pronamic / wp-pronamic-pay-adyen

Adyen driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
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Only display Apple Pay payment method if supported #11

Open rvdsteege opened 2 years ago

rvdsteege commented 2 years ago

With for example WooCommerce, our Apple Pay gateway is displayed as payment method at checkout even though this might not be supported by the browser/device.

A customer shared below CSS to only display this payment method in Safari,

.payment_method_pronamic_pay_apple_pay {
    display: none

@media not all and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) {
    @supports (-webkit-appearance:none) and (display:flow-root) {
        /* Safari */
        .payment_method_pronamic_pay_apple_pay {
            display: block !important;

However, these CSS hacks seems to need updates on browser updates:

Another way to only display the Apple Pay payment method if applicable, would be by checking window.ApplePaySession as described in Checking for Apple Pay Availability.

Internal Help Scout ticket:

remcotolsma commented 2 years ago

For the Adyen web drop-in it would probably be nicer to move it to the WooCommerce checkout page so this is no longer an issue.

<div id="payment" class="woocommerce-checkout-payment">
    <ul class="wc_payment_methods payment_methods methods">


    <!-- Adyen web drop-in -->

No idea if this is possible, probably won't be easy, but might be the solution to this issue.

rvdsteege commented 2 years ago

That might also be an option, but moving the drop-in to the checkout page will probably also result in losing support for extensions such as Payment Gateway Based Fees.

@remcotolsma also mentioned adding a hidden field for Apple Pay support to the checkout form, which will then be included in the WooCommerce ajax action update_order_review, so we can filter available gateways server-side. The advantage in comparison to moving the drop-in to the checkout page, is that this approach will also function for the Apple Pay payment method through other supported gateways.