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Tracking Event in invalid format - productview - errors on staging #221

Closed smnirven closed 9 years ago

smnirven commented 9 years ago

{"thread_name":"worker-2","message":"Tracking event in invalid format: {:billing-state \"\", :shipping-country \"US\", :event-name :cartview, :shipping-city \"\", :site {:updated-at #inst \"2015-03-21T04:04:29.921814000-00:00\", :timezone \"America\/New_York\", :site-code \"rebelstore\", :name \"Rebelstore\", :api-secret #uuid \"32c8e7a7-e8e2-4d9a-bff9-41662a55b431\", :site-url \"http:\/\/\", :currency \"USD\", :account-id 1, :language \"en-US\", :id 1, :site-id #uuid \"d6fe7d47-9782-4af7-8caf-f2e8a18ec750\", :created-at #inst \"2015-03-21T04:04:29.921814000-00:00\", :country \"US\"}, :billing-postcode \"\", :control-group false, :auth {:headers [], :qs-fields [\"event-name\" \"site-id\" \"site-session-id\" \"site-shopper-id\"], :timestamp \"20150416T000418Z\", :signature \"4h8wXilGolIKamzIfurO9r2NX4I=\", :scheme \"hmac-sha1\"}, :shipping-state \"\", :billing-email \"\", :cart-items [{:total 17.1, :subtotal 18, :quantity 1, :variation \"Array\", :variation-id \"\", :categories [\"Clothing\" \"T-shirts\"], :title \"Happy Ninja\", :sku \"\"}], :total \"17.1\", :offer-id \"18e1976c-8c9e-41cf-8c22-ef39bf7f8cf7\", :item-count \"1\", :billing-city \"\", :shipping-address-1 \"\", :shipping-email \"\", :site-session-id #uuid \"a815c6c2-41f7-42e3-b598-3fe73b771435\", :billing-country \"US\", :shipping-postcode \"\", :site-shopper-id #uuid \"7336e072-759e-4a92-89a8-c17411a49bc4\", :billing-address-1 \"\"}","@timestamp":"2015-04-16T00:04:22.836Z","level":"ERROR","mdc":{},"file":"NO_SOURCE_FILE","class":"$eval1$fn__7","line_number":"0","logger_name":"","method":"invoke","@version":1,"source_host":"ip-10-236-28-216"}

smnirven commented 9 years ago

Still seeing these in staging.

smnirven commented 9 years ago

{ : billing-state\"\", : shipping-country\"US\", : event-name: cartview, : shipping-city\"\", : site{ : updated-at#inst\"2015-03-21T04: 04: 29.921814000-00: 00\", : timezone\"America/New_York\", : site-code\"rebelstore\", : name\"Rebelstore\", : api-secret#uuid\"32c8e7a7-e8e2-4d9a-bff9-41662a55b431\", : site-url\"http: //\", : currency\"USD\", : account-id1, : language\"en-US\", : id1, : site-id#uuid\"d6fe7d47-9782-4af7-8caf-f2e8a18ec750\", : created-at#inst\"2015-03-21T04: 04: 29.921814000-00: 00\", : country\"US\" }, : billing-postcode\"\", : control-groupfalse, : auth{ : headers[

    : qs-fields[
    : timestamp\"20150416T000418Z\",
    : signature\"4h8wXilGolIKamzIfurO9r2NX4I=\",
    : scheme\"hmac-sha1\"
: shipping-state\"\",
: billing-email\"\",
: cart-items[
        : total17.1,
        : subtotal18,
        : quantity1,
        : variation\"Array\",
        : variation-id\"\",
        : categories[
        : title\"HappyNinja\",
        : sku\"\"
: total\"17.1\",
: offer-id\"18e1976c-8c9e-41cf-8c22-ef39bf7f8cf7\",
: item-count\"1\",
: billing-city\"\",
: shipping-address-1\"\",
: shipping-email\"\",
: site-session-id#uuid\"a815c6c2-41f7-42e3-b598-3fe73b771435\",
: billing-country\"US\",
: shipping-postcode\"\",
: site-shopper-id#uuid\"7336e072-759e-4a92-89a8-c17411a49bc4\",
: billing-address-1\"\"


smnirven commented 9 years ago

I'm also seeing the same error in staging for cartview events:

Tracking event in invalid format: {:billing-state "", :shipping-country "US", :event-name :cartview, :shipping-city "", :site {:updated-at #inst "2015-03-21T04:04:29.921814000-00:00", :timezone "America/New_York", :site-code "rebelstore", :name "Rebelstore", :api-secret #uuid "32c8e7a7-e8e2-4d9a-bff9-41662a55b431", :site-url "", :currency "USD", :account-id 1, :language "en-US", :id 1, :site-id #uuid "d6fe7d47-9782-4af7-8caf-f2e8a18ec750", :created-at #inst "2015-03-21T04:04:29.921814000-00:00", :country "US"}, :billing-postcode "", :control-group false, :auth {:headers [], :qs-fields ["event-name" "site-id" "site-session-id" "site-shopper-id"], :timestamp "20150416T122653Z", :signature "StTycz2IAQEuL7drtglASor5zJ0=", :scheme "hmac-sha1"}, :shipping-state "", :billing-email "", :cart-items [{:total 12, :subtotal 12, :quantity 1, :variation "Array", :variation-id "", :categories ["Posters"], :title "Flying Ninja", :sku ""} {:total 36, :subtotal 36, :quantity 2, :variation "Array", :variation-id "", :categories ["Clothing" "T-shirts"], :title "Happy Ninja", :sku ""} {:total 35, :subtotal 35, :quantity 1, :variation "Array", :variation-id "", :categories ["Clothing" "Hoodies"], :title "Happy Ninja", :sku ""}], :total "83", :item-count "4", :billing-city "", :shipping-address-1 "", :shipping-email "", :site-session-id #uuid "4eeda616-ba67-4020-b6b0-6c963a17616d", :billing-country "US", :shipping-postcode "", :site-shopper-id #uuid "262e1091-16eb-4f76-a5fc-3e09b103636c", :billing-address-1 ""}

smnirven commented 9 years ago

This is the schema error I'm seeing in staging:

schema.utils.ErrorContainer{:error {:session-id (not (instance? java.util.UUID nil))}

cvillecsteele commented 9 years ago

@smnirven when you have a sec can you paste in the whole ERROR log you now see associated with this problem from staging? It has some query string details I added that I'd like to see...

smnirven commented 9 years ago

@cvillecsteele I'm no longer seeing this one in staging. Can we close it?