pronamic / wp-pronamic-pay-mollie

Mollie driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
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Remove iDEAL issuers for iDEAL 2.0 migration #53

Open rvdsteege opened 4 days ago

rvdsteege commented 4 days ago

To migrate to iDEAL 2.0, Mollie advises merchants (by email and on to remove the issuers:

  1. Check whether there is a bank selection dropdown (also referred to as issuer selection) on your checkout page.
  2. If no dropdown appears, no further action is required.
  3. If there is a bank selection dropdown, remove it and instead only display the iDEAL logo and payment method name to the consumer. Additionally, stop sending in the Issuer ID in your ‘Create payment’ request.
  4. Once you stop sending in the Issuer ID, the response to the API call will include the link to the new iDEAL hosted page, where the consumer will select their issuing bank for the iDEAL payment.

NOTE: in case you are using the Methods API to dynamically receive the list of issuers for iDEAL, you can remove this step from your integration.

In e.g. a customer enquired about how to remove the issuers with our WooCommerce integration, but merchant have no control over this at the moment. Currently, we're always adding issuers to the iDEAL payment method:

remcotolsma commented 3 days ago

As far as I know, technically the 'old' iDEAL from Mollie with issuer ID can also run on the new iDEAL 2.0 platform. From the iDEAL 2.0 integrations of Rabobank and ING, we know that the new iDEAL 2.0 platform also supports an issuer ID for a smooth transition. For many, however, iDEAL 2.0 will also mean using the new iDEAL hosted page. This should ideally also be the standard, but this cannot yet be set within Pronamic Pay. Should we (temporarily) introduce an additional setting for this in the WooCommerce iDEAL gateway?

☑️ Show iDEAL bank list With the developments of iDEAL 2.0, the bank list will eventually disappear, but for now this functionality is still available for a smooth transition.

However, for new Pronamic Pay installations this setting should be off by default, and for existing installations it may be on by default. This so that users can consciously choose to use the iDEAL 2.0 hosted payment page. If we had kept an installation date, we could have easily done something with this? But without this information it is difficult to implement this way?

Should we add something like this in the installation routine:

$installation_date = (string) \get_option( 'pronamic_pay_installation_date', '' );

if ( '' === $installation_date ) {
  \update_option( 'pronamic_pay_installation_date', \current_time( 'mysql', true ) );

Originally posted by @remcotolsma in

I did notice some support topics on as a result of automatically removing the bank list option field.

rvdsteege commented 3 days ago

We can start adding the installation date for new installations and use it for this setting?

remcotolsma commented 3 days ago

I also just realized that we have a WooCommerce gateway configuration post publication date available that we can use. If the show_ideal_issuer_selection_field option is null and gateway configuration publication date is if before 2024-07-01 enable the option by default, otherwise disabled by default.