pronamic / wp-pronamic-pay-memberpress

MemberPress driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
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Stripe minimum charge amounts applied #16

Closed rvdsteege closed 9 months ago

rvdsteege commented 9 months ago

In MemberPress version 1.11.7 minimum charge amounts have been introduced:

1.11.7 – 2023-07-10


  • Round up to Stripe's minimum charge for each currency if checkout amount is less than minimum allowed by Stripe

Unfortunately, as MemberPress applies these minimum amounts per currency, this change also applies to third-party gateways. This results in for example a payment of € 0,50 for a membership with a trial amount of only € 0,02.


There is a filter mepr_minimum_charge_amounts in, but as far as I can see it is not possible or would be difficult to change the minimum charge based on the selected gateway — the product title in the screenshot for example is not updated when selecting a different payment method.

The easiest way to complete opt-out of the Stripe minimum charge amounts is by adding this filter:

\add_filter( 'mepr_minimum_charge_amounts', '__return_empty_array' );

Internal Help Scout ticket:

remcotolsma commented 9 months ago

My first thought is that users who find this a problem should first report it to MemberPress. The minimum amount is clearly caused by an upgrade of MemberPress. I reported the following to our customer (in Dutch):

We hebben dit inmiddels beter bekeken en blijkbaar rekent MemberPress dus sinds versie 1.11.7 voor alle Euro (€) betalingen een minimaal bedrag van € 0,50. In de MemberPress code lijkt dit voornamelijk gericht te zijn op betalingen via Stripe, maar blijkbaar past MemberPress dit ook toe bij andere betalingsgateways. Mogelijk hebben de MemberPress ontwikkelaars hier bij het ontwikkelen van deze functionaliteit onvoldoende rekening mee gehouden. Mocht je het minimale bedrag van € 0,50 een probleem vinden dan kun je dit het beste melden aan MemberPress zelf. Dit kan als het goed is via of Hopelijk kunnen ze hun code dan verbeteren zodat deze minimale bedragen alleen worden toegepast voor betalingsgateways die dit vereisen.

To keep an eye on the issue, I have created a new issue in our MemberPress repository: