pronamic / pronamic-cli

Pronamic CLI is the command-line interface for Pronamic.
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Revise build script #15

Open remcotolsma opened 2 months ago

remcotolsma commented 2 months ago

I had to use a custom build script in the WordPress plugin "Pronamic Pay with Rabo Smart Pay for WooCommerce", because the plugin review team did not allow certain files in the build.

I had to split the build into 2 steps/stages.

$slug = 'pronamic-pay-with-rabo-smart-pay-for-woocommerce';

$src_dir       = realpath( __DIR__ . '/../../' );
$build_dir     = realpath( __DIR__ . '/../' );
$stage_1_dir   = $build_dir . '/stage-1';
$stage_2_dir   = $build_dir . '/stage-2';
$artifacts_dir = $build_dir . '/artifacts';

echo $src_dir, PHP_EOL;
echo $build_dir, PHP_EOL;
echo $stage_1_dir, PHP_EOL;
echo $stage_2_dir, PHP_EOL;

run_command( "rm -rf $stage_1_dir" );
run_command( "rm -rf $stage_2_dir" );

run_command( "mkdir $stage_1_dir" );
run_command( "mkdir $stage_2_dir" );

run_command( "rsync --recursive --verbose --exclude-from=$build_dir/scripts/stage-1-ignore.txt --exclude-from=.distignore $src_dir/ $stage_1_dir/" );

run_command( "composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --working-dir=$stage_1_dir" );

run_command( "rsync --recursive --verbose --exclude-from=.distignore $stage_1_dir/ $stage_2_dir/" );

run_command( "vendor/bin/phpcbf -s -v --standard=$build_dir/scripts/phpcs-text-domain-fixer.xml $stage_2_dir", null );

run_command( "vendor/bin/wp i18n make-pot $stage_2_dir --slug=$slug" );

run_command( "vendor/bin/wp dist-archive $stage_2_dir $artifacts_dir/ --create-target-dir --plugin-dirname=$slug" );

The problem in this tool is dat composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader can still install files that are not allowed:

To work around this I perform a second rsync call to again exclude the .distignore paths, for this I use 2 folders:

In this tool it's currently just one:

  1. rsync --recursive --verbose --exclude-from=$build_dir/scripts/stage-1-ignore.txt --exclude-from=.distignore $src_dir/ $stage_1_dir/
  2. composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --working-dir=$stage_1_dir
  3. rsync --recursive --verbose --exclude-from=.distignore $stage_1_dir/ $stage_2_dir/
  4. vendor/bin/phpcbf -s -v --standard=$build_dir/scripts/phpcs-text-domain-fixer.xml $stage_2_dir
  5. vendor/bin/wp i18n make-pot $stage_2_dir --slug=$slug
  6. vendor/bin/wp dist-archive $stage_2_dir $artifacts_dir/ --create-target-dir --plugin-dirname=$slug

It would be nice if this tool could be adapted to work in a similar way.

rvdsteege commented 2 months ago

Untested, command to remove all paths listed in a .distignore file (ignoring lines starting with # — comments — and empty lines):

grep -v '^#' .distignore | grep -v '^$' | xargs rm -rf