp:80:AvInputFile: : frame-rate : 30/1
0:00:00.020289740 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1944:SetUri: : URI Path for File Source 'uri-h264' = file:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.3/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h265.mp4
0:00:00.020312372 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1892:UriSourceBintr: :
0:00:00.020315471 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1893:UriSourceBintr: : Initial property values for UriSourceBintr 'uri-h264'
0:00:00.020319166 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1894:UriSourceBintr: : uri : file:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.3/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h265.mp4
0:00:00.020322546 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1895:UriSourceBintr: : is-live : 0
0:00:00.020325152 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1896:UriSourceBintr: : skip-frames : 0
0:00:00.020327095 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1897:UriSourceBintr: : drop-frame-interval : 0
0:00:00.020330188 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1898:UriSourceBintr: : width : 1920
0:00:00.020334370 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1899:UriSourceBintr: : height : 1080
0:00:00.020336400 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1900:UriSourceBintr: : fps-n : 30
0:00:00.020339566 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1901:UriSourceBintr: : fps-d : 1
0:00:00.020341670 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1902:UriSourceBintr: : media-out : video/x-raw(memory:NVMM)
0:00:00.020345684 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1903:UriSourceBintr: : buffer-out :
0:00:00.020348542 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1904:UriSourceBintr: : format : NV12
0:00:00.020351230 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1905:UriSourceBintr: : width : 0
0:00:00.020354265 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1906:UriSourceBintr: : height : 0
0:00:00.020356656 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1907:UriSourceBintr: : fps-n : 0
0:00:00.020358950 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1908:UriSourceBintr: : fps-d : 0
0:00:00.020361224 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1909:UriSourceBintr: : crop-pre-conv : 0:0:0:0
0:00:00.020363594 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1910:UriSourceBintr: : crop-post-conv : 0:0:0:0
0:00:00.020365775 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1911:UriSourceBintr: : orientation : 0
0:00:00.020410399 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesSource.cpp:813:SourceUriNew: : New URI Source 'uri-h264' created successfully
0:00:00.020675505 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1977:SetFileUri: : File Path = file:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.3/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h265.mp4
0:00:00.023465225 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/ffmpeg/DslAvFile.cpp:78:AvInputFile: : Video codec data found in media file: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h265.mp4
0:00:00.023473071 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/ffmpeg/DslAvFile.cpp:79:AvInputFile: : dimensions : 1920x1080
0:00:00.023476319 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/ffmpeg/DslAvFile.cpp:80:AvInputFile: : frame-rate : 30/1
0:00:00.023498248 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1944:SetUri: : URI Path for File Source 'uri-h265' = file:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.3/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h265.mp4
0:00:00.023518690 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1892:UriSourceBintr: :
0:00:00.023521810 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1893:UriSourceBintr: : Initial property values for UriSourceBintr 'uri-h265'
0:00:00.023525254 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1894:UriSourceBintr: : uri : file:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.3/samples/streams/sample_1080p_h265.mp4
0:00:00.023529025 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1895:UriSourceBintr: : is-live : 0
0:00:00.023531979 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1896:UriSourceBintr: : skip-frames : 0
0:00:00.023535099 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1897:UriSourceBintr: : drop-frame-interval : 0
0:00:00.023538030 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1898:UriSourceBintr: : width : 1920
0:00:00.023540860 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1899:UriSourceBintr: : height : 1080
0:00:00.023543771 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1900:UriSourceBintr: : fps-n : 30
0:00:00.023546574 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1901:UriSourceBintr: : fps-d : 1
0:00:00.023549667 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1902:UriSourceBintr: : media-out : video/x-raw(memory:NVMM)
0:00:00.023552675 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1903:UriSourceBintr: : buffer-out :
0:00:00.023555546 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1904:UriSourceBintr: : format : NV12
0:00:00.023558312 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1905:UriSourceBintr: : width : 0
0:00:00.023560945 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1906:UriSourceBintr: : height : 0
0:00:00.023563808 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1907:UriSourceBintr: : fps-n : 0
0:00:00.023566524 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1908:UriSourceBintr: : fps-d : 0
0:00:00.023569519 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1909:UriSourceBintr: : crop-pre-conv : 0:0:0:0
0:00:00.023572321 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1910:UriSourceBintr: : crop-post-conv : 0:0:0:0
0:00:00.023575198 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:1911:UriSourceBintr: : orientation : 0
0:00:00.023607402 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesSource.cpp:813:SourceUriNew: : New URI Source 'uri-h265' created successfully
0:00:00.048409134 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:99:InferBintr: :
0:00:00.048420904 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp💯InferBintr: : Initial property values for InferBintr 'pgie'
0:00:00.048425207 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:101:InferBintr: : Inference Type : nvinfer
0:00:00.048427812 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:102:InferBintr: : config-file-path : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_infer_primary.txt
0:00:00.048430680 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:103:InferBintr: : process-mode : 1
0:00:00.048432985 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:104:InferBintr: : unique-id : 1
0:00:00.048435220 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:105:InferBintr: : interval : 3
0:00:00.048437527 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:106:InferBintr: : model-engine-file : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine
0:00:00.048581155 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesInfer.cpp:70:InferPrimaryGieNew: : New Primary GIE 'pgie' created successfully
0:00:00.048794807 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:99:InferBintr: :
0:00:00.048798079 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp💯InferBintr: : Initial property values for InferBintr 'carcolor-sgie'
0:00:00.048801061 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:101:InferBintr: : Inference Type : nvinfer
0:00:00.048803608 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:102:InferBintr: : config-file-path : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_infer_secondary_carcolor.txt
0:00:00.048806162 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:103:InferBintr: : process-mode : 2
0:00:00.048808373 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:104:InferBintr: : unique-id : 2
0:00:00.048810659 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:105:InferBintr: : interval : 0
0:00:00.048812955 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:106:InferBintr: : model-engine-file : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Secondary_CarColor/resnet18.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine
0:00:00.048917247 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:570:SecondaryInferBintr: : Infer on name : pgie
0:00:00.048923685 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesInfer.cpp:158:InferSecondaryGieNew: : New Secondary GIE 'carcolor-sgie' created successfully
0:00:00.049086864 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:99:InferBintr: :
0:00:00.049089856 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp💯InferBintr: : Initial property values for InferBintr 'carmake-sgie'
0:00:00.049092638 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:101:InferBintr: : Inference Type : nvinfer
0:00:00.049095044 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:102:InferBintr: : config-file-path : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_infer_secondary_carmake.txt
0:00:00.049097352 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:103:InferBintr: : process-mode : 2
0:00:00.049099716 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:104:InferBintr: : unique-id : 3
0:00:00.049101844 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:105:InferBintr: : interval : 0
0:00:00.049104037 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:106:InferBintr: : model-engine-file : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Secondary_CarMake/resnet18.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine
0:00:00.049149225 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:570:SecondaryInferBintr: : Infer on name : pgie
0:00:00.049153641 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesInfer.cpp:158:InferSecondaryGieNew: : New Secondary GIE 'carmake-sgie' created successfully
0:00:00.049283412 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:99:InferBintr: :
0:00:00.049285924 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp💯InferBintr: : Initial property values for InferBintr 'vehicletype-sgie'
0:00:00.049288632 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:101:InferBintr: : Inference Type : nvinfer
0:00:00.049290910 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:102:InferBintr: : config-file-path : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_infer_secondary_vehicletypes.txt
0:00:00.049293179 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:103:InferBintr: : process-mode : 2
0:00:00.049295332 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:104:InferBintr: : unique-id : 4
0:00:00.049297518 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:105:InferBintr: : interval : 0
0:00:00.049299657 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:106:InferBintr: : model-engine-file : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Secondary_VehicleTypes/resnet18.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine
0:00:00.049344901 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:570:SecondaryInferBintr: : Infer on name : pgie
0:00:00.049348961 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesInfer.cpp:158:InferSecondaryGieNew: : New Secondary GIE 'vehicletype-sgie' created successfully
0:00:00.049366680 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesTracker.cpp:51:TrackerNew: : Tracker config file: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_tracker_IOU.yml

(python3:3241738): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 10:21:34.873: g_object_get_is_valid_property: object class 'GstNvTracker' has no property named 'enable-batch-process'

(python3:3241738): GLib-GObject-WARNING *: 10:21:34.873: g_object_get_is_valid_property: object class 'GstNvTracker' has no property named 'enable-past-frame' 0:00:00.049765873 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:60:TrackerBintr: : 0:00:00.049769563 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:61:TrackerBintr: : Initial property values for TrackerBintr 'iou-tracker' 0:00:00.049772094 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:62:TrackerBintr: : tracker-width : 480 0:00:00.049774465 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:63:TrackerBintr: : tracker-height : 272 0:00:00.049777030 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:64:TrackerBintr: : ll-lib-file : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib/ 0:00:00.049779405 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:65:TrackerBintr: : ll-config-file : /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_tracker_IOU.yml 0:00:00.049782028 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:66:TrackerBintr: : gpu-id : 0 0:00:00.049784463 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:67:TrackerBintr: : enable-batch-process : 4294967294 0:00:00.049786696 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTrackerBintr.cpp:68:TrackerBintr: : enable-past-frame : 0 0:00:00.049831754 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesTracker.cpp:64:TrackerNew: : New Tracker 'iou-tracker' created successfully 0:00:00.050084781 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTilerBintr.cpp:61:TilerBintr: : 0:00:00.050089144 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTilerBintr.cpp:62:TilerBintr: : Initial property values for TilerBintr 'tiler' 0:00:00.050091802 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTilerBintr.cpp:63:TilerBintr: : rows : 0 0:00:00.050094091 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTilerBintr.cpp:64:TilerBintr: : columns : 0 0:00:00.050096315 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTilerBintr.cpp:65:TilerBintr: : width : 1920 0:00:00.050098476 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTilerBintr.cpp:66:TilerBintr: : height : 720 0:00:00.050100747 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTilerBintr.cpp:67:TilerBintr: : show-source : -1 0:00:00.050102939 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTilerBintr.cpp:68:TilerBintr: : gpu-id : 0 0:00:00.050105090 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTilerBintr.cpp:69:TilerBintr: : nvbuf-memory-type : 0 0:00:00.050107218 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslTilerBintr.cpp:70:TilerBintr: : compute-hw : 0 0:00:00.050153869 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesTiler.cpp:49:TilerNew: : New Tiler 'tiler' created successfully 0:00:00.051794791 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:80:OsdBintr: : 0:00:00.051801718 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:81:OsdBintr: : Initial property values for OsdBintr 'on-screen-display' 0:00:00.051804482 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:82:OsdBintr: : display-bbox : 1 0:00:00.051806752 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:83:OsdBintr: : display-text : 1 0:00:00.051808942 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:84:OsdBintr: : display-mask : 0 0:00:00.051811075 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:85:OsdBintr: : display-clock : 1 0:00:00.051813272 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:86:OsdBintr: : clock-font : Serif 0:00:00.051815544 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:87:OsdBintr: : clock-font-size : 12 0:00:00.051817684 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:88:OsdBintr: : clock-color : 0 0:00:00.051819872 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:89:OsdBintr: : clock-x-offset : 20 0:00:00.051822021 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:90:OsdBintr: : clock-y-offset : 20 0:00:00.051824143 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:91:OsdBintr: : process-mode : 0 0:00:00.051826238 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:92:OsdBintr: : gpu-id : 0 0:00:00.051828339 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslOsdBintr.cpp:93:OsdBintr: : nvbuf-memory-type : 0 0:00:00.051891009 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesOsd.cpp:51:OsdNew: : New OSD 'on-screen-display' created successfully 0:00:00.052058931 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPph.cpp:49:PphCustomNew: : New Custom Pad Probe Handler 'custom-pph' created successfully 0:00:00.052091878 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesOsd.cpp:569:OsdPphAdd: : OSD 'on-screen-display' added Pad Probe Handler successfully 0:00:00.052918194 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:810:WindowSinkBintr: : 0:00:00.052925673 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:811:WindowSinkBintr: : Initial property values for WindowSinkBintr 'window-sink' 0:00:00.052928709 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:812:WindowSinkBintr: : offset-x : 0 0:00:00.052931067 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:813:WindowSinkBintr: : offset-y : 0 0:00:00.052933254 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:814:WindowSinkBintr: : width : 1280 0:00:00.052935475 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:815:WindowSinkBintr: : height : 720 0:00:00.052937983 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:816:WindowSinkBintr: : force-aspect-ratio : 0 0:00:00.052940188 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:817:WindowSinkBintr: : sync : 1 0:00:00.052942314 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:818:WindowSinkBintr: : async : 1 0:00:00.052944609 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:819:WindowSinkBintr: : max-lateness : 5000000 0:00:00.052946772 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:820:WindowSinkBintr: : qos : 1 0:00:00.052948947 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:821:WindowSinkBintr: : enable-last-sample : 0 0:00:00.052969452 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesSink.cpp:267:SinkWindowNew: : New Window Sink 'window-sink' created successfully 0:00:00.053006900 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesSink.cpp:524:SinkWindowKeyEventHandlerAdd: : Window Sink 'window-sink' added Key Event Handler successfully 0:00:00.053024121 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesSink.cpp:660:SinkWindowDeleteEventHandlerAdd: : Window Sink 'window-sink' added Delete Event Handler successfully 0:00:00.053524073 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:71:PipelineSourcesBintr: : 0:00:00.053529104 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:72:PipelineSourcesBintr: : Initial property values for Streammux 'pipeline-sources-bin' 0:00:00.053531778 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:73:PipelineSourcesBintr: : width : 1920 0:00:00.053534033 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:74:PipelineSourcesBintr: : height : 1080 0:00:00.053536226 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:75:PipelineSourcesBintr: : batched-push-timeout : -1 0:00:00.053538465 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:76:PipelineSourcesBintr: : enable-padding : 0 0:00:00.053540694 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:77:PipelineSourcesBintr: : gpu-id : 0 0:00:00.053542922 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:78:PipelineSourcesBintr: : nvbuf-memory-type : 2 0:00:00.053545170 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:79:PipelineSourcesBintr: : num-surfaces-per-frame : 1 0:00:00.053547405 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:80:PipelineSourcesBintr: : buffer-pool-size : 4 0:00:00.053549607 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:81:PipelineSourcesBintr: : attach-sys-ts : 1 0:00:00.053551826 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:82:PipelineSourcesBintr: : interpolation-method : 1 0:00:00.053553978 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:83:PipelineSourcesBintr: : sync-inputs : 0 0:00:00.053593651 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:47:PipelineNew: : New PIPELINE 'pipeline' created successfully 0:00:00.053611248 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSourcesBintr.cpp:410:StreammuxPlayTypeIsLiveSet: : 'live-source' attrubute set to '0' for Streammuxer 'pipeline-sources-bin' 0:00:00.053650181 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd: : Component 'uri-h264' was added to Pipeline 'pipeline' successfully 0:00:00.053677654 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd: : Component 'uri-h265' was added to Pipeline 'pipeline' successfully 0:00:00.053688026 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:114:AddPrimaryInferBintr: : Adding PrimaryInferBintr 'pgie' to Pipeline/Branch 'pipeline' 0:00:00.053707218 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd: : Component 'pgie' was added to Pipeline 'pipeline' successfully 0:00:00.053722002 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd: : Component 'iou-tracker' was added to Pipeline 'pipeline' successfully 0:00:00.053849750 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd: : Component 'carcolor-sgie' was added to Pipeline 'pipeline' successfully 0:00:00.053898504 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd: : Component 'carmake-sgie' was added to Pipeline 'pipeline' successfully 0:00:00.053948508 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd: : Component 'vehicletype-sgie' was added to Pipeline 'pipeline' successfully 0:00:00.053963406 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd: : Component 'tiler' was added to Pipeline 'pipeline' successfully 0:00:00.053979393 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd: : Component 'on-screen-display' was added to Pipeline 'pipeline' successfully 0:00:00.054035964 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslMultiBranchesBintr.cpp:398:MultiSinksBintr: : 0:00:00.054038616 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslMultiBranchesBintr.cpp:399:MultiSinksBintr: : Initial property values for MultiSinksBintr 'sinks-bin' 0:00:00.054041089 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslMultiBranchesBintr.cpp:400:MultiSinksBintr: : blocking-timeout : 1 0:00:00.054071559 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:140:PipelineComponentAdd: : Component 'window-sink' was added to Pipeline 'pipeline' successfully 0:00:00.054100876 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:812:PipelineStateChangeListenerAdd: : Pipeline 'pipeline' added State Change Listener successfully 0:00:00.054113588 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:870:PipelineEosListenerAdd: : Pipeline 'pipeline' added End of Stream Listener successfully 0:00:00.054141351 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:599:LinkToSinkMuxer: : Linking requested Sink Pad'0x4830c50' for GstNodetr 'uri-h264' 0:00:00.054177665 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:599:LinkToSinkMuxer: : Linking requested Sink Pad'0x4830ea0' for GstNodetr 'uri-h265' 0:00:00.054196861 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineBintr.cpp:261:LinkAll: : Pipeline 'pipeline' Linked up all Source 'pipeline-sources-bin' successfully 0:00:00.054206662 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBintr.h:199:SetBatchSize: : Setting batch size to '2' for Bintr 'pgie' 0:00:00.054334935 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:454:LinkAll: : Branch 'pipeline' Linked up PrimaryInferBintr 'pgie' successfully 0:00:00.054398562 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:470:LinkAll: : Branch 'pipeline' Linked up Tracker 'iou-tracker' successfully 0:00:00.054401979 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBintr.h:199:SetBatchSize: : Setting batch size to '2' for Bintr 'secondary-infer-bin' 0:00:00.054428323 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:687:SetInferOnAttributes: : Setting infer-on-id for SecondaryInferBintr 'carcolor-sgie' to 1 0:00:00.054437053 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBintr.h:199:SetBatchSize: : Setting batch size to '2' for Bintr 'carcolor-sgie' 0:00:00.054440919 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSInfersBintr.cpp:219:LinkAll: : Linking 'carcolor-sgie' back to src tee'secondary-infer-bin-tee' 0:00:00.054471445 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:752:LinkToSourceTee: : Linking requested source pad'0x481cc60' for GstNodetr 'carcolor-sgie-queue-fakesink' 0:00:00.054495680 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:699:LinkToSource: : Linking SecondaryInferBintr 'carcolor-sgie' to Tee 'secondary-infer-bin-tee' 0:00:00.054518037 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:687:SetInferOnAttributes: : Setting infer-on-id for SecondaryInferBintr 'carmake-sgie' to 1 0:00:00.054526214 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBintr.h:199:SetBatchSize: : Setting batch size to '2' for Bintr 'carmake-sgie' 0:00:00.054529499 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSInfersBintr.cpp:219:LinkAll: : Linking 'carmake-sgie' back to src tee'secondary-infer-bin-tee' 0:00:00.054557544 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:752:LinkToSourceTee: : Linking requested source pad'0x481d120' for GstNodetr 'carmake-sgie-queue-fakesink' 0:00:00.054579561 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:699:LinkToSource: : Linking SecondaryInferBintr 'carmake-sgie' to Tee 'secondary-infer-bin-tee' 0:00:00.054601816 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:687:SetInferOnAttributes: : Setting infer-on-id for SecondaryInferBintr 'vehicletype-sgie' to 1 0:00:00.054609795 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBintr.h:199:SetBatchSize: : Setting batch size to '2' for Bintr 'vehicletype-sgie' 0:00:00.054613281 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineSInfersBintr.cpp:219:LinkAll: : Linking 'vehicletype-sgie' back to src tee'secondary-infer-bin-tee' 0:00:00.054640790 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:752:LinkToSourceTee: : Linking requested source pad'0x481d5e0' for GstNodetr 'vehicletype-sgie-queue-fakesink' 0:00:00.054663156 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslInferBintr.cpp:699:LinkToSource: : Linking SecondaryInferBintr 'vehicletype-sgie' to Tee 'secondary-infer-bin-tee' 0:00:00.054774728 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:486:LinkAll: : Branch 'pipeline' Linked up all Secondary GIEs 'secondary-infer-bin' successfully 0:00:00.054778459 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBintr.h:199:SetBatchSize: : Setting batch size to '2' for Bintr 'tiler' 0:00:00.054872658 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:532:LinkAll: : Branch 'pipeline' Linked up Tiler 'tiler' successfully 0:00:00.054876258 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBintr.h:199:SetBatchSize: : Setting batch size to '2' for Bintr 'on-screen-display' 0:00:00.055082958 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:548:LinkAll: : Branch 'pipeline' Linked up OSD 'on-screen-display' successfully 0:00:00.055088334 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBintr.h:199:SetBatchSize: : Setting batch size to '2' for Bintr 'window-sink' 0:00:00.055091502 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBintr.h:199:SetBatchSize: : Setting batch size to '2' for Bintr 'sinks-bin' 0:00:00.055108580 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesSink.cpp:208:_sinkWindowRegister: : Registering Window-Sink 'window-sink' with GstObject = 0x4822620 0:00:00.055233337 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:752:LinkToSourceTee: : Linking requested source pad'0x481daa0' for GstNodetr 'window-sink' 0:00:00.055421911 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslBranchBintr.cpp:600:LinkAll: : Branch 'pipeline' Linked up all Sinks 'sinks-bin' successfully 0:00:00.055426742 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:915:SetState: : Changing state to 'PAUSED' for GstNodetr 'pipeline' 0:00:00.182910906 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesSink.cpp:241:_sinkWindowGet: : Returning Window-Sink 'window-sink' 0:00:00.183322401 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSinkBintr.cpp:1257:CreateXWindow: : Creating new XWindow: x-offset = 0, y-offset = 0, width = 1280, height = 720 for WindowSinkBintr 'window-sink' WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in 0:00:01.779088043 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 4]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() [UID = 4]: deserialized trt engine from :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Secondary_VehicleTypes/resnet18.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine INFO: ../nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 2 0 INPUT kFLOAT input_1 3x224x224 1 OUTPUT kFLOAT predictions/Softmax 6x1x1

0:00:01.830341013 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 4]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() [UID = 4]: Use deserialized engine model: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Secondary_VehicleTypes/resnet18.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine 0:00:01.832624142 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus: [UID 4]: Load new model:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_infer_secondary_vehicletypes.txt sucessfully WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in 0:00:03.056105583 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 3]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() [UID = 3]: deserialized trt engine from :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Secondary_CarMake/resnet18.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine INFO: ../nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 2 0 INPUT kFLOAT input_1 3x224x224 1 OUTPUT kFLOAT predictions/Softmax 20x1x1

0:00:03.109508305 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 3]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() [UID = 3]: Use deserialized engine model: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Secondary_CarMake/resnet18.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine 0:00:03.110676453 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus: [UID 3]: Load new model:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_infer_secondary_carmake.txt sucessfully WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in 0:00:04.326981030 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 2]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() [UID = 2]: deserialized trt engine from :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Secondary_CarColor/resnet18.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine INFO: ../nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 2 0 INPUT kFLOAT input_1 3x224x224 1 OUTPUT kFLOAT predictions/Softmax 12x1x1

0:00:04.379362501 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 2]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() [UID = 2]: Use deserialized engine model: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Secondary_CarColor/resnet18.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine 0:00:04.380551312 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus: [UID 2]: Load new model:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_infer_secondary_carcolor.txt sucessfully gstnvtracker: Loading low-level lib at /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib/ [NvMultiObjectTracker] Initialized WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in WARNING: [TRT]: CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See CUDA_MODULE_LOADING in 0:00:05.626880394 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() [UID = 1]: deserialized trt engine from :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine INFO: ../nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 3 0 INPUT kFLOAT input_1 3x368x640 1 OUTPUT kFLOAT conv2d_bbox 16x23x40 2 OUTPUT kFLOAT conv2d_cov/Sigmoid 4x23x40

0:00:05.681984210 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() [UID = 1]: Use deserialized engine model: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b8_gpu0_int8.engine 0:00:05.682567698 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus: [UID 1]: Load new model:/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_infer_primary.txt sucessfully 0:00:05.682906046 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'source' added 0:00:05.683013148 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'decodebin0' added 0:00:05.683203042 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'source' added 0:00:05.683275504 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'decodebin1' added 0:00:05.683343988 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:936:SetState: : State change will complete asynchronously for GstNodetr 'pipeline' 0:00:05.685973283 3241738 0x20dccea0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'qtdemux1' added 0:00:05.685973307 3241738 0x20dcccc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'qtdemux0' added 0:00:05.686293873 3241738 0x7fa61405e1e0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'multiqueue0' added 0:00:05.686305527 3241738 0x7fa61405dcc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'multiqueue1' added 0:00:05.686740751 3241738 0x7fa61405dcc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'h265parse0' added 0:00:05.686743648 3241738 0x7fa61405e1e0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'h265parse1' added 0:00:05.686808926 3241738 0x7fa61405dcc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'capsfilter0' added 0:00:05.686854915 3241738 0x7fa61405e1e0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'capsfilter1' added 