prompt-toolkit / python-prompt-toolkit

Library for building powerful interactive command line applications in Python
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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filedescriptor still out of range in select #1702

Open jstucke opened 1 year ago

jstucke commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm still having some problems with raising an exception "ValueError: filedescriptor out of range in select()" in src/prompt_toolkit/input/", line 72 if the file descriptor number is too large (>1023). This happens when passing in a pipe instead of stdin during testing. It seems to be similar to problems that were already discussed in #354.

What makes this especially problematic is that the exception occurs inside the prompt loop which results in the prompt (and pytest) hanging indefinitely. A simple test to reproduce the problem:

import os
from typing import NamedTuple

import pytest

from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.input import create_pipe_input
from prompt_toolkit.input.base import PipeInput
from prompt_toolkit.output import DummyOutput

def prompt():
    file_descriptors = []
    try:  # if an "OSError: Too many open files" is thrown, you may need to adjust the fp limit (`ulimit -n`)
        for _ in range(512):  # this should be enough to create a file descriptor > 1023
            read_fd, write_fd = os.pipe()
            file_descriptors.extend([read_fd, write_fd])
        with create_pipe_input() as input_:
            session = PromptSession(input=input_, output=DummyOutput())
            yield Prompt(session, input_)
        for fd in file_descriptors:

class Prompt(NamedTuple):
    session: PromptSession
    input: PipeInput

def test_too_many_open_files(prompt):
    # the prompt will hang if `` is used because it causes an exception "filedescriptor out of range"

As discussed in #354, it is possible to easily fix this by replacing with select.poll. I have added a patch which seemingly fixes this: select_poll_patch.txt