0:00:05.687334092 3241738 0x7fa61405dcc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'aacparse0' added 0:00:05.687336777 3241738 0x7fa61405e1e0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'aacparse1' added 0:00:05.714188425 3241738 0x7fa61405e1e0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'avdec_aac0' added 0:00:05.714232779 3241738 0x7fa61405dcc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'avdec_aac1' added 0:00:05.724938787 3241738 0x7fa618040cc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'nvv4l2decoder0' added 0:00:05.724976588 3241738 0x7fa618040cc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2095:HandleOnChildAdded: : setting properties for child 'nvv4l2decoder0' 0:00:05.725213741 3241738 0x7fa60c00af60 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2071:HandleOnChildAdded: : Child object with name 'nvv4l2decoder1' added 0:00:05.725258933 3241738 0x7fa60c00af60 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2095:HandleOnChildAdded: : setting properties for child 'nvv4l2decoder1' 0:00:05.849637883 3241738 0x7fa618040cc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2048:HandleSourceElementOnPadAdded: : Caps structs name video/x-raw 0:00:05.849816179 3241738 0x7fa60c00af60 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2048:HandleSourceElementOnPadAdded: : Caps structs name video/x-raw 0:00:05.852738593 3241738 0x7fa618040cc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2059:HandleSourceElementOnPadAdded: : Video decode linked for URI source 'uri-h265' 0:00:05.852881738 3241738 0x7fa618040cc0 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2048:HandleSourceElementOnPadAdded: : Caps structs name audio/x-raw 0:00:05.853736531 3241738 0x7fa60c00af60 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2059:HandleSourceElementOnPadAdded: : Video decode linked for URI source 'uri-h264' 0:00:05.853923643 3241738 0x7fa60c00af60 INFO DSL src/DslSourceBintr.cpp:2048:HandleSourceElementOnPadAdded: : Caps structs name audio/x-raw 0:00:15.683440481 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:952:SetState: : State change completed asynchronously for GstNodetr'pipeline' 0:00:15.683498933 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:915:SetState: : Changing state to 'PLAYING' for GstNodetr 'pipeline' 0:00:15.683526946 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:936:SetState: : State change will complete asynchronously for GstNodetr 'pipeline' 0:00:25.683678798 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslNodetr.h:952:SetState: : State change completed asynchronously for GstNodetr'pipeline' 0:00:25.683745793 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslServicesPipeline.cpp:681:PipelinePlay: : Pipeline 'pipeline' transitioned to a state of PLAYING successfully 0:00:25.683905915 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:382:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Unhandled message type:: need-context 0:00:25.683934417 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:382:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Unhandled message type:: have-context 0:00:25.684238999 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:398:HandleStateChanged: : GST_STATE_NULL => GST_STATE_READY previous state = 1 , new state = 2 0:00:25.684340008 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684352699 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684365936 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.684377367 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : window-sink-queue 0:00:25.684404045 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684415134 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : window-sink-nveglglessink 0:00:25.684426065 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.684436602 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : window-sink-nveglglessink 0:00:25.684452728 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684463639 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684473560 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.684484410 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : sinks-bin-queue 0:00:25.684509140 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684519955 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684530605 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.684541363 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : window-sink-queue 0:00:25.684558848 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684568994 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684579098 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.684589508 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : sinks-bin-queue 0:00:25.684610768 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684621005 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684630823 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.684642359 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : on-screen-display-queue-nvdsosd 0:00:25.684667766 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684678535 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684688607 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.684702219 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : on-screen-display-queue-nvvideoconvert 0:00:25.684731966 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684743495 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684753446 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.684765497 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : tiler-queue 0:00:25.684782462 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684791196 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684801789 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.684810772 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : on-screen-display-queue-nvdsosd 0:00:25.684836457 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684845714 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684854103 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.684863157 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : on-screen-display-queue-nvvideoconvert 0:00:25.684891330 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684900242 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684918757 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.684928210 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : vehicletype-sgie-queue-fakesink 0:00:25.684942590 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.684953547 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.684964014 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.684974959 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : tiler-queue 0:00:25.684995810 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685006572 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685016722 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.685026985 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : carmake-sgie-queue-fakesink 0:00:25.685047175 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685057571 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685067342 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.685077440 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : carcolor-sgie-queue-fakesink 0:00:25.685103604 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685113739 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685124408 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.685134468 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : vehicletype-sgie-queue-fakesink 0:00:25.685161337 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685171508 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685181471 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.685191848 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : carmake-sgie-queue-fakesink 0:00:25.685208942 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685219144 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685228875 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.685239261 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : carcolor-sgie-queue-fakesink 0:00:25.685270223 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685280629 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685290585 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.685302096 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : vehicletype-sgie-queue-tee 0:00:25.685323429 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685333496 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685343269 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.685353960 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : carmake-sgie-queue-tee 0:00:25.685374631 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685384826 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685394966 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.685405436 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : carcolor-sgie-queue-tee 0:00:25.685440674 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685450711 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685460459 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.685471505 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : secondary-infer-bin-queue 0:00:25.685487737 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685497758 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685507896 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.685518631 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : vehicletype-sgie-queue-tee 0:00:25.685534954 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685545129 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685555489 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.685566691 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : carmake-sgie-queue-tee 0:00:25.685597309 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685607236 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685617499 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.685627833 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : carcolor-sgie-queue-tee 0:00:25.685643840 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685654149 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685664899 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.685675043 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : secondary-infer-bin-queue 0:00:25.685710047 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685720358 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685730236 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.685740635 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : pgie-queue 0:00:25.685766490 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685776527 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685786457 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.685796688 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : pgie-queue 0:00:25.685817830 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685828202 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685838147 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.685848598 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : uri-h264-queue-src-pad 0:00:25.685883689 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685893691 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.685903104 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.685913542 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : uri-h264-queue-src-pad 0:00:25.685945329 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.685956253 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : sink 0:00:25.685966890 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.685977860 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : typefind 0:00:25.686008424 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686019243 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.686030013 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.686040801 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : uri-h265-queue-src-pad 0:00:25.686076830 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686087449 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : sink 0:00:25.686097591 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.686108228 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : typefind 0:00:25.686124945 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686135123 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.686146181 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.686156580 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : uri-h265-queue-src-pad 0:00:25.686187067 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686198563 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : sink 0:00:25.686208479 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.686218693 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : typefind 0:00:25.686249154 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686260418 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : sink 0:00:25.686271084 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.686281586 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : typefind 0:00:25.686309488 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686320100 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : sink 0:00:25.686330183 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.686340295 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : qtdemux1 0:00:25.686355957 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686366391 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : sink 0:00:25.686376367 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.686386731 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : qtdemux0 0:00:25.686412951 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686422992 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : sink 0:00:25.686434064 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.686444366 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : qtdemux1 0:00:25.686460671 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686470964 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : sink 0:00:25.686480814 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.686491967 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : qtdemux0 0:00:25.686508030 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686518483 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src_0 0:00:25.686528448 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.686539170 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : multiqueue0 0:00:25.686556689 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686567853 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src_0 0:00:25.686578607 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.686589310 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : multiqueue1 0:00:25.686605415 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686615898 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src_0 0:00:25.686625957 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.686636976 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : multiqueue0 0:00:25.686653331 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686663779 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src_0 0:00:25.686673967 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.686684468 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : multiqueue1 0:00:25.686728326 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686743616 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src_1 0:00:25.686757532 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.686772842 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : multiqueue1 0:00:25.686793447 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686807930 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src_1 0:00:25.686823424 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.686838719 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : multiqueue0 0:00:25.686862486 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686878213 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src_1 0:00:25.686894112 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.686908445 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : multiqueue1 0:00:25.686930593 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.686944889 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src_1 0:00:25.686959342 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.686975168 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : multiqueue0 0:00:25.687095514 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:382:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Unhandled message type:: stream-start 0:00:25.687139653 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:382:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Unhandled message type:: stream-start 0:00:25.687157047 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.687167573 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.687178505 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.687189440 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : pipeline-sources-bin-nvstreammux 0:00:25.687206163 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.687216371 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.687226535 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.687237510 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : pipeline-sources-bin-nvstreammux 0:00:25.687253278 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.687264103 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.687274179 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.687285151 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : nvv4l2decoder0 0:00:25.687301628 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.687311907 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.687322265 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.687332900 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : nvv4l2decoder0 0:00:25.687348786 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.687360571 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.687370777 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 0 0:00:25.687381060 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : nvv4l2decoder1 0:00:25.687397203 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:309:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : stream-status 0:00:25.687407631 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:311:HandleBusWatchMessage: : source : src 0:00:25.687417664 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:312:HandleBusWatchMessage: : type : 1 0:00:25.687428217 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:313:HandleBusWatchMessage: : element : nvv4l2decoder1 0:00:25.687549104 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:347:HandleBusWatchMessage: : Message type : info 0:00:25.687560612 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:349:HandleBusWatchMessage: : info : Source added, reconfigured nvmultistreamtiler 0:00:25.687572804 3241738 0x38c78c0 INFO DSL src/DslPipelineStateMgr.cpp:351:HandleBusWatchMessage: : debug : gstnvtiler.cpp(134): gst_nvmultistreamtiler_sink_event (): /GstPipeline:pipeline/GstBin:tiler/GstNvMultiStreamTiler:tiler-nvmultistreamtiler: Configuration 1x2

> The code gets stuck every time it runs here.
rjhowell44 commented 11 months ago

@MintyLee Thank you... I can actually reproduce this. I will let you know when it's fixed

MintyLee commented 10 months ago

@MintyLee Thank you... I can actually reproduce this. I will let you know when it's fixed Has this problem been located?

rjhowell44 commented 10 months ago

@MintyLee issue #1086 was opened for this, which has the explanation for failure if you're interested... along with issue #1090 .

Both have been closed with a new patch - version v0.27.a.alpha - released today. Please upgrade to the latest... and my apologies for how long this took to resolve